Administration Tasks ==================== Pending users ------------- Before a user account is made available, it has to be activated. According to your Tuleap configuration there are several ways to activate an account: - **Standard case, no administration approval is needed.** Once the user created his account, he will receive an e-mail, and then when clicking on the link inside he will activate his account. The admin can also activate the account (if the user e-mail is not valid...) in the pending user interface. - **Administration approval is needed (sys\_user\_approval = 1).** Once the user created his account, the administrator is notified by e-mail. He has to first validate the account in the pending user interface. Then an email is sent to the user. The account is activated once the user has followed the link sent in the email. The administrator can also directly activate the account : - after validation, in the validated user interface - or before validation directly in the pending user interface - **Restricted user and administration approval is needed (sys\_allow\_register\_user=1 and sys\_user\_approval=1)** Once the user created his account, the administrator is notified by e-mail. He has to validate the account in the pending user interface. He can choose between standard user or restricted user. Then an email is sent to the user. The account is activated once the user has followed the link sent in the email. The administrator can also directly activate the account : - after validation, in the validated user interface - or before validation directly in the pending user interface Here are the various possible status values for a Tuleap user: - Pending (internal: 'P'): the account was submitted, but not validated or activated. - Validated (internal: 'V'): (Only when administrator approval is needed): an administrator validated the account. It is not active yet: the user has to follow the link sent in the validation email to activate the account. The administrator may also activate the account in the administration interface. - Validated as Restricted (internal:W): This is the same as above: the account was validated by an admin, but as 'restricted'. - Active (internal: A): The account is active: the user can log in and use Tuleap. - Restricted (internal: R): The account is active with a restricted status. The user can log in and use Tuleap, but only on projects he belongs to. - Suspended (internal: S): The account was suspended by an administrator: the user can no longer log in. - Deleted (internal: D): the account was deleted and the user home directory on Tuleap is removed, as well as all entries in system files. Site News Approval ------------------ All news published by each project (using the News service) is normally only visible on the related Project Summary page. The Tuleap Administration team has the ability to review all pieces of news published over the last 7 days by the various projects and make the decision to promote any piece of news so that it appears on the Tuleap front page. If you decide a news is worth a big splash on the front page then select "Approve for front page", make modifications in the news title or content to make it more explicit and validate. If not interesting then you can delete the news front the approval queue (it is not deleted from the project news database of course!) Rules to follow to determine whether a piece of news is worth publishing on the front page: - All news dealing with new software releases and other significant events in the life of the projects (new members,...) should be promoted on the front page - The same applies for news announcing the creation of a new project. However the Tuleap front page already has a section automatically showing the most recent projects and you may decide not to publish new project announcement. - If a project publishes 2 or 3 pieces of news at the same time, then select the most significant one and only publish this one. When the Tuleap visitors click on this particular piece of news they will be redirected to the project pages and they get a chance to read the other news. User Accounts Statuses ---------------------- There are 2 different statuses associated with a Tuleap user: #. The "status" field in the user table contains the user status from the point of view of the Web interface. - Valid values are : - 'A' for Active - 'P' for Pending - 'V' for Validated - 'R' for Restricted - 'W' for Validated as Restricted - 'S' for Suspended - 'D' for Deleted - 'Validated':(Only when administrator approval is needed) an administrator validated the account. It is not active yet: the user has to follow the link sent in the validation email to activate the account. The administrator may also activate the account in the administration interface. - 'Restricted' users are like active users with restricted access rights:they cannot access pages from projects they are not member of. This special role is only enabled on Tuleap servers in heterogeneous environments where corporate users and external consultants share the same server. - 'Validated as Restricted' is the same as 'Validated', the account was validated by an admin, but as 'restricted'. - From the point of view of the Web interface there is not much difference between 'S' and 'D': in both cases the effect is that the user can non longer login and in both cases they are not counted in the number of active users (upper right corner of the front page). In any case a user will never disappear from the MySQL database. - To modify this field one has to go either to the User Admin page (left menu pane) but it generates a huge page with all users. So a better choice is to choose "Admin Page" and then search for the use or select the first letter of the name. Then you can change the Web status. #. The "unix\_status" field in the user table governs the status of the Unix account. - It is completely independent from the Web 'status' field above - Valid values are - 'N' for No Unix account: this one has an effect only when a user is created with this unix status upfront. In this case the Unix crontab daemon simply ignores it and doesn't create a Unix account for this user - 'A' for Active: A Unix account is created for this user (including a home directory in /home/users/user\_name) - 'R' for Restricted: A Unix account is created for this user (including a home directory in /home/users/user\_name) - 'S' for Suspended: the Unix password is replaced by "!!" meaning the user account is preserved although no longer usable (Can not login but home directory remains untouched and assignment to Unix group is safe as well).Going back to status 'A' will reactivate the account with the initial password. - 'D' for Deleted: the home directory for this user is archived in /tmp (and therefore automatically cleaned up after 7 days) for the moment and then removed from /home/users. Assignment to Unix groups is revoked as well of course. - To modify the Unix status do the same as for status but click on the user name. Then you are given access to the Unix status of the user. Change it to whatever value is appropriate. Account Management ------------------ Tuleap is a self managed system and there is normally no need to spend time on user account maintenance. There are a couple of exceptions though: **Lost password**: some user sometimes ask for their lost password. Direct them to the Tuleap login screen and ask them to click on the 'Lost Password' link. **Lost login**: some users even lose their login name :-) Tell them to use the Tuleap search box, select the People item and type a part of their last name (it's very unlikely that they also forgot about their last name...). The login should appear in the result list and they can then follow the lost password procedure as explained before. **Lost password and e-mail address has changed**: in this case the normal recovery procedure won't work because the user will never receive the e-mail notification (given that his/her email address is wrong). The Tuleap Administrator must use the User Administration module, update the e-mail address of the user and then tell the user to proceed as in the lost password procedure. **E-mail address is no longer valid**: this is something that is often seen when using the Tuleap mass mail Engine. All invalid e-mail address are bounced and returned to Once in a while it is good to make a bit of clean-up in the user database as follows: - Look for the person name in your enterprise directory. If this person is still working for the company and his/her e-mail address has changed then contact the user and ask him/her to update the address. - If the person is no longer with your company, go to the Tuleap User Administration page, spot the user login name and click either on 'Suspend' or 'Delete' link for this account. Opting for account suspension gives a chance to the user to complain that she is still alive and we can easily reactivate the account without loosing personal information. **Incorrect e-mail given at registration time:** amazingly enough this is quite a common mistake for new user to mistype their email address on the user registration form. In this case, the email notification sent to the user for confirmation never reaches the recipient and the user account cannot be validated . Upon reception of the bounced email notification, the Tuleap Administrators have two options: - access the Tuleap main administration page, look for pending user account, force the approval of the user account and send a note to the user saying that the account is now active and the first she must do is to change her email address under the 'Account Maintenance' link - or the Tuleap Administrator can simply send the bounced message to the appropriate email address, ask the user to confirm his registration and change her email address as above. **Alien e-mail addresses**: when a user registers we strongly recommend that they use internal and approved e-mail address only. Ideally the user should also use the canonical form of her email address type it is it appears in your company directory. By doing so, Tuleap look-ups in your company directory will work correctly. **Create a new user account**: in the Admin interface by clicking on the 'new user' link in the user administration part. The interface is nearly the same as the one of account creation by a user. You have to choose the login and password of the new user. You can choose to create the user as a restricted user by selecting the box 'Restricted user' on the bottom of the page. By default no email is sent to the new user, so please remember the login and password you set for the user. If you want that the user receives a welcome email with the login and password from Tuleap, check the box 'Send a welcome email to the user' before activating the account. Site News Push -------------- Tuleap offers a mass mail engine to the Tuleap Administration Team making it possible to push an announcement to a all or part of your Tuleap population. Be careful that it's ideal for spamming so use it with caution and only when needed (see below). The mass mail engine allows you to select your target population, type a message and send it with a click of a mouse. Use this mechanism to push site update news like: - A new Tuleap document is published: Tuleap newsletter, Tuleap article, new Tuleap User Guide,... - New major features available in Tuleap - Maintenance operation: hardware or software upgrade and all the events that will prevent the Tuleap server from operating normally must be announced ahead of time - Disaster reports: typical examples are network problems due to router flapping or wide area network cut due. Tuleap has nothing to do with this kind of troubles but we must inform the user that they'll probably experience some difficulties to reach the Tuleap server **Remark:** when a mass mail message is sent the Tuleap Administration team may receive many copies of it. This is due to the fact that messages are sent by chunk of 25 addresses and Tuleap administrators receive a copy for each chunk. So the larger the selected population the bigger the number of copies. The reason for these multiple copies is because messages are "apparently" sent to to stress the fact that recipient should not reply to this message. If the noreply email address is an alias to admin then multiple copies will be received by Tuleap administrators. The noreply address may also be aliased to /dev/null to avoid this problem (see /etc/aliases).