.. _botmattermost-plugins: Bot Mattermost plugins ====================== Configuration ------------- .. NOTE:: These plugins must be made available by your site admin. To administrate these plugins, go to the :ref:`botmattermost-plugins-admin` section. .. _botmattermost-git: BotMattermost-Git ````````````````` To use this feature, **BotMattermost-Git plugin** must be installed and available for the project. Go in your tuleap-git repository and click on **Settings**. In the **Notification** section, you have the possibility to link bots previously created with the repository. After that, every push effectuated on this repository will be notified in **Mattermost**. .. image:: ../images/screenshots/bot-mattermost-plugins/botGitSetting.png :alt: Bot git settings :align: center .. _botmattermost-agiledashboard: BotMattermost-AgileDashboard ```````````````````````````` To use this feature, **BotMattermost-Agiledashboard plugin** need to be installed and available for the project you need to use. Go in your project and select **Agile Dashboard** service. In **Admin** section click on **Notification** pane. .. image:: ../images/screenshots/bot-mattermost-plugins/botADConf.png :alt: Bot agiledashboard configuration :align: center Fill the form and select the bot that should send the stand-up summary. Now, every day, you will receive your stand-up summary in your **Mattermost** every day after the report time. ________________________________________________________________________________ .. image:: ../images/screenshots/bot-mattermost-plugins/standupsummary.png :alt: stand-up summary :align: center