Creating a New Project ====================== So - you are a freshly registered Tuleap user and you want to make your developer or project leader life easier. In other words you want to: - Avoid the pain and cost of creating your own project infrastructure (with servers and backup) - Avoid paying a premium price for commercial version control, defect tracking and task management tools - Quickly setup a project environment that you can share with your colleagues, your partners, your contractors or your customers where ever they are while keeping your information safe and under control. - Make your organization globally more productive and efficient by possibly letting others re-use your software and build on it. If any of these points is appealing to you then you should definitely host your software project on Tuleap. Let's see how you can do that. .. _project-registration: Project Registration -------------------- Before you create a new project you must be a registered user (see :ref:`classes-of-citizens`). You then login and select the item "Register New Project" in the upper part of the Tuleap Main Menu. The project registration is an easy process: - **Project Registration** Some information about Tuleap Services. Just read it. Do not forget to read and agree the Terms of Services Agreement. - **Project Name** Give the project short name and the project full name. Carefully read the restrictions that apply to both names before you type anything. The full name can be changed at any time in the life of the project. The short name cannot [#f1]_. So think about it twice before you make a decision! - **Project Template** You already registered a Tuleap project and would now like to reuse the same configuration (services, trackers, documents, references, ...) ? Make your old project a template project (see :ref:`project-type`) and you will find it here in the list of available project templates. Check your old project as template and your new registered project will be staffed as you are used to. If you don't want to reuse a specific template just keep the Default Tuleap Template checked and go on. - **Project Description** This is where the rubber hits the road! Tell us about your project. Give an accurate description. This is really important if you want to maximize the chance of re-use by others. Also list any information related to Intellectual Property like Invention Proposal or Patents related to the software whether pending or already filed. Give the list of software needed (whether internal or 3rd party) to make your own software run properly. And the last field is entirely for you. Write down all the things that you consider as crucial for your project or for the community of users. - **Project Services** You can choose which services will be activated for your project. Please note that you will be able to change those preferences after project creation. - **Project Categorization** Please select up to three classifications for this project in each of the Trove root categories. This will help potential developers and users to find your project and engage. If the project does not require any or all of these classification, simply select "None Selected". If you used a project template that had already been classified you will find its categories already selected here. You can change the trove categories for this project at any time. You can categorize your project according to the seven criteria listed in :ref:`software-map-(or Project Tree)`. - **Software Policy** Most of the time the only valid choice here is the default one: "SYS\_ORG\_NAME Code eXchange Policy". As explained earlier in this document the Tuleap Team assisted by SYS\_ORG\_NAME lawyers have carefully crafted the Tuleap Policy and it is very unlikely that you need to create your own. If you do you'll have to talk to us and to the SYS\_ORG\_NAME Legal Department to validate it. A number of truly Open Source licenses are also mentioned in the list. Finally you can also choose you own licensing conditions. - **Final Confirmation** Last chance to review the submitted information before you send it to the Tuleap Team for validation. Don't worry: the project members can later update all pieces of information shown on this page. After you validate the project registration, the Tuleap Team reviews the information you submitted and decides to approve it or not. This process can take up to 24 hours but in most cases it's less than a couple of hours. So far all projects have been accepted so there is little to fear ... Shortly after the Tuleap Team approval you'll receive an e-mail summarizing the characteristics of your project including a pointer to your new "Project Dashboard" page. Bookmark it in a safe place! Post-Registration Configuration ------------------------------- The first thing to do after you receive the confirmation for your project registration is to visit the "Project Dashboard" page (URL included in the e-mail) and finish the configuration of your project. The 2 following actions are the most frequent ones that have to be taken after a project is registered: - **Categorize your project in the Software Map** If you haven't done it during the project registration process, you should do it now! Your project categorization appears on your "Project Dashboard" page. To categorize your project select the "categorize it now" link and fill out the category form fields. - **Build the project team** Once a project is created, the creator is assigned the role of project administrator on this project. It is her responsibility to define who are the project members and what their permissions are. This can be done by accessing the "Project Admin" page, typing the names of all the registered users promote as team members and then define their permissions. **Tip** Rather than putting in place a heavy hierarchy of project topics and sub-topics, the Tuleap Team has decided to start small and create only a handful of top-level topics in the hierarchy. As time goes and as more and more projects register on Tuleap we'll refine the hierarchy. If you cannot find the appropriate topic for your project, please contact us through the "Contact Us" link in the Tuleap Main Menu or submit a request in the appropriate Discussion Forum. .. [#f1] Actually it can but you have to ask the Tuleap Team to do it for you.