.. _tracker_v3_soap: Tracker V3 SOAP API =================== The Tracker v3 SOAP API has similarities with the tracker API but is nonethelss different enough to warrant its own documentation. All the examples below a provided in PHP but you can use any language with a SOAP library. This documentation goes hand-in-hand with the WSDL specifications https://tuleap.net/soap/wsdl#op.id1167451753957 Update an artifact ------------------ Basic usage of API .. code-block:: php :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 13,31 WSDL_CACHE_NONE, 'exceptions' => 1, 'trace' => 1 ); $client = new SoapClient($host_login, $soap_option); $session_hash = $client->login('john_doe', 'secret')->session_hash; $group_id = 147; $group_artifact_id = 10; $artifact_id = 154; $status_id = 1; $close_date = 0; $summary = 'summary'; $details = 'details'; $severity = 3; $extra_fields = array( array( 'field_id' => 4, 'artifact_id' => 154, 'field_value' => '104' ) ); $response = $client->updateArtifact( $session_hash, $group_id, $group_artifact_id, $artifact_id, $status_id, $close_date, $summary, $details, $severity, $extra_fields ); var_dump($response); // Cancel session $client->logout($session_hash); ?>