
Network Ports

  • Apache ports: 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS)
  • CVS pserver port: 2401
  • FTP: port 21
  • SSH: port 22
  • SMTP: port 25
  • JDBC: port 3306 (for SaloméTMF JDBC-mode support)
  • OpenFire (instant messaging server): * 9090 -> administration of OpenFire * 9091 -> same in SSL * 5222 -> XMPP port * 5223 -> same in SSL * 7777 -> proxy file transfer


Tuleap uses the MySQL database engine to store all of the project data. MySQL is fast, lightweight and very robust.

Database Creation

The Tuleap database is created once when the Tuleap software is first installed. The scripts used to create and populate the database are located in src/db/mysql. Remark: NEVER EVER run these SQL scripts once the DB has been created or it will destroy all of your existing data !!

Database Access Permissions

MySQL has its own access permission management system that is completely independent from the access permission management system of the underlying operating system . Although we use the same user names for the MySQL and Linux administration accounts they are actually managed separately. Although this is not mandatory, we suggest that you use the same password on Linux and MySQL for a given account.

The Tuleap administration accounts with access to the Tuleap database are as follows:

  • root: This user has full administration right on all the MySQL databases and users. You must use this user whenever you want to grant/revoke new permission to a given user or network domain, etc…
  • codendiadm: the user that was specifically created to have read/write access to the tuleap database. It can only interact with the database from the local host and not from a remote machine. All the Tuleap PHP scripts run under this user name to connect to the database (see the file /etc/tuleap/conf/ for the configuration of the database user and password).
  • cxuser: this user has read-only access to the project databases that are created when a project administrator create a project database export. No password is needed for this user.

Command Line

From any Unix account, type:

$ mysql -u user_name database_name -p

where database_name is the name of the database you want to connect to (e.g. “tuleap” for the Tuleap master database) and the user_name is the MySQL user name you pretend to be (type -p if there is a password associated with this user but don’t type the password in clear here to avoid having the password appearing in the shell command history file)


It is highly recommended that you practice a bit on a MySQL test database before playing with the real Tuleap database. Ideally you should always test a SQL statement on the Tuleap test server before running it on the production server. Except for SELECT statements which are harmless anyway.


The Apache master configuration file is in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. The master file also includes specific configuration files located at /etc/httpd/conf.d.


The FTP server configuration file is in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf and it has been configured to work with Tuleap. The default configuration allows access to both anonymous users (using the “ftp” account) and to all registered users through their normal Tuleap login/password.


Tuleap specific CVS

The CVS RPM packages installed on Tuleap contains a modified version of cvs. The reason the CVS source code has been modified is as follows:

When cvs runs in client server mode (as it does on Tuleap) the server must be told which directories are allowed as CVS root directories. These are the various places where the CVS repositories are located. Allowed CVS repositories are given to the CVS server through the –allow-root=pathname command line options where pathname is the allowed path. This option is repeated as many times as the number of CVS repositories. While this way of doing is OK for a small to mid-size CVS server it doesn’t scale to hundreds or thousands of CVS repositories because repeating –allow-root options hundreds of times would exceed the maximum allowed size of a Linux command line. Therefore, a new option has been implemented in the cvs server called –allow-root-file=filename where filename is the name of a file containing the list of all allowed CVS repositories on Tuleap.

On Tuleap this file is created/updated by the daemon script and resides in /etc/cvs_root_allow.

Remark: as a Tuleap customer you will automatically receive any new version of the Tuleap specific CVS RPMs and you don’t have to apply any of the patch by hand to the Tuleap sources.

Running the CVS server

The CVS server does not run permanently in the background. It is launched only when necessary through the inetd daemon that is configured to listen on the port of the pserver protocol (tcp/2401). Look for /etc/xinetd.conf/cvs for the command line used to run the cvs server.


Known cache issues with mod_perl

mod_perl SVN cache is defined by repository. Some actions don’t clear automatically the Apache cache and can lead to permission issues:

  • User is no more a project member
  • User status update: restricted, suspended or deleted
  • Project visibility changes: public, private, …
  • User revokes a token

A user will keep his previous access until Apache module cache is cleared.

Cache invalidation (cleared):

  • after ten different users connect to a SVN repository
  • or Apache is restarted

By default, the Tuleap restarts Apache:

  • once a week (default crontab)
  • on any project creation, deletion or rename
  • activation / deactivation of subversion service in any project
  • when site admin activate / deactivate token usage for project

You can force Apache restart to manually clear Apache module cache with service httpd graceful.


Tuleap can run its own internal domain : And the tuleap machine is the name server for this domain. The DNS configuration files are located in:

  • /etc/named.conf: top configuration file
  • /var/named/chroot/var/named/ this is where the domain is defined.

Static configuration file

The top configuration file is in /etc/named.conf. This file is static and must be edited by hand. Before the Tuleap server is installed you must ask your network administrator to create the Tuleap domain and delegate the administration of this domain to the Tuleap server.

Example of named.conf

/var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf is the master DNS configuration file. As an example, here is a sample file:
// named.caching-nameserver.conf
// Provided by Red Hat caching-nameserver package to configure the
// ISC BIND named(8) DNS server as a caching only nameserver
// (as a localhost DNS resolver only).
// See /usr/share/doc/bind*/sample/ for example named configuration files.
options {
//      listen-on port 53 {; };
        listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
        directory       "/var/named";
        dump-file       "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
        statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";
        memstatistics-file "/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt";
        query-source    port *;
        query-source-v6 port *;
        allow-query     { any; };

        forwarders {
      ; // Put your own DNS forwarders list here!!!
logging {
        channel default_debug {
                file "data/";
                severity dynamic;

include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones";

zone "" {
                type master;
                file "";

Example of

$TTL 3600
@               IN      SOA (
                                        2002101805      ; Serial
                                        3600    ; Refresh 1 hour
                                        900     ; Retry 15 minutes
                                        604800  ; Expire in 7 days
                                        3600 )  ; Minimum TTL 1 hours
                IN      NS
     localhost       IN      A
;----------------------------------------------------------------------                IN      A
csx1243                           IN      A ; production server
csx12432                          IN      A  ; backup server                IN      MX      0                IN      MX      10
www                             IN      CNAME   csx1243
xww                             IN      CNAME   csx1243
cvs                             IN      CNAME   csx1243
cvs1                            IN      CNAME   csx1243
svn                             IN      CNAME   csx1243
svn1                            IN      CNAME   csx1243
download                        IN      CNAME   csx1243
shell                           IN      CNAME   csx1243
shell1                          IN      CNAME   csx1243
users                           IN      CNAME   csx1243
cxdocs                          IN      CNAME   csx1243
lists                           IN      A
                                IN      MX      0
                                IN      MX      10

; Wildcard DNS entry, to match all possible hosts: projnamme.*, cvs.projname.*, svn.projname.*, etc.
*                          IN      CNAME   csx1243

The Tuleap zone is defined in /var/named/ . It contains the IP address for the master Tuleap server as well as a list of aliases defined like www, cvs, download, shell, users, lists, etc…. The reason why all these aliases have been defined is because as the load on the main Tuleap server increases it may be desirable to host some Tuleap functions on a separate server (e.g the mailing list manager or the CVS server). Doing so will just be a matter of changing the IP address associated with the or and all the rest will be transparent for the end users.

Similarly mail exchange records (MX record) have been defined for Strictly speaking this is not necessary today because the IP address of the machine receiving the e-mail is the same as the one is pointing to. But in the future we may want to have a dedicated server to handle email for the tuleap domain. Hence the MX record.

Wildcard DNS record

As explained above each project on Tuleap has its own Web server that can be accessed at the URL, as well as dedicated cvs.projectname and svn.projectname domains. For this to work, Tuleap now provides a wildcard DNS record that accepts all subdomains. It it defined in with these lines: (Xerox server)


The Secure Shell service is available on Tuleap. All registered user with an active account can use it to login into Tuleap in a secure way. To make Windows users life easier you may also activate the telnet service as telnet comes standard with the Windows operating system. However we highly recommend not to enable telnet for security reasons and instruct your Windows users to install an SSH client instead.


By default Tuleap uses postfix as its mail transport agent of choice to handle incoming and outgoing mail messages. The critical files for the sendmail configuration are:

  • /etc/postfix/ configuration file
  • /etc/aliases: This is a small aliases file where you only want to configure system wide aliases like postmaster, webmaster,etc… When you modify this file run the command “newaliases” for the changes to take effect.
  • /etc/aliases.codendi: This file is generated automatically by the Tuleap daemon scripts and must never be edited by hand. The beginning of the file contains some predefined aliases (admin, contact, noreply,…) that must not be modified.


The Mailman mailing lists manager requires little attention from the Tuleap administrators. The configuration is done at installation time and mailing list are entirely managed by the end users through the Mailman Web interface. Mailman has a super user password allowing Tuleap site administrators to access the administration interface of any mailing lists created by Tuleap projects.


Set Up

You first need to install the ldap plugin in the Plugin Administration section. You will be asked to choose the default configuration template: either OpenLDAP or Active Directory.

In /etc/tuleap/conf/ you need to then set $sys_auth_type = 'ldap';

Once the plugin is installed, you will need to customise the properties in order to adapt it to your ldap server. Although you can tweak the settings from the plugin administration view, greater details and hidden options are available if you update /etc/tuleap/plugins/ldap/etc/ directly.

Daily Synchronisation

You can enable the Daily Synchronisation by setting the property sys_ldap_daily_sync to 1 in the plugin administration section of the interface. If activated, once per day, Tuleap will go through all the platform’s ldap users and

  • check they still exist in the LDAP directory. If not found, their accounts become suspended.
  • (OpenLDAP servers only) update the login name if it has changed.

Note that you can also set the sys_ldap_daily_sync_retention_period (retention period) for suspended users, i.e. the number of days after which a suspended ldap user’s status will switch to deleted. Also, if you want to ensure that all your users do not become suspended due to a temporary server offline issue, you can set a threshold, sys_ldap_threshold_users_suspension, i.e. the maximum percentage of users that can be suspended in one go.


Active Directory limitations
  • The GUID property as an identifier is not yet supported; you should use sAMAccountName
  • Consequently, if you rename a user, Tuleap is unable to know that the user has be renamed and considers that the user has been deleted and a new one created
  • The currently experimental ldap write feature only works with an OpenLDAP type of server and the write server must also be the read server.

OpenFire (Instant Messaging)

The OpenFire XMPP/Jabber server requires little attention from the Tuleap administrators.

You may need to synchronize the OpenFire server with the Tuleap database in some cases (e.g. the OpenFire server was down for some time). Symply go to the Tuleap Administration page and select the “Instant Messaging” link.

The OpenFire administrative interface is available from the main Tuleap administration page. By default, only the ‘admin’ user (same password as for Tuleap) has access to the OpenFire administration interface, but other users can be added easily.

The following chapter add more details about how you may proceed to configure JabbeX. For further information on how to install and setup Openfire Jabber server please refer to its official website.

JabbeX Configuration


JabbeX is a middleware used by Tuleap Instant Messaging (IM) plug-in to communicate with the Jabber server. The Tuleap IM plug-in relies on JabbeX to perform any operation related to the Jabber server.

The JabbeX configuration parameters are all found in the jabbex_conf.xml file in the etc/ directory of your JabbeX installation. This file has the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Configuration file for JabbeX middleware-->
    <!--jabber server general parameters-->
    <server name="openfire">

    <!--authentication credentials-->

    <!--helga bot related information-->

    <!-- defines whether the shared group management feature is
    active or not. set this to 0 (false) only if using a jabber server
    other than openfire to which no compliant groupmanagerinterface is
    available. -->

Below we define what each of these parameters stands for.

  • server: information on the Jabber server bundled with Tuleap.

  • name: stands for the server name and is used by JabbeX to define which file to use in several situations. Therefore, you will probably never need to change its value.

  • server_uri: stands for the complete URI of your Jabber server or alternatively its IP address, so you need to set this value to the address of your Jabber server.

  • port: defines which TCP port is used by your Jabber server. The default port for the Jabber protocol is 5222, we strongly recommend you not to change this value unless you have very strong reasons.

  • auth: authentication credentials for the JabbeX Jabber user. This user must exist in the Tuleap environment and must be a member of the group defined by Openfire’s property


    A list of all the properties defined in the Openfire environment is available through the web Administration Console of the server in the section “System Properties”.

  • username: must be the same username used in the Tuleap environment.

  • password: must be the Tuleap password for this user.

  • lockmuc_pwd: is a password used to lock MUC rooms when projects are in a state other than “Active”. Warning: This password is also used to unlock MUC rooms, so if you change it JabbeX will not be able to unlock any MUC room locked with the previous password, and you will must do it manually through the web Administration Console.

  • helga: The Openfire Helga plug-in is used to allow further control over shared groups. Chances are that you will never need to change these values, but if you need to do it please refer to the official plug-in documentation.

  • helga_bot: stands for the Helga bot username (“bot” by default)

  • helga_service: stands for the name of the service the Helga plug-in creates when it is installed (“helga” by default).

  • group_mng: The JabbeX shared group management feature is exclusive for Openfire, therefore the middleware allows you to deactivate it by setting the property active to 0 (false). Setting this value to 0 will cause JabbeX not to perform any operation related to shared groups management.