Web Service: TuleapProjectAPI
Target Namespace:
Port TuleapProjectAPIPort Port typeSource code
Default style:
Transport protocol:
- activateServiceDetailSource code
- addProjectDetailSource code
- addProjectMemberDetailSource code
- addUserToUGroupDetailSource code
- deactivateServiceDetailSource code
- getPlateformProjectDescriptionFieldsDetailSource code
- getProjectDescriptionFieldsValueDetailSource code
- getProjectGenericUserDetailSource code
- getProjectServicesUsageDetailSource code
- removeProjectMemberDetailSource code
- removeUserFromUGroupDetailSource code
- setProjectDescriptionFieldValueDetailSource code
- setProjectGenericUserDetailSource code
- unsetGenericUserDetailSource code
- activateServiceDescription:Activate a service in a given project
* Error codes:
* 3000, Invalid project id
* 3019, The service does not exist
* 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin
@param String $session_key The project admin session hash
@param int $group_id The Id of the project
@param int $service_id The Id of the serviceStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesession_key type stringgroup_id type intservice_id type intOutput:activateServiceResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeactivateService type boolean - addProjectDescription:Create a new project
This method throw an exception if there is a conflict on names or if there is an error during the creation process.
You can select:
* The privacy of the project 'private' or 'public'
* The projectId of the template (100 means default template aka default new project).
It assumes a couple of things:
* The project type is "Project" (Not modifiable)
* There is no "Project description" nor any "Project description fields" (long desc, patents, IP, other software)
* The project services are inherited from the template
* There is no trove cat selected
* The default Software Policy is "Site exchange policy".
Projects are automatically accepted
Error codes:
* 3001, Invalid session (wrong $sessionKey)
* 3200, Only site admin is allowed to create project on behalf of users (wrong $adminSessionKey)
* 3100, Invalid template id (correponding project doesn't exist)
* 3101, Project creation failure
* 3102, Invalid short name
* 3103, Invalid full name
* 3104, Project is not a template
* 3105, Generic User creation failure
* 4000, SOAP Call Quota exceeded (you created to much project during the last hour, according to configuration)
@param String $sessionKey Session key of the desired project admin
@param String $adminSessionKey Session key of a site admin
@param String $shortName Unix name of the project
@param String $publicName Full name of the project
@param String $privacy Either 'public' or 'private'
@param Integer $templateId Id of template projectStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringadminSessionKey type stringshortName type stringpublicName type stringprivacy type stringtemplateId type intOutput:addProjectResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddProject type int - addProjectMemberDescription:Add given user as member of the project
Error codes:
* 3000, Invalid project id
* 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin
@param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash
@param Integer $groupId Project ID
@param String $userLogin User login nameStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroupId type intuserLogin type stringOutput:addProjectMemberResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddProjectMember type boolean - addUserToUGroupDescription:Add user to a User Group
* Error codes:
* 3000, Invalid project id
* 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin
* 3203, Invalid user id
* 3301, User Group doesn't exist
@param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash
@param Integer $groupId The Project id where the User Group is defined
@param Integer $ugroupId The User Group where the user should be added
@param Integer $userId The user id to addStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroupId type intugroupId type intuserId type intOutput:addUserToUGroupResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddUserToUGroup type boolean - deactivateServiceDescription:Deactivate a service in a given project
* Error codes:
* 3000, Invalid project id
* 3019, The service does not exist
* 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin
@param String $session_key The project admin session hash
@param int $group_id The Id of the project
@param int $service_id The Id of the serviceStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesession_key type stringgroup_id type intservice_id type intOutput:deactivateServiceResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codedeactivateService type boolean - getPlateformProjectDescriptionFieldsDescription:Get all the description fields
* Error codes:
* 3107, No custom project description fields
@param String $sessionKey The project admin session hashStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringOutput:getPlateformProjectDescriptionFieldsResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetPlateformProjectDescriptionFields type ArrayOfDescFields - array of type DescField- id type int
- name type string
- is_mandatory type int
- getProjectDescriptionFieldsValueDescription:get all the description fields value for a
given project
* Error codes:
* 3000, Invalid project id
* 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin
@param String $session_key The project admin session hash
@param int $group_id The Id of the projectStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesession_key type stringgroup_id type intOutput:getProjectDescriptionFieldsValueResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetProjectDescriptionFieldsValue type ArrayOfDescFieldsValues - array of type DescFieldValue- id type int
- value type string
- getProjectGenericUserDescription:Get a generic user
@param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash
@param Integer $groupId The Project id where the User Group is definedStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroupId type intOutput:getProjectGenericUserResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetProjectGenericUser type UserInfo- identifier type string
- username type string
- id type string
- real_name type string
- email type string
- ldap_id type string
- getProjectServicesUsageDescription:get all the services uage value for a
given project
* Error codes:
* 3000, Invalid project id
* 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin
@param String $session_key The project admin session hash
@param int $group_id The Id of the projectStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesession_key type stringgroup_id type intOutput:getProjectServicesUsageResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetProjectServicesUsage type ArrayOfServicesValues - array of type ServiceValue- id type int
- short_name type string
- is_used type int
- removeProjectMemberDescription:Remove given user from project members
Error codes:
* 3000, Invalid project id
* 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin
* 3202, Invalid user login
* 3203, User not member of project
@param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash
@param Integer $groupId Project ID
@param String $userLogin User login nameStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroupId type intuserLogin type stringOutput:removeProjectMemberResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source coderemoveProjectMember type boolean - removeUserFromUGroupDescription:Remove User from User Group
* Error codes:
* 3000, Invalid project id
* 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin
* 3203, Invalid user id
* 3301, User Group doesn't exist
@param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash
@param Integer $groupId The Project id where the User Group is defined
@param Integer $ugroupId The User Group where the user should be removed
@param Integer $userId The user id to removeStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroupId type intugroupId type intuserId type intOutput:removeUserFromUGroupResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source coderemoveUserFromUGroup type boolean - setProjectDescriptionFieldValueDescription:Set description fields
* Error codes:
* 3000, Invalid project id
* 3108, The given project description field does not exist
* 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin
@param String $session_key The project admin session hash
@param int $group_id The Id of the project
@param int $field_id_to_update The Id of the field
@param String $field_value The new value to setStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesession_key type stringgroup_id type intfield_id_to_update type intfield_value type stringOutput:setProjectDescriptionFieldValueResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code - setProjectGenericUserDescription:Create a generic user
@param String $session_key The project admin session hash
@param Integer $group_id The Project id where the User Group is defined
@param String $password The password of the generic user about to be createdStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesession_key type stringgroup_id type intpassword type stringOutput:setProjectGenericUserResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesetProjectGenericUser type UserInfo- identifier type string
- username type string
- id type string
- real_name type string
- email type string
- ldap_id type string
- unsetGenericUserDescription:@param String $session_key The project admin session hash
@param Integer $groupId The Project id where the Generic user isStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesession_key type stringgroupId type intOutput:unsetGenericUserResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
Port type TuleapProjectAPIPortTypeSource code
WSDL source code
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<definitions targetNamespace=""
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="">
</types><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfstring">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfInteger">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOflong">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfint">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="Revision"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfRevision">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="Commiter"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfCommiter">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="SvnPathInfo"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfSvnPathInfo">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="SvnPathDetails"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfSvnPathDetails">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="UserInfo">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfUserInfo">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="DescField"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfDescFields">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="DescFieldValue"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfDescFieldsValues">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ServiceValue"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfServicesValues">
</xsd:complexType><message name="addProjectRequest"></message>
<message name="addProjectMemberRequest"></message>
<message name="addUserToUGroupRequest"></message>
<message name="addUserToUGroupResponse"></message>
<message name="unsetGenericUserRequest"></message>
<message name="activateServiceRequest"></message>
<message name="activateServiceResponse"></message>
<portType name="TuleapProjectAPIPortType">
<operation name="addProject">
<documentation>Create a new project<br />
<br />
This method throw an exception if there is a conflict on names or if there is an error during the creation process.<br />
<br />
You can select:<br />
* The privacy of the project 'private' or 'public'<br />
* The projectId of the template (100 means default template aka default new project).<br />
<br />
It assumes a couple of things:<br />
* The project type is "Project" (Not modifiable)<br />
* There is no "Project description" nor any "Project description fields" (long desc, patents, IP, other software)<br />
* The project services are inherited from the template<br />
* There is no trove cat selected<br />
* The default Software Policy is "Site exchange policy".<br />
<br />
Projects are automatically accepted<br />
<br />
Error codes:<br />
* 3001, Invalid session (wrong $sessionKey)<br />
* 3200, Only site admin is allowed to create project on behalf of users (wrong $adminSessionKey)<br />
* 3100, Invalid template id (correponding project doesn't exist)<br />
* 3101, Project creation failure<br />
* 3102, Invalid short name<br />
* 3103, Invalid full name<br />
* 3104, Project is not a template<br />
* 3105, Generic User creation failure<br />
* 4000, SOAP Call Quota exceeded (you created to much project during the last hour, according to configuration)<br />
<br />
@param String $sessionKey Session key of the desired project admin<br />
@param String $adminSessionKey Session key of a site admin<br />
@param String $shortName Unix name of the project<br />
@param String $publicName Full name of the project<br />
@param String $privacy Either 'public' or 'private'<br />
@param Integer $templateId Id of template project</documentation>
</operation><operation name="addProjectMember">
<documentation>Add given user as member of the project<br />
<br />
Error codes:<br />
* 3000, Invalid project id<br />
* 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br />
<br />
@param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash<br />
@param Integer $groupId Project ID<br />
@param String $userLogin User login name</documentation>
</operation><operation name="removeProjectMember">
<documentation>Remove given user from project members<br />
<br />
Error codes:<br />
* 3000, Invalid project id<br />
* 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br />
* 3202, Invalid user login<br />
* 3203, User not member of project<br />
<br />
@param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash<br />
@param Integer $groupId Project ID<br />
@param String $userLogin User login name</documentation>
</operation><operation name="addUserToUGroup">
<documentation>Add user to a User Group<br />
<br />
* Error codes:<br />
* 3000, Invalid project id<br />
* 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br />
* 3203, Invalid user id<br />
* 3301, User Group doesn't exist<br />
<br />
@param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash<br />
@param Integer $groupId The Project id where the User Group is defined<br />
@param Integer $ugroupId The User Group where the user should be added<br />
@param Integer $userId The user id to add</documentation>
</operation><operation name="removeUserFromUGroup">
<documentation>Remove User from User Group<br />
<br />
* Error codes:<br />
* 3000, Invalid project id<br />
* 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br />
* 3203, Invalid user id<br />
* 3301, User Group doesn't exist<br />
<br />
@param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash<br />
@param Integer $groupId The Project id where the User Group is defined<br />
@param Integer $ugroupId The User Group where the user should be removed<br />
@param Integer $userId The user id to remove</documentation>
</operation><operation name="setProjectGenericUser">
<documentation>Create a generic user<br />
<br />
@param String $session_key The project admin session hash<br />
@param Integer $group_id The Project id where the User Group is defined<br />
@param String $password The password of the generic user about to be created</documentation>
</operation><operation name="unsetGenericUser">
<documentation>@param String $session_key The project admin session hash<br />
@param Integer $groupId The Project id where the Generic user is</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getProjectGenericUser">
<documentation>Get a generic user<br />
<br />
@param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash<br />
@param Integer $groupId The Project id where the User Group is defined</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getPlateformProjectDescriptionFields">
<documentation>Get all the description fields<br />
<br />
* Error codes:<br />
* 3107, No custom project description fields<br />
<br />
@param String $sessionKey The project admin session hash</documentation>
</operation><operation name="setProjectDescriptionFieldValue">
<documentation>Set description fields<br />
<br />
* Error codes:<br />
* 3000, Invalid project id<br />
* 3108, The given project description field does not exist<br />
* 3201, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br />
<br />
@param String $session_key The project admin session hash<br />
@param int $group_id The Id of the project<br />
@param int $field_id_to_update The Id of the field<br />
@param String $field_value The new value to set</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getProjectDescriptionFieldsValue">
<documentation>get all the description fields value for a<br />
given project<br />
<br />
* Error codes:<br />
* 3000, Invalid project id<br />
* 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br />
<br />
@param String $session_key The project admin session hash<br />
@param int $group_id The Id of the project</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getProjectServicesUsage">
<documentation>get all the services uage value for a<br />
given project<br />
<br />
* Error codes:<br />
* 3000, Invalid project id<br />
* 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br />
<br />
@param String $session_key The project admin session hash<br />
@param int $group_id The Id of the project</documentation>
</operation><operation name="activateService">
<documentation>Activate a service in a given project<br />
<br />
* Error codes:<br />
* 3000, Invalid project id<br />
* 3019, The service does not exist<br />
* 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br />
<br />
@param String $session_key The project admin session hash<br />
@param int $group_id The Id of the project<br />
@param int $service_id The Id of the service</documentation>
</operation><operation name="deactivateService">
</portType><documentation>Deactivate a service in a given project<br />
<br />
* Error codes:<br />
* 3000, Invalid project id<br />
* 3019, The service does not exist<br />
* 3203, Permission denied: need to be project admin<br />
<br />
@param String $session_key The project admin session hash<br />
@param int $group_id The Id of the project<br />
@param int $service_id The Id of the service</documentation>
</operation><binding name="TuleapProjectAPIBinding" type="tns:TuleapProjectAPIPortType">
</definitions><operation name="addProject">
</operation><operation name="addProjectMember">
</operation><operation name="removeProjectMember">
</operation><operation name="addUserToUGroup">
</operation><operation name="removeUserFromUGroup">
<soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc" />
</operation><operation name="setProjectGenericUser">
</operation><operation name="unsetGenericUser">
</operation><operation name="getProjectGenericUser">
</operation><operation name="getPlateformProjectDescriptionFields">
</operation><operation name="setProjectDescriptionFieldValue">
</operation><operation name="getProjectDescriptionFieldsValue">
</operation><operation name="getProjectServicesUsage">
</operation><operation name="activateService">
</operation><operation name="deactivateService">
</operation>About wsdl-viewer.xsl
This document was generated by libxslt XSLT engine.
The engine processed the WSDL in XSLT 1.0 compliant mode.
This page has been generated by wsdl-viewer.xsl, version 3.1.01
Author: tomi vanek
Download at http://tomi.vanek.sk/xml/wsdl-viewer.xsl.
The transformation was inspired by the article
Uche Ogbuji: WSDL processing with XSLT
Author: tomi vanek
Download at http://tomi.vanek.sk/xml/wsdl-viewer.xsl.
The transformation was inspired by the article
Uche Ogbuji: WSDL processing with XSLT