.. _code-review-with-pullrequest: Code review with Tuleap Pull requests ===================================== Tuleap pull requests (aka PR) are built on top of Git. They provide an easy way to do code review and integration workflow. Tuleap also supports code review with :ref:`Gerrit `. Features: * Create requests across branches in the same repository * Create requests from a :ref:`personal fork ` * Comment in files reviewed * Comment requests globally * (cross)-reference requests from any point of Tuleap * Integrate with Jenkins to know if tests passed on the code to integrate * Dedicated dashboard to follow-up pull requests status .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/pr-home.png :align: center :alt: Pull requests home page :name: Pull requests home page Ways of working --------------- There is not a single way to use pullrequests. The way you will use it depends on the size of your team, the knowledge team members have with git and the workflow you are already used to. In this documentation we will present two possible workflows that will allow to demonstrate all supported features. Keep in mind that you can define your own. Simple workflow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The simple workflow doesn't require specific setup or to do advanced commands with git. It's suited for a small team or for git beginners. We have 2 developers, Alice and Bob. Bob is a contributor who wants to push a new feature into the repository and Alice is the integrator who will review and eventually merge the code produced by Bob. Bob has a local working copy of libaa and made a new contribution "feature 1". He thinks the feature is ready to be integrated inside the public repository. .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/simple_step1.png :align: center :alt: Local development :name: Local development Create a pull request ''''''''''''''''''''' Bob needs to push his development to the Tuleap server and then generate a pull request.p .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/simple_step2.png :align: center :alt: Push code and create PR :name: Push code and create PR Once the code is on the server, Bob goes to the Tuleap web interface, in the repository (git service). From there he can create a pull request by selecting the source and target branches. .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/simple_step3.png :align: center :alt: Create the pull request :name: Create the pull request Source branch is where the work was done, target is where it should be integrated. .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/simple_step4.png :align: center :alt: Select branches :name: Select branches Bob is redirected on the pull request screen where he can quickly see the major information about his work. The pull request's summary is automatically extracted from the first line of the first commit message in the branch. The description is the rest of the commit message. This information can be edited directly from the web browser. .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/simple_step5.png :align: center :alt: Pull request screen :name: Pull request screen Review the code ''''''''''''''' Once Bob has created the pull request, Alice can review it. The majority of the work is available in the "Files" tab. .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/simple_step6.png :align: center :alt: View files :name: View files .. attention:: The diff is generated between the latest commit and the base of the branch (common ancestor). If master evolved in the mean time, you won't see those changes (and potential conflicts) in this view. To have an accurate review, you should rebase your work locally with the tip of the branch you want to push in before creating the pull request. Alice can then comment lines of the diff by clicking on the line number. .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/simple_step7.png :align: center :alt: Inline comment :name: Inline comment Update a pull request ''''''''''''''''''''' Bob can see all of Alice's comments from the discussion view. .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/simple_step8.png :align: center :alt: Discussion thread :name: Discussion thread Then he should go back to work and update the branch. When he pushes his work again, the pull request will be automatically updated. .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/simple_step9.png :align: center :alt: After PR update :name: After PR update .. note:: You can notice that Alice's comments are greyed out. We can see that she placed a comment but we can no longer see it in the diff nor can we access the line from the comment. This is a known limitation when lines change from one diff to another. The comment was placed on Makefile L4 at the first review but in the second review L4 was changed (the first 2 lines of the Makefile were removed). .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/simple_step10.png :align: center :alt: Diff detail :name: Diff detail Merge the request ''''''''''''''''' The work is now done, Alice can click on the "Merge" button and the code will be integrated inside master. .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/simple_step11.png :align: center :alt: After merge in master :name: After merge in master Alice can also merge "by hand" in her own working copy and then push to the repository, the end result will be the same. Advanced workflows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the previous example, we followed a basic "feature branch" model where only basic git features are involved. It's the easiest way to start with code reviews because it basically change nothing to developers workflow (they create branches, commit within and when the work is ready, merge in master). For developers with more git skills there are two popular practices: * Rebase * Rebase and squash Those two practices happen at the end of the review cycle, when the branch is "ready to go". Rebase '''''' As already said, the diff under review in a PR is a difference of the branch itself. It doesn't reflect the changes that were done on the target branch (typically master). So when a feature is ready, integrator might ask for a rebase. Developer would then run on its working copy: .. code-block:: bash $> git fetch origin $> git checkout dev/feature1 $> git rebase origin/master $> git push -f origin dev/feature1 For this to work, developer must be granted the "rewind" permission on the given branch. .. attention:: Be very careful with "rewind" permssion. People granted to rewind can completly erase the repository if they want to. If you want to generalize the rebase pattern we strongly suggest that you either: * Use path based permission to grant rewind to developers into a given namespace eg ``dev/*`` * Use personal fork so developers can mess-up their own repository without impacting anyone else. Rebase & squash ''''''''''''''' As you might expect, rebase and squash is a variation of the previous one. In addition to rebasing your work with the target, `squash` means that you will rewrite the branch history to only keep what is relevant as history steps. Imagine your branch ``git log`` after Alice review: * 2c74d67ae fix after review 1 * c8658adbc fix after alice comment * 676b89ac3 typo * 9792c7bed request #2314: fix OutOfMemory exception in core Most of this history doesn't really make sense and will polluate master. You can group all those commit into one: .. code-block:: bash $> git fetch origin $> git checkout dev/feature1 $> git rebase -i origin/master At this step, your favorite text editor will pop-up and present a "menu" of changes: .. code-block:: text pick 9792c7bed request #2314: fix OutOfMemory exception in core pick 676b89ac3 typo pick c8658adbc fix after alice comment pick 2c74d67ae fix after review 1 # Rebase 9792c7bed..2c74d67ae onto 274b801 (4 command(s)) #... You can dig into ``git help rebase`` menu to understand all the possible commands but if you want to only have one commit that groups the 4 changes, you'll need to update and save the file like: .. code-block:: text pick 9792c7bed request #2314: fix OutOfMemory exception in core fixup 676b89ac3 typo fixup c8658adbc fix after alice comment fixup 2c74d67ae fix after review 1 # Rebase 9792c7bed..2c74d67ae onto 274b801 (4 command(s)) #... After save, the rebase will be applied (you might have to solve some conflicts) and then, if you issue ``git log`` again you will see only one commit: * 2de53ac74 request #2314: fix OutOfMemory exception in core And you can push the result to the branch: .. code-block:: bash $> git push -f origin dev/feature1 .. note:: If you are using pull requests in a repository relying on fine grained permissions and the Git plugin based on `tuleap-plugin-git` you will not have access to the merge and abandon buttons in the web UI. To make it works, you will need to migrate to Gitolite3 (`tuleap-plugin-git-gitolite3`). You can find more information on how to do that in the administration guide. Reference pull requests ----------------------- One of the key feature of Tuleap is to be able to reference anything from anywhere and having a back reference automatically created on the other end. Pull requests make no exceptions and follow this pattern. From the PR, either in description, in global comments or directly within the diff you can reference any Tuleap element (artifact, document, file release, ...). The example below is a reference to an artifact in PR description: .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/xref-to-tracker.png :align: center :alt: Cross reference from pull request :name: Cross reference from pull request Note: in this example, the bug n°1, automatically got a link back to pull request: .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/xref-backlink.png :align: center :alt: Cross reference backlink :name: Cross reference backlink From any element in Tuleap, you can reference the pull request using ``pr`` or ``pullrequest`` keywords: .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/xref-from-tracker.png :align: center :alt: Cross reference to pull request :name: Cross reference to pull request Integrate with Jenkins ---------------------- A good pullrequest is a pullrequest that doesn't break master. Hence, before reviewing a PR, the team can ensure that the proposed code has the green light from Jenkins. The integration is a two step process: * first you need to configure your repository to trigger builds on Jenkins whenever there is a commit in your repository * then, in the jenkins job definition, you must add an extra step to feed tuleap back with job status (success or failure). Configure Tuleap to Jenkins trigger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You need to configure Jenkins webhook as described in the :ref:`git documentation section`. .. note:: The continuous integration status is associated with the branch at the origin of the pull request so if you are using PR across repositories, you must ensure that the CI job is properly configured in source repo. Configure Jenkins to Tuleap feedback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is no Tuleap jenkins plugin yet so you will need to add the quick snippet of shell code at the end of your job to send the status of your build to Tuleap server. Before deploying the script you will need a special, secret token to ensure that it's your jenkins job that recorded the build status. To do so, go into repository settings > API token: .. figure:: ../images/screenshots/pullrequest/ci-token.png :align: center :alt: CI token :name: CI token Then deploy the snippet bellow after having tailored the ``Configure`` arguments to your context: .. sourcecode:: bash # Configure: Tuleap server URL mytuleap="https://my.tuleap.tld" # Configure: id of your repository repo_id=1 # Configure: paste the token generated in repository admin token="356c8877fee88a6951a6081026702e2b3420c5cbccfa85195246873861023f68" # Configure: add your own tests instead of 'make all' # following is the test to send either "Success" (S) or "Failure" (F) to # Tuleap server if make all; then status="S" else status="F" fi # REST call, you shouldn't need to modify this rev=$(git rev-parse HEAD) branch="${GIT_BRANCH#*/}" curl "https://$mytuleap/api/git/$repo_id/build_status" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ --data-binary "{ \"status\": \"$status\", \"branch\": \"$branch\", \"commit_reference\": \"$rev\", \"token\": \"$token\"}"