7.6 - Tuleap 8.17
* story #9224: keep user group bindings at project creation
7.5 - Tuleap 8.16
* request #9202: Make Tuleap compatible with PHP 5.6
7.4 - Tuleap 8.15
* story #9088: remove project approval mail
7.3 - Tuleap 8.13
* request #9002: Call to undefined method FRSRelease::isError() while deleting empty releases with the SOAP API
* request #8971: Avoid conflict with PHP 7 Error class
7.1 - Tuleap 7.3
* Follow-up request #7104: DRY on subversion repository path
6.5 - Tuleap 6.12
* story #5998 - Delegate the validation of projects to users
6.4.1 - Tuleap 6.9
* request #5814 - [tv3] Soap function getArtifactType returns an error
6.4 - Tuleap 6.8
* Fix request #5701 - getSvnPathWithLogsDetails only returns one element
6.3 - Tuleap 6.6
* Add missing types in wsdl
6.2 - Tuleap 6.5
What's new?
* updateFileComment: Update the comment of a File of the release manager.
* updateRelease: Update the properites of a release in the release manager.
What Changed?
* addFile has a new attribute
** xsd:string comment
* addUploadedFile has a new attribute
** xsd:string comment
* getFileInfo returns a new attribute
** xsd:string comment
6.1 - Tuleap 6.4
What Changed?
* SvnPathDetails: complex type
* ArrayOfSvnPathDetails: complex type
5.2 - Tuleap 5.2
What's new?
* getProjectDiskStats: Returns the disk space distribution accross
project's services.
5.1 - Tuleap 5.1
What's new?
* getSvnPath: Returns the content of a directory in Subversion according to user permissions
* getSvnLog: Retrieves the SVN revisions of the project visible by the requesting user
* getProjectGroupsAndUsers: Returns all groups defined in project both dynamic and static (aka user group).
* getProjectDiskStats: Returns the amount of disk space used by the project.
4.3 - Tuleap 4.0.26
What Changed?
* UserInfo as 3 new fields
** xsd:string real_name
** xsd:string email
** xsd:string ldap_id
* checkUsersExistence: When used by a Restricted User, no longer returns info about users not members of a shared project.
What's new ?
* loginAs
xsd:string loginAs (xsd:string admin_session_hash, xsd:string login_name)
Returns the session hash for user login_name
Returns a soap fault if the admin_session_hash is not valid, if the login_name does not exist or if this login_name is not validated and if
session has not been created.
* addProject
xsd:int addProject(xsd:string sessionKey, xsd:string adminSessionKey, xsd:string shortName, xsd:string publicName, xsd:string privacy, xsd:int templateId)
Returns the id of the created project
This method throws an exception if there is a conflict on names or if there is an error during the creation process.
Note that the project creation through SOAP may be limited, thanks to an option available in local.inc ($sys_nb_sensitive_soap_calls_per_hour)
* addProjectMember
xsd:bool addProjectMember(xsd:string sessionKey, xsd:int groupId, xsd:string userLogin)
This method throws an exception if the id project is not valid and if the session key does not correspond to an admin.
* removeProjectMember
xsd:bool removeProjectMember(xsd:string sessionKey, xsd:int groupId, xsd:string userLogin)
This method throws an exception if the id project is not valid, if the session key does not correspond to an admin, and if the userLogin is not valid.
4.2 - Tuleap 4.0.25
What's new ?
* deleteEmptyPackage delete an empty package (ie. without releases).
* deleteAllEmptyPackages delete all empty packages of given project
* deleteEmptyRelease delete an empty release (ie. without files).
* deleteAllEmptyReleases delete all empty releases of given package
4.1 - Tuleap 4.0.16
What Changed?
* FRSFile Type as 3 new fields:
computed_md5 MD5 checksum computed on server side by Codendi
reference_md5 MD5 checksum submitted by user when releasing the file (if any)
user_id Id of user who made the delivery
* addFile has a new parameter (last position):
reference_md5 MD5 of the file you submit. If not blank, it will be compared to the value computed on the server and if values differ, an error will be raised.
* addUploadedFile has a new parameter (last position):
reference_md5 MD5 of the file you submit. If not blank, it will be compared to the value computed on the server and if values differ, an error will be raised.
* getFile no longer returns deleted files.
What's new ?
* getFileInfo
tns:FRSFile getFileInfo(xsd:string sessionKey, xsd:int group_id, xsd:int package_id, xsd:int release_id, xsd:int file_id)
Returns the metadata of the file contained in
The release release_id in the package package_id, in the project group_id.
Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the package ID
does not match with the right group ID, or if the release ID does not match with the right package ID,
or if the file ID does not match with the right release ID.
* getFileChunk
xsd:string getFileChunk(xsd:string sessionKey, xsd:int group_id, xsd:int package_id, xsd:int release_id, xsd:int file_id, xsd:int offset, xsd:int size)
Returns a part (chunk) of the content, encoded in base64, of the file contained in
the release release_id in the package package_id, in the project group_id.
You specify the offset where the download should start and the size to transfer.
Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the package ID
does not match with the right group ID, or if the release ID does not match with the right package ID,
or if the file ID does not match with the right release ID.'
* addFileChunk
xsd:integer addFileChunk(xsd:string sessionKey, xsd:string filename, xsd:string contents, xsd:boolean first_chunk)
Add a chunk to a file in the incoming directory to be released later in FRS.
The content of the chunk must be encoded in base64.
Returns the size of the written chunk if the chunk addition succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the session is not valid
or if the addition failed.'
* getDocmanFileChunk
xsd:string getDocmanFileChunk(xsd:string sessionKey, xsd:int group_id, xsd:int item_id, xsd:int version_number, xsd:int offset, xsd:int size)
Returns a part (chunk) of the content, encoded in base64, of the file/embedded file which id
item_id of a given version version_number, if the version is not specified it will be the current one, in the project group_id.
Returns an error if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the item ID
does not match with the right group ID, or if the version number does not match with the item ID.
Bug fix
* addFilePackage set the default permissions properly (ie. package readable by registered_user)
* addFileRelease now inherits package's permissions (bug #codex:113853)