Upgrade to a newer version

You should inform in advance end users that the platform will be stopped. It can be done through mass mail engine and with a side-wide banner.

Check for upgrade

As root, run:

yum check-update tuleap\*

Note: you can update only the tuleap part (tuleap*) but we highly recommend you to upgrade the whole OS on regular basis.

Ensure forgeupgrade is properly (as Site Admin go in Admin > Plugin Administration) you shouldn’t get any warning.


On RHEL6, run as root:

# Stop service
/etc/init.d/tuleap stop
service httpd stop

# Upgrade packages
yum update tuleap\*
# or to uprade the whole platform: yum update

# Apply data upgrades
/usr/lib/forgeupgrade/bin/forgeupgrade --config=/etc/tuleap/forgeupgrade/config.ini update

# Restart service
service httpd restart
service tuleap start

Enjoy all you new features!