Web Service: TuleapProjectAPI

Target Namespace:

Port TuleapProjectAPIPort Port typeSource code

Default style:
Transport protocol:
  1. activateServiceDetailSource code
  2. addProjectDetailSource code
  3. addProjectMemberDetailSource code
  4. addUserToUGroupDetailSource code
  5. deactivateServiceDetailSource code
  6. getPlateformProjectDescriptionFieldsDetailSource code
  7. getProjectDescriptionFieldsValueDetailSource code
  8. getProjectGenericUserDetailSource code
  9. getProjectServicesUsageDetailSource code
  10. removeProjectMemberDetailSource code
  11. removeUserFromUGroupDetailSource code
  12. setProjectDescriptionFieldValueDetailSource code
  13. setProjectGenericUserDetailSource code
  14. unsetGenericUserDetailSource code


    Port type TuleapProjectAPIPortTypeSource code

    1. activateService
      Activate a service in a given project

      * Error codes:
      * 3000, Invalid project id
      * 3019, The service does not exist
      * 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin

      @param String $session_key The project admin session hash
      @param int $group_id The Id of the project
      @param int $service_id The Id of the service
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      activateServiceRequest (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      session_key type string
      group_id type int
      service_id type int
      activateServiceResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      activateService type boolean
    2. addProject
      Create a new project

      This method throw an exception if there is a conflict on names or if there is an error during the creation process.

      You can select:
      * The privacy of the project 'private' or 'public'
      * The projectId of the template (100 means default template aka default new project).

      It assumes a couple of things:
      * The project type is "Project" (Not modifiable)
      * There is no "Project description" nor any "Project description fields" (long desc, patents, IP, other software)
      * The project services are inherited from the template
      * There is no trove cat selected
      * The default Software Policy is "Site exchange policy".

      Projects are automatically accepted

      Error codes:
      * 3001, Invalid session (wrong $sessionKey)
      * 3200, Only site admin is allowed to create project on behalf of users (wrong $adminSessionKey)
      * 3100, Invalid template id (correponding project doesn't exist)
      * 3101, Project creation failure
      * 3102, Invalid short name
      * 3103, Invalid full name
      * 3104, Project is not a template
      * 3105, Generic User creation failure
      * 4000, SOAP Call Quota exceeded (you created to much project during the last hour, according to configuration)

      @param String $sessionKey Session key of the desired project admin
      @param String $adminSessionKey Session key of a site admin
      @param String $shortName Unix name of the project
      @param String $publicName Full name of the project
      @param String $privacy Either 'public' or 'private'
      @param Integer $templateId Id of template project
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      addProjectRequest (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      sessionKey type string
      adminSessionKey type string
      shortName type string
      publicName type string
      privacy type string
      templateId type int
      addProjectResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      addProject type int
    3. addProjectMember
      Add given user as member of the project

      Error codes:
      * 3000, Invalid project id
      * 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin

      @param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash
      @param Integer $groupId Project ID
      @param String $userLogin User login name
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      addProjectMemberRequest (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      sessionKey type string
      groupId type int
      userLogin type string
      addProjectMemberResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      addProjectMember type boolean
    4. addUserToUGroup
      Add user to a User Group

      * Error codes:
      * 3000, Invalid project id
      * 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin
      * 3203, Invalid user id
      * 3301, User Group doesn't exist

      @param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash
      @param Integer $groupId The Project id where the User Group is defined
      @param Integer $ugroupId The User Group where the user should be added
      @param Integer $userId The user id to add
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      addUserToUGroupRequest (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      sessionKey type string
      groupId type int
      ugroupId type int
      userId type int
      addUserToUGroupResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      addUserToUGroup type boolean
    5. deactivateService
      Deactivate a service in a given project

      * Error codes:
      * 3000, Invalid project id
      * 3019, The service does not exist
      * 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin

      @param String $session_key The project admin session hash
      @param int $group_id The Id of the project
      @param int $service_id The Id of the service
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      deactivateServiceRequest (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      session_key type string
      group_id type int
      service_id type int
      deactivateServiceResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      deactivateService type boolean
    6. getPlateformProjectDescriptionFields
      Get all the description fields

      * Error codes:
      * 3107, No custom project description fields

      @param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      getPlateformProjectDescriptionFieldsRequest (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      sessionKey type string
      getPlateformProjectDescriptionFieldsResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      getPlateformProjectDescriptionFields type ArrayOfDescFields - array of type DescField
      • id type int
      • name type string
      • is_mandatory type int
    7. getProjectDescriptionFieldsValue
      get all the description fields value for a
      given project

      * Error codes:
      * 3000, Invalid project id
      * 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin

      @param String $session_key The project admin session hash
      @param int $group_id The Id of the project
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      getProjectDescriptionFieldsValueRequest (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      session_key type string
      group_id type int
      getProjectDescriptionFieldsValueResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      getProjectDescriptionFieldsValue type ArrayOfDescFieldsValues - array of type DescFieldValue
      • id type int
      • value type string
    8. getProjectGenericUser
      Get a generic user

      @param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash
      @param Integer $groupId The Project id where the User Group is defined
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      getProjectGenericUserRequest (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      sessionKey type string
      groupId type int
      getProjectGenericUserResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      getProjectGenericUser type UserInfo
      • identifier type string
      • username type string
      • id type string
      • real_name type string
      • email type string
      • ldap_id type string
    9. getProjectServicesUsage
      get all the services uage value for a
      given project

      * Error codes:
      * 3000, Invalid project id
      * 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin

      @param String $session_key The project admin session hash
      @param int $group_id The Id of the project
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      getProjectServicesUsageRequest (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      session_key type string
      group_id type int
      getProjectServicesUsageResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      getProjectServicesUsage type ArrayOfServicesValues - array of type ServiceValue
      • id type int
      • short_name type string
      • is_used type int
    10. removeProjectMember
      Remove given user from project members

      Error codes:
      * 3000, Invalid project id
      * 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin
      * 3202, Invalid user login
      * 3203, User not member of project

      @param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash
      @param Integer $groupId Project ID
      @param String $userLogin User login name
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      removeProjectMemberRequest (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      sessionKey type string
      groupId type int
      userLogin type string
      removeProjectMemberResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      removeProjectMember type boolean
    11. removeUserFromUGroup
      Remove User from User Group

      * Error codes:
      * 3000, Invalid project id
      * 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin
      * 3203, Invalid user id
      * 3301, User Group doesn't exist

      @param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash
      @param Integer $groupId The Project id where the User Group is defined
      @param Integer $ugroupId The User Group where the user should be removed
      @param Integer $userId The user id to remove
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      removeUserFromUGroupRequest (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      sessionKey type string
      groupId type int
      ugroupId type int
      userId type int
      removeUserFromUGroupResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      removeUserFromUGroup type boolean
    12. setProjectDescriptionFieldValue
      Set description fields

      * Error codes:
      * 3000, Invalid project id
      * 3108, The given project description field does not exist
      * 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin

      @param String $session_key The project admin session hash
      @param int $group_id The Id of the project
      @param int $field_id_to_update The Id of the field
      @param String $field_value The new value to set
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      setProjectDescriptionFieldValueRequest (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      session_key type string
      group_id type int
      field_id_to_update type int
      field_value type string
      setProjectDescriptionFieldValueResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
    13. setProjectGenericUser
      Create a generic user

      @param String $session_key The project admin session hash
      @param Integer $group_id The Project id where the User Group is defined
      @param String $password The password of the generic user about to be created
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      setProjectGenericUserRequest (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      session_key type string
      group_id type int
      password type string
      setProjectGenericUserResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      setProjectGenericUser type UserInfo
      • identifier type string
      • username type string
      • id type string
      • real_name type string
      • email type string
      • ldap_id type string
    14. unsetGenericUser
      @param String $session_key The project admin session hash
      @param Integer $groupId The Project id where the Generic user is
      Operation type:
      Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.
      SOAP action:
      unsetGenericUserRequest (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
      session_key type string
      groupId type int
      unsetGenericUserResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code

WSDL source code

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<definitions targetNamespace=""
<xsd:schema targetNamespace=""></xsd:schema>
<portType name="TuleapProjectAPIPortType">
<operation name="addProject">
<documentation>Create a new project<br /> <br /> This method throw an exception if there is a conflict on names or if there is an error during the creation process.<br /> <br /> You can select:<br /> * The privacy of the project 'private' or 'public'<br /> * The projectId of the template (100 means default template aka default new project).<br /> <br /> It assumes a couple of things:<br /> * The project type is "Project" (Not modifiable)<br /> * There is no "Project description" nor any "Project description fields" (long desc, patents, IP, other software)<br /> * The project services are inherited from the template<br /> * There is no trove cat selected<br /> * The default Software Policy is "Site exchange policy".<br /> <br /> Projects are automatically accepted<br /> <br /> Error codes:<br /> * 3001, Invalid session (wrong $sessionKey)<br /> * 3200, Only site admin is allowed to create project on behalf of users (wrong $adminSessionKey)<br /> * 3100, Invalid template id (correponding project doesn't exist)<br /> * 3101, Project creation failure<br /> * 3102, Invalid short name<br /> * 3103, Invalid full name<br /> * 3104, Project is not a template<br /> * 3105, Generic User creation failure<br /> * 4000, SOAP Call Quota exceeded (you created to much project during the last hour, according to configuration)<br /> <br /> @param String $sessionKey Session key of the desired project admin<br /> @param String $adminSessionKey Session key of a site admin<br /> @param String $shortName Unix name of the project<br /> @param String $publicName Full name of the project<br /> @param String $privacy Either 'public' or 'private'<br /> @param Integer $templateId Id of template project</documentation>
<operation name="addProjectMember">
<documentation>Add given user as member of the project<br /> <br /> Error codes:<br /> * 3000, Invalid project id<br /> * 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br /> <br /> @param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash<br /> @param Integer $groupId Project ID<br /> @param String $userLogin User login name</documentation>
<operation name="removeProjectMember">
<documentation>Remove given user from project members<br /> <br /> Error codes:<br /> * 3000, Invalid project id<br /> * 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br /> * 3202, Invalid user login<br /> * 3203, User not member of project<br /> <br /> @param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash<br /> @param Integer $groupId Project ID<br /> @param String $userLogin User login name</documentation>
<operation name="addUserToUGroup">
<documentation>Add user to a User Group<br /> <br /> * Error codes:<br /> * 3000, Invalid project id<br /> * 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br /> * 3203, Invalid user id<br /> * 3301, User Group doesn't exist<br /> <br /> @param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash<br /> @param Integer $groupId The Project id where the User Group is defined<br /> @param Integer $ugroupId The User Group where the user should be added<br /> @param Integer $userId The user id to add</documentation>
<operation name="removeUserFromUGroup">
<documentation>Remove User from User Group<br /> <br /> * Error codes:<br /> * 3000, Invalid project id<br /> * 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br /> * 3203, Invalid user id<br /> * 3301, User Group doesn't exist<br /> <br /> @param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash<br /> @param Integer $groupId The Project id where the User Group is defined<br /> @param Integer $ugroupId The User Group where the user should be removed<br /> @param Integer $userId The user id to remove</documentation>
<operation name="setProjectGenericUser">
<documentation>Create a generic user<br /> <br /> @param String $session_key The project admin session hash<br /> @param Integer $group_id The Project id where the User Group is defined<br /> @param String $password The password of the generic user about to be created</documentation>
<operation name="unsetGenericUser">
<documentation>@param String $session_key The project admin session hash<br /> @param Integer $groupId The Project id where the Generic user is</documentation>
<operation name="getProjectGenericUser">
<documentation>Get a generic user<br /> <br /> @param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash<br /> @param Integer $groupId The Project id where the User Group is defined</documentation>
<operation name="getPlateformProjectDescriptionFields">
<documentation>Get all the description fields<br /> <br /> * Error codes:<br /> * 3107, No custom project description fields<br /> <br /> @param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash</documentation>
<operation name="setProjectDescriptionFieldValue">
<documentation>Set description fields<br /> <br /> * Error codes:<br /> * 3000, Invalid project id<br /> * 3108, The given project description field does not exist<br /> * 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br /> <br /> @param String $session_key The project admin session hash<br /> @param int $group_id The Id of the project<br /> @param int $field_id_to_update The Id of the field<br /> @param String $field_value The new value to set</documentation>
<operation name="getProjectDescriptionFieldsValue">
<documentation>get all the description fields value for a<br /> given project<br /> <br /> * Error codes:<br /> * 3000, Invalid project id<br /> * 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br /> <br /> @param String $session_key The project admin session hash<br /> @param int $group_id The Id of the project</documentation>
<operation name="getProjectServicesUsage">
<documentation>get all the services uage value for a<br /> given project<br /> <br /> * Error codes:<br /> * 3000, Invalid project id<br /> * 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br /> <br /> @param String $session_key The project admin session hash<br /> @param int $group_id The Id of the project</documentation>
<operation name="activateService">
<documentation>Activate a service in a given project<br /> <br /> * Error codes:<br /> * 3000, Invalid project id<br /> * 3019, The service does not exist<br /> * 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br /> <br /> @param String $session_key The project admin session hash<br /> @param int $group_id The Id of the project<br /> @param int $service_id The Id of the service</documentation>
<operation name="deactivateService">
<documentation>Deactivate a service in a given project<br /> <br /> * Error codes:<br /> * 3000, Invalid project id<br /> * 3019, The service does not exist<br /> * 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br /> <br /> @param String $session_key The project admin session hash<br /> @param int $group_id The Id of the project<br /> @param int $service_id The Id of the service</documentation>
<binding name="TuleapProjectAPIBinding" type="tns:TuleapProjectAPIPortType"></binding>

About wsdl-viewer.xsl

This document was generated by libxslt XSLT engine. The engine processed the WSDL in XSLT 1.0 compliant mode.
This page has been generated by wsdl-viewer.xsl, version 3.1.01
Author: tomi vanek
Download at http://tomi.vanek.sk/xml/wsdl-viewer.xsl.

The transformation was inspired by the article
Uche Ogbuji: WSDL processing with XSLT