All the documentation can be found at 2.1.2 - Tuleap 6.11 * story #5817: add new values in selectBox field (Contrib STMicroelectronics) 2.1.1 - Tuleap 6.6 * Fix request #5184: Partial update of artifact via SOAP no longer working 2.1 - Tuleap 6.5 * New method: getArtifactHistory returns all the artifact history (changeset + field values). 2.0.10 - Tuleap 6.3 * WSDL change: Type AgileDashBoardSemanticInitialEffort added; Type TrackerSemantic modified. * The SOAP method "getTrackerSemantic" now also exports the agile dashboard initial effort semantic. 2.0.9 - Tuleap 6.2 * Fix request #4076: The server was sending a FatalError back because no workflow was set-up for the tracker. 2.0.8 - Tuleap 6.2 * WSDL change/fix: Type TrackerWorkflowRuleArray is a sequence, not a choice and its content is 'lists' and 'dates' (plurals) instead of 'list' and 'date'. 2.0.7 - Tuleap 5.12 * TrackerField type as a new field 'binding' with TrackerFieldBindType. For List fields bound to users, it lists the User Groups (UGroup) the user should belong to. Example a field "CC", type OpenList bound to "registered_users" accepts any valid user. In 'binding' field there will be 'registered_users' listed. => Impacted methods: getTrackerFields 2.0.6 - Tuleap 5.12 * addArtifact and updateArtifact and ArtifactLinks Both methods now takes the full list of artifact links. Example: field_value.value = '' => clears the artifact links field_value.value = '5' => add a link on artifact id 5 field_value.value = '5,6' => add a link on artifact id 6 (5 was add by preivous call). 2.0.5 - Tuleap 5.12 == /!\ Backward compatibility restore /!\ == * Restore updateArtifact and addArtifact behaviour at 2.0.3 for 'value' field of FieldValue type. It allows again to use strings and no longer understand ids. The new recommended way to manage list values (Selectbox, MultiSelectBox, CheckBox and OpenList) is to use the new field 'bind_value' of FieldValue type. * WSDL update: FieldValue 'field_value' as a new choice 'ArrayOfTrackerFieldBindValue'. * Performances: Activate WSDL cache. ~20% performance boost on average operations. 2.0.4 - Tuleap 5.12 == /!\ Backward compatibility break /!\ == * updateArtifact method no longer expects labels for binded list fields, but their numerical ids. == New behaviour == * updateArtifact method expects for every list fields the id of the value(s), and not the value(s) label(s). For None value, the id is always 100. * getTrackerFields method exports now for a list binded on users the complete list of users with their ids * WSDL type 'TrackerFieldBindValue' does not export the field id 2.0.3 - Tuleap 5.9 * Bug fix: rename TrackerWorkflowRules type to TrackerWorkflowRuleArray 2.0.2 - Tuleap 5.9 * Enhancement: 'Artifact' type now contains a 'cross_references' field with artifact cross references 2.0.1 - Tuleap 5.9 * Enhancement: add getArtifactComments() method 2.0 - Tuleap 5.8 == /!\ Backward compatibility break /!\ == * On type ArtifactFieldValue field_value changes from 'string' to complex type FieldValue -> impacted methods getArtifact, getArtifacts, addArtifact, updateArtifact == New behaviour == * addArtifact and updateArtifact can now create and delete file attachments. See details in == New methods == * getTrackerReports * getArtifactsFromReportId * getArtifactAttachmentChunk * createTemporaryAttachment * appendTemporaryAttachmentChunk * purgeAllTemporaryAttachments