Advanced configuration ====================== You will learn some usefull tricks to configure your Tuleap installation, we assume you are expert enough to undestand what you are doing. Mailmain-forumml configuration ------------------------------ Forumml is a useful plugins to show your project's mailing lists as a forum. It allows you to post to the ML too. Once the plugin is installed, add these lines at the end of /etc/mailman/ :: DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'https://%s/mailman/' PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL = 'https://%(hostname)s/pipermail/%(listname)s' Git over HTTP/S configuration ----------------------------- The git service can be configured to work through HTTP/S along with SSH. Configure Sudo on the server ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You must configure sudo on the server. To do so, using the `visudo` command, copy the content of the file in /usr/share/tuleap/plugins/git/etc/sudoers.d/gitolite-http or /usr/share/tuleap/plugins/git/etc/sudoers.d/gitolite3-http in your central sudo configuration. Wether you should use the former or the latter of those two files is based upon your gitolite version installed. Issue a `rpm -qa gitolite` to figure it out. Tuleap configuration ++++++++++++++++++++ Update the Tuleap's configuration of the git plugins. This configuration can be found in the /etc/tuleap/plugins/git/etc/, you have to modify the 'git_http_url' url line to uncomment it and put the desired suffix to the url (eg: Apache configuration ++++++++++++++++++++ Copy and adapt (dbauthuser) appropriate apache config (depending on your OS version) from plugins/git/etc/httpd/git.conf.rhelX.dist to /etc/httpd/conf.d/tuleap-plugins/git-http.conf. Replace `/git` regarding to the suffix you chose in those two directives: :: ScriptAlias /git/ /usr/lib/tuleap/bin/ * note that, by default this will grant access to git repositories in both HTTP and HTTPS. If you only want HTTPS, you shall copy the content of the snippet into /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.conf virtual host * you will need to adapt the authentication. By default it's mysql based but you might want to use ldap or perl depending of your setup. * restart apache (`service httpd restart`)