Web Service: TuleapTrackerV5API
Target Namespace:
Port TuleapTrackerV5APIPort Port typeSource code
Default style:
Transport protocol:
- addArtifactDetailSource code
- addSelectBoxValuesDetailSource code
- appendTemporaryAttachmentChunkDetailSource code
- createTemporaryAttachmentDetailSource code
- getArtifactDetailSource code
- getArtifactAttachmentChunkDetailSource code
- getArtifactCommentsDetailSource code
- getArtifactHistoryDetailSource code
- getArtifactsDetailSource code
- getArtifactsFromReportDetailSource code
- getTrackerFieldsDetailSource code
- getTrackerListDetailSource code
- getTrackerReportsDetailSource code
- getTrackerStructureDetailSource code
- getVersionDetailSource code
- purgeAllTemporaryAttachmentsDetailSource code
- updateArtifactDetailSource code
- addArtifactDescription:Add an Artifact in the tracker tracker_id of the project group_id with the values given by value (an ArtifactFieldValue). Returns the Id of the created artifact if the creation succeed. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the tracker_name is not a valid one, or if the add failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type inttracker_id type intvalue type ArrayOfArtifactFieldValue - array of type ArtifactFieldValue
- field_name type string
- field_label type string
- field_value type FieldValue
- value type string
- file_info type ArrayOfFieldValueFileInfo - array of type FieldValueFileInfo
- id type string
- submitted_by type int
- description type string
- filename type string
- filesize type int
- filetype type string
- action type string
- bind_value type ArrayOfTrackerFieldBindValue - array of type TrackerFieldBindValue
- bind_value_id type int
- bind_value_label type string
Output:addArtifactResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type int - addSelectBoxValuesDescription:Add values to Tracker selectBox fieldStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringtracker_id type intfield_id type intvalues type ArrayOfString - array of type stringOutput:addSelectBoxValuesResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type boolean
- appendTemporaryAttachmentChunkDescription:
Appends file content chunk into selected attachment. attachment_name is generated by createTemporaryAttachment content must be base64 encoded Returns the number of written bytes on the file system.
Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringattachment_name type stringcontent type stringOutput:appendTemporaryAttachmentChunkResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type int - createTemporaryAttachmentDescription:
Provision an attachment for future upload This method is supposed to be run before "appendTemporaryAttachmentChunk" to allocate an file name on the server for upload before running "addArtifact" or "updateArtifact" Returns an attachment_name to be used with appendTemporaryAttachmentChunk.
Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringOutput:createTemporaryAttachmentResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type string - getArtifactDescription:Returns the artifact (Artifact) identified by the id artifact_id Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the tracker_id is not a valid one, or if the artifact_id is not a valid one.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type inttracker_id type intartifact_id type intOutput:getArtifactResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type Artifact
- artifact_id type int
- tracker_id type int
- submitted_by type int
- submitted_on type int
- cross_references type ArrayOfArtifactCrossReferences - array of type ArtifactCrossReferences
- ref type string
- url type string
- last_update_date type int
- value type ArrayOfArtifactFieldValue - array of type ArtifactFieldValue
- field_name type string
- field_label type string
- field_value type FieldValue
- value type string
- file_info type ArrayOfFieldValueFileInfo - array of type FieldValueFileInfo
- id type string
- submitted_by type int
- description type string
- filename type string
- filesize type int
- filetype type string
- action type string
- bind_value type ArrayOfTrackerFieldBindValue - array of type TrackerFieldBindValue
- bind_value_id type int
- bind_value_label type string
- getArtifactAttachmentChunkDescription:Return base64 encoded chunk of request fileStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringartifact_id type intattachment_id type intoffset type intsize type intOutput:getArtifactAttachmentChunkResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type string
- getArtifactCommentsDescription:Returns the comments of an artifact.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringartifact_id type intOutput:getArtifactCommentsResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfArtifactComments - array of type ArtifactComments
- submitted_by type int
- email type string
- submitted_on type int
- body type string
- getArtifactHistoryDescription:Returns history (all changesets and comments) of an artifact.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringartifact_id type intOutput:getArtifactHistoryResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfArtifactHistory - array of type ArtifactHistory
- submitted_by type int
- email type string
- submitted_on type int
- last_comment type ArtifactFollowupComment
- submitted_by type int
- submitted_on type int
- format type string
- body type string
- fields type ArrayOfArtifactFieldValue - array of type ArtifactFieldValue
- field_name type string
- field_label type string
- field_value type FieldValue
- value type string
- file_info type ArrayOfFieldValueFileInfo - array of type FieldValueFileInfo
- id type string
- submitted_by type int
- description type string
- filename type string
- filesize type int
- filetype type string
- action type string
- bind_value type ArrayOfTrackerFieldBindValue - array of type TrackerFieldBindValue
- bind_value_id type int
- bind_value_label type string
- getArtifactsDescription:Returns the ArtifactQueryResult of the tracker tracker_id in the project group_id that are matching the given criteria. If offset AND max_rows are filled, it returns only max_rows artifacts, skipping the first offset ones. It is not possible to sort artifact with this function (use getArtifactsFromReport if you want to sort). Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one or if the tracker_id is not a valid one.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type inttracker_id type intcriteria type ArrayOfCriteria - array of type Criteria
- field_name type string
- value type CriteriaValue
- value type string
- date type CriteriaValueDate
- op type string
- to_date type int
- dateAdvanced type CriteriaValueDateAdvanced
- from_date type int
- to_date type int
offset type intmax_rows type intOutput:getArtifactsResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArtifactQueryResult- total_artifacts_number type int
- artifacts type ArrayOfArtifact - array of type Artifact
- artifact_id type int
- tracker_id type int
- submitted_by type int
- submitted_on type int
- cross_references type ArrayOfArtifactCrossReferences - array of type ArtifactCrossReferences
- ref type string
- url type string
- last_update_date type int
- value type ArrayOfArtifactFieldValue - array of type ArtifactFieldValue
- field_name type string
- field_label type string
- field_value type FieldValue
- value type string
- file_info type ArrayOfFieldValueFileInfo - array of type FieldValueFileInfo
- id type string
- submitted_by type int
- description type string
- filename type string
- filesize type int
- filetype type string
- action type string
- bind_value type ArrayOfTrackerFieldBindValue - array of type TrackerFieldBindValue
- bind_value_id type int
- bind_value_label type string
- getArtifactsFromReportDescription:Execute a report and returns corresponding artifacts.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringreport_id type intoffset type intmax_rows type intOutput:getArtifactsFromReportResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArtifactQueryResult
- total_artifacts_number type int
- artifacts type ArrayOfArtifact - array of type Artifact
- artifact_id type int
- tracker_id type int
- submitted_by type int
- submitted_on type int
- cross_references type ArrayOfArtifactCrossReferences - array of type ArtifactCrossReferences
- ref type string
- url type string
- last_update_date type int
- value type ArrayOfArtifactFieldValue - array of type ArtifactFieldValue
- field_name type string
- field_label type string
- field_value type FieldValue
- value type string
- file_info type ArrayOfFieldValueFileInfo - array of type FieldValueFileInfo
- id type string
- submitted_by type int
- description type string
- filename type string
- filesize type int
- filetype type string
- action type string
- bind_value type ArrayOfTrackerFieldBindValue - array of type TrackerFieldBindValue
- bind_value_id type int
- bind_value_label type string
- getTrackerFieldsDescription:Returns the array of Trackerfields that are used in the tracker tracker_id of the project group_id. Returns a soap fault if the tracker ID or the group ID does not match with a valid project.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type inttracker_id type intOutput:getTrackerFieldsResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfTrackerField - array of type TrackerField
- tracker_id type int
- field_id type int
- short_name type string
- label type string
- type type string
- values type ArrayOfTrackerFieldBindValue - array of type TrackerFieldBindValue
- bind_value_id type int
- bind_value_label type string
- binding type TrackerFieldBindType
- bind_type type string
- bind_list type ArrayOfUgroup - array of type UGroup
- ugroup_id type int
- name type string
- permissions type ArrayOfString - array of type string
- getTrackerListDescription:Returns the array of Tracker that belongs to the group identified by group ID. Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intOutput:getTrackerListResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfTracker - array of type Tracker
- tracker_id type int
- group_id type int
- name type string
- description type string
- item_name type string
- getTrackerReportsDescription:Returns the reports the user can execute.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type inttracker_id type intOutput:getTrackerReportsResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfTrackerReport - array of type TrackerReport
- id type int
- name type string
- description type string
- user_id type int
- is_default type boolean
- getTrackerStructureDescription:Returns the tracker structure.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type inttracker_id type intOutput:getTrackerStructureResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type TrackerStructure
- semantic type TrackerSemantic
- title type TrackerSemanticTitle
- field_name type string
- status type TrackerSemanticStatus
- field_name type string
- values type ArrayOfInt - array of type int
- contributor type TrackerSemanticContributor
- field_name type string
- initial_effort type AgileDashBoardSemanticInitialEffort
- field_name type string
- title type TrackerSemanticTitle
- workflow type TrackerWorkflow
- field_id type int
- is_used type int
- rules type TrackerWorkflowRuleArray
- dates type TrackerWorkflowRuleDateArray - array of type TrackerWorkflowRuleDate
- source_field_id type int
- target_field_id type int
- comparator type string
- lists type TrackerWorkflowRuleListArray - array of type TrackerWorkflowRuleList
- source_field_id type int
- target_field_id type int
- source_value_id type int
- target_value_id type int
- dates type TrackerWorkflowRuleDateArray - array of type TrackerWorkflowRuleDate
- transitions type TrackerWorkflowTransitionArray - array of type TrackerWorkflowTransition
- from_id type int
- to_id type int
- semantic type TrackerSemantic
- getVersionDescription:Returns the version number of the SOAP API. Changes are available in /plugins/tracker/soap/ChangeLogStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeOutput:getVersionResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type float
- purgeAllTemporaryAttachmentsDescription:Remove all temporary attachment not yet attached to an artifactStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringOutput:purgeAllTemporaryAttachmentsResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type boolean
- updateArtifactDescription:Update the artifact $artifact_id of the tracker $tracker_id in the project group_id with the values given by value. Add a follow-up comment $comment. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the tracker_id is not a valid one, if the artifart_id is not a valid one, or if the update failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type inttracker_id type intartifact_id type intvalue type ArrayOfArtifactFieldValue - array of type ArtifactFieldValue
- field_name type string
- field_label type string
- field_value type FieldValue
- value type string
- file_info type ArrayOfFieldValueFileInfo - array of type FieldValueFileInfo
- id type string
- submitted_by type int
- description type string
- filename type string
- filesize type int
- filetype type string
- action type string
- bind_value type ArrayOfTrackerFieldBindValue - array of type TrackerFieldBindValue
- bind_value_id type int
- bind_value_label type string
comment type stringcomment_format type stringOutput:updateArtifactResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type int
Port type TuleapTrackerV5APIPortTypeSource code
WSDL source code
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<definitions targetNamespace=""
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="">
</types><xsd:complexType name="Tracker"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfTracker">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="TrackerField">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfTrackerField">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="TrackerFieldBindValue"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfTrackerFieldBindValue">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="TrackerFieldBindType"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfUgroup">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="UGroup"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="FieldValueFileInfo">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfFieldValueFileInfo">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="FieldValue"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArtifactFieldValue"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactFieldValue">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactCrossReferences"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactCrossReferences">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="Artifact">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifact">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="CriteriaValueDate"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="CriteriaValueDateAdvanced"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="CriteriaValue"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="Criteria"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfCriteria">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="SortCriteria"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfSortCriteria">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactQueryResult"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArtifactFile">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactFile">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfInt">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfString">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="TrackerSemanticTitle"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="TrackerSemanticStatus"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="TrackerSemanticContributor"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="AgileDashBoardSemanticInitialEffort"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="TrackerSemantic">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="TrackerWorkflowTransition"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="TrackerWorkflowRuleList"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="TrackerWorkflowRuleDate"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="TrackerWorkflowRuleArray"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="TrackerWorkflowTransitionArray">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="TrackerWorkflowRuleDateArray">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="TrackerWorkflowRuleListArray">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="TrackerWorkflow"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="TrackerStructure"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="TrackerReport"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfTrackerReport">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactComments"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactComments">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactFollowupComment"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArtifactHistory">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactHistory">
</xsd:complexType><message name="getTrackerListRequest"></message>
<message name="getTrackerFieldsRequest"></message>
<message name="getArtifactsRequest"></message>
<message name="getArtifactsResponse"></message>
<message name="addArtifactRequest"></message>
<message name="updateArtifactRequest"></message>
<message name="getArtifactRequest"></message>
<portType name="TuleapTrackerV5APIPortType">
<operation name="getVersion">
<documentation>Returns the version number of the SOAP API.
Changes are available in /plugins/tracker/soap/ChangeLog</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getTrackerList">
<documentation>Returns the array of Tracker that belongs to the group identified by group ID.
Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getTrackerFields">
<documentation>Returns the array of Trackerfields that are used in the tracker tracker_id of the project group_id.
Returns a soap fault if the tracker ID or the group ID does not match with a valid project.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifacts">
<documentation>Returns the ArtifactQueryResult of the tracker tracker_id in the project group_id
that are matching the given criteria. If offset AND max_rows are filled, it returns only
max_rows artifacts, skipping the first offset ones.
It is not possible to sort artifact with this function (use getArtifactsFromReport if you want to sort).
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one or if the tracker_id is not a valid one.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="addArtifact">
<documentation>Add an Artifact in the tracker tracker_id of the project group_id with the values given by
value (an ArtifactFieldValue).
Returns the Id of the created artifact if the creation succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the tracker_name is not a valid one, or if the add failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="updateArtifact">
<documentation>Update the artifact $artifact_id of the tracker $tracker_id in the project group_id with the values given by
value. Add a follow-up comment $comment.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the tracker_id is not a valid one,
if the artifart_id is not a valid one, or if the update failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifact">
<documentation>Returns the artifact (Artifact) identified by the id artifact_id
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the tracker_id is not a valid one,
or if the artifact_id is not a valid one.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactsFromReport">
<documentation>Execute a report and returns corresponding artifacts.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactAttachmentChunk">
<documentation>Return base64 encoded chunk of request file</documentation>
</operation><operation name="createTemporaryAttachment">
<documentation><pre>Provision an attachment for future upload
This method is supposed to be run before "appendTemporaryAttachmentChunk" to
allocate an file name on the server for upload before running "addArtifact" or
Returns an attachment_name to be used with appendTemporaryAttachmentChunk.</pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="appendTemporaryAttachmentChunk">
<documentation><pre>Appends file content chunk into selected attachment.
attachment_name is generated by createTemporaryAttachment
content must be base64 encoded
Returns the number of written bytes on the file system.</pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="purgeAllTemporaryAttachments">
<documentation>Remove all temporary attachment not yet attached to an artifact</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getTrackerStructure">
<documentation>Returns the tracker structure.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getTrackerReports">
<documentation>Returns the reports the user can execute.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactComments">
<documentation>Returns the comments of an artifact.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactHistory">
<documentation>Returns history (all changesets and comments) of an artifact.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="addSelectBoxValues">
</portType><documentation>Add values to Tracker selectBox field</documentation>
</operation><binding name="TuleapTrackerV5APIBinding" type="tns:TuleapTrackerV5APIPortType">
</definitions><operation name="getVersion">
</operation><operation name="getTrackerList">
</operation><operation name="getTrackerFields">
</operation><operation name="getArtifacts">
<soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc" />
</operation><operation name="addArtifact">
</operation><operation name="updateArtifact">
</operation><operation name="getArtifact">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactsFromReport">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactAttachmentChunk">
</operation><operation name="createTemporaryAttachment">
</operation><operation name="appendTemporaryAttachmentChunk">
</operation><operation name="purgeAllTemporaryAttachments">
</operation><operation name="getTrackerStructure">
</operation><operation name="getTrackerReports">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactComments">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactHistory">
</operation><operation name="addSelectBoxValues">
</operation>About wsdl-viewer.xsl
This document was generated by libxslt XSLT engine.
The engine processed the WSDL in XSLT 1.0 compliant mode.
This page has been generated by wsdl-viewer.xsl, version 3.1.01
Author: tomi vanek
Download at http://tomi.vanek.sk/xml/wsdl-viewer.xsl.
The transformation was inspired by the article
Uche Ogbuji: WSDL processing with XSLT
Author: tomi vanek
Download at http://tomi.vanek.sk/xml/wsdl-viewer.xsl.
The transformation was inspired by the article
Uche Ogbuji: WSDL processing with XSLT