Full Installation ================= Why should I use the Tuleap full installation? ---------------------------------------------- The full installation is the common way to install tuleap. It uses your distribution package system and will provide a fully configurable and adjustable environment. It is robust so you can deploy production environment this way. Requirements ------------ To install Tuleap you will need a **fully dedicated server**. It can be **virtualized or physical**. It is not recommended to install Tuleap on a server that hosts other applications. Tuleap provides a full suite of software and is deeply integrated with its host system. Installing Tuleap on a mutualized server will certainly cause probleme in both Tuleap and your other applications. Tuleap can be installed on the following Linux x86_64 systems: - **CentOS or RedHat 6.x** is the recommended platform Note that **CentOS or RedHat 7.x is not yet supported**. Currently, **Tuleap does not play well with SELinux**, you probably want to set SELinux's behavior to permissive mode to avoid issues. The server will need an Internet connection as it will download external packages. You can have a look at the Installation checklist here: https://tuleap.net/wiki/index.php?pagename=TuleapInstallationChecklist&group_id=101 .. _tuleap_installation: Installation ------------ This installation guide will cover the installation on the recommended system: Redhat/CentOS 6.x. - **Install EPEL** You will need EPEL for some dependencies (e.g. ckeditor). :: yum install -y epel-release - If you use Red Hat, you will need to activate the Optional channel - **Install Tuleap repositories** Create a /etc/yum.repos.d/Tuleap.repo with this content: :: [Tuleap] name=Tuleap baseurl=https://ci.tuleap.net/yum/tuleap/rhel/6/dev/$basearch enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=https://ci.tuleap.net/yum/tuleap/gpg.key - **Install Tuleap** by running the following command: :: yum install -y tuleap-all tuleap-plugin-git-gitolite3 Setup ----- **Please do not repeat this step twice**. This script should only be executed once. If you have any errors in the previous steps, be sure to fix those before continuing. As root, run: :: /usr/share/tuleap-install/setup.sh It will ask you for: - **Tuleap Domain name**. This is the public name of the server. - **Your Company name**. Who need more informations about this? - On redhat systems, the firewall is activated by default. Open needed ports: - Web (TCP/80 & TCP/443) - SSH (git, admin): TCP/22 - More if you need more (FTP, SMTP, ...). Mail configuration ------------------ Tuleap interacts with Postfix to process mails. The following lines should be uncommented/modified in the main Postfix configuration file generally located in /etc/postfix/main.cf: :: myhostname = mytuleap.domainname.example.com alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases,hash:/etc/aliases.codendi alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases,hash:/etc/aliases.codendi recipient_delimiter = + First connection ---------------- Once these steps are completed, you can access the Tuleap server with the web interface. Go to your Tuleap domain name (e.g. http://tuleap.example.com) Default site administrator credentials can be found in ``/root/.tuleap_passwd``. Change it as soon as possible.