Developer guide =============== Tuleap is a Free and Open Source software developed since 2001 under GPLv2 license. Contributions are welcomed, on Tuleap Core, on plugins, in documentation, etc. This guide will gives you the insights to start your contributions to Tuleap: - Setting up your environment - Push your code for review to integrators - Understand Tuleap internals As a rule of thumb, you will always find answers to your dev questions on `tuleap-devel `_ mailing-list. Getting started, what you need to know to setup your environement and push your code .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 developer-guide/contrib developer-guide/quick-start developer-guide/patches developer-guide/coding-standards Development 101, what you need to know .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 developer-guide/dir-structure developer-guide/autoload developer-guide/sass developer-guide/tests developer-guide/forgeupgrade developer-guide/debug developer-guide/i18n developer-guide/integrators developer-guide/events developer-guide/plugins Advanced topics .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 developer-guide/release developer-guide/trang developer-guide/ldap developer-guide/angular developer-guide/realtime developer-guide/trackers developer-guide/howto developer-guide/gerrit