Web Service: TuleapSubversionAPI
Target Namespace:
Port TuleapSubversionAPIPort Port typeSource code
Default style:
Transport protocol:
- getSvnLogDetailSource code
- getSvnPathDetailSource code
- getSvnPathsWithLogDetailsDetailSource code
- getSvnStatsFilesDetailSource code
- getSvnStatsUsersDetailSource code
- getSvnLogDescription:Retrieves the SVN revisions of the project visible by the requesting user.
Returned format:
"revision" => Revision number,
"author" => User id,
"date" => timestamp,
"message" => commit message,
"revision" => 12214,
"author" => 123,
"date" => 1337788549,
"message" => "Fix bug #456",
"revision" => 12213,
"author" => 123,
"date" => 1337788530,
"message" => "Fix bug #789",
Error codes:
* 3001, Invalid session (wrong $sessionKey)
* 3002, User do not have access to the project
* 3005, Invalid user id
@param String $sessionKey Session key of the requesting user
@param Integer $group_id ID of the project the subversion repository belongs to
@param Integer $limit Maximum revisions returned
@param Integer $author_id Id of commit authorStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intlimit type intauthor_id type intOutput:getSvnLogResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetSvnLog type ArrayOfRevision - array of type Revision- revision type string
- author type string
- date type string
- message type string
- getSvnPathDescription:Returns the content of a directory in Subversion according to user permissions
- If user cannot see the content it gets an empty array.
- The returned content is relative (/project/tags) gives array("1.0", "2.0").
Error codes:
* 3001, Invalid session (wrong $sessionKey)
* 3002, User do not have access to the project
@param String $sessionKey Session key of the desired project admin
@param Integer $group_id ID of the project the subversion repository belongs to
@param String $path Path to the directory to list (eg. '/tags')Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpath type stringOutput:getSvnPathResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetSvnPath type ArrayOfstring - array of type string - getSvnPathsWithLogDetailsDescription:Returns the detailed content of a directory in Subversion according to user permissions
- If user cannot see the content it gets an empty array.
- The returned content is relative (/project/tags) gives
0 => array(
'path' => '/tags',
'author => 169,
'timestamp' => 1545265465,
'message' => 'some commit message'),
1 => array(
'path' => '/tags',
'author => 587,
'timestamp' => 11545824,
'message' => 'some other commit message'),
Error codes:
* 3001, Invalid session (wrong $sessionKey)
* 3002, User do not have access to the project
@param String $sessionKey Session key of the desired project admin
@param Integer $group_id ID of the project the subversion repository belongs to
@param String $path Path to the directory to list (eg. '/tags')
@param String $sort The type of sort wanted: ASC or DESCStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpath type stringsort type stringOutput:getSvnPathsWithLogDetailsResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetSvnPathsWithLogDetails type ArrayOfSvnPathDetails - array of type SvnPathDetails- path type string
- author type int
- message type string
- timestamp type int
- getSvnStatsFilesDescription:Return top most modified files during the given period
@param String $sessionKey Session key of the requesting user
@param Integer $group_id ID of the project the subversion repository belongs to
@param Integer $start_date Start of period (unix timestamp)
@param Integer $end_date End of period (unix timestamp)
@param Integer $limit Max number of files to returnStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intstart_date type intend_date type intlimit type intOutput:getSvnStatsFilesResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetSvnStatsFiles type ArrayOfSvnPathInfo - array of type SvnPathInfo- path type string
- commit_count type int
- getSvnStatsUsersDescription:Returns the list of active users (commiters) between start_date and end_date
@param String $sessionKey Session key of the requesting user
@param Integer $group_id ID of the project the subversion repository belongs to
@param Integer $start_date Start of period (unix timestamp)
@param Integer $end_date End of period (unix timestamp)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intstart_date type intend_date type intOutput:getSvnStatsUsersResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetSvnStatsUsers type ArrayOfCommiter - array of type Commiter- user_id type int
- commit_count type int
Port type TuleapSubversionAPIPortTypeSource code
WSDL source code
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<definitions targetNamespace=""
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="">
</types><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfstring">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfInteger">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOflong">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfint">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="Revision"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfRevision">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="Commiter"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfCommiter">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="SvnPathInfo"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfSvnPathInfo">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="SvnPathDetails"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfSvnPathDetails">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="UserInfo">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfUserInfo">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="DescField"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfDescFields">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="DescFieldValue"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfDescFieldsValues">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ServiceValue"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfServicesValues">
</xsd:complexType><message name="getSvnPathRequest"></message>
<message name="getSvnLogRequest"></message>
<message name="getSvnStatsUsersRequest"></message>
<message name="getSvnStatsFilesRequest"></message>
<portType name="TuleapSubversionAPIPortType">
<operation name="getSvnPath">
<documentation>Returns the content of a directory in Subversion according to user permissions<br />
<br />
<ul><br />
<li>If user cannot see the content it gets an empty array.</li><br />
<li>The returned content is relative (/project/tags) gives array("1.0", "2.0").</li><br />
</ul><br />
<br />
Error codes:<br />
* 3001, Invalid session (wrong $sessionKey)<br />
* 3002, User do not have access to the project<br />
<br />
@param String $sessionKey Session key of the desired project admin<br />
@param Integer $group_id ID of the project the subversion repository belongs to<br />
@param String $path Path to the directory to list (eg. '/tags')</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getSvnPathsWithLogDetails">
<documentation>Returns the detailed content of a directory in Subversion according to user permissions<br />
<br />
<ul><br />
<li>If user cannot see the content it gets an empty array.</li><br />
<li>The returned content is relative (/project/tags) gives<br />
array(<br />
0 => array(<br />
'path' => '/tags',<br />
'author => 169,<br />
'timestamp' => 1545265465,<br />
'message' => 'some commit message'),<br />
1 => array(<br />
'path' => '/tags',<br />
'author => 587,<br />
'timestamp' => 11545824,<br />
'message' => 'some other commit message'),<br />
).</li><br />
</ul><br />
<br />
Error codes:<br />
* 3001, Invalid session (wrong $sessionKey)<br />
* 3002, User do not have access to the project<br />
<br />
@param String $sessionKey Session key of the desired project admin<br />
@param Integer $group_id ID of the project the subversion repository belongs to<br />
@param String $path Path to the directory to list (eg. '/tags')<br />
@param String $sort The type of sort wanted: ASC or DESC</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getSvnLog">
<documentation>Retrieves the SVN revisions of the project visible by the requesting user.<br />
<br />
Returned format:<br />
<code><br />
array(<br />
array(<br />
"revision" => Revision number,<br />
"author" => User id,<br />
"date" => timestamp,<br />
"message" => commit message,<br />
)<br />
)<br />
</code><br />
<br />
Example:<br />
<code><br />
array(<br />
array(<br />
"revision" => 12214,<br />
"author" => 123,<br />
"date" => 1337788549,<br />
"message" => "Fix bug #456",<br />
)<br />
array(<br />
"revision" => 12213,<br />
"author" => 123,<br />
"date" => 1337788530,<br />
"message" => "Fix bug #789",<br />
)<br />
)<br />
</code><br />
<br />
<br />
Error codes:<br />
* 3001, Invalid session (wrong $sessionKey)<br />
* 3002, User do not have access to the project<br />
* 3005, Invalid user id<br />
<br />
@param String $sessionKey Session key of the requesting user<br />
@param Integer $group_id ID of the project the subversion repository belongs to<br />
@param Integer $limit Maximum revisions returned<br />
@param Integer $author_id Id of commit author</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getSvnStatsUsers">
<documentation>Returns the list of active users (commiters) between start_date and end_date<br />
<br />
@param String $sessionKey Session key of the requesting user<br />
@param Integer $group_id ID of the project the subversion repository belongs to<br />
@param Integer $start_date Start of period (unix timestamp)<br />
@param Integer $end_date End of period (unix timestamp)</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getSvnStatsFiles">
</portType><documentation>Return top most modified files during the given period<br />
<br />
@param String $sessionKey Session key of the requesting user<br />
@param Integer $group_id ID of the project the subversion repository belongs to<br />
@param Integer $start_date Start of period (unix timestamp)<br />
@param Integer $end_date End of period (unix timestamp)<br />
@param Integer $limit Max number of files to return</documentation>
</operation><binding name="TuleapSubversionAPIBinding" type="tns:TuleapSubversionAPIPortType">
</definitions><operation name="getSvnPath">
</operation><operation name="getSvnPathsWithLogDetails">
</operation><operation name="getSvnLog">
</operation><operation name="getSvnStatsUsers">
</operation><operation name="getSvnStatsFiles">
</operation>About wsdl-viewer.xsl
This document was generated by libxslt XSLT engine.
The engine processed the WSDL in XSLT 1.0 compliant mode.
This page has been generated by wsdl-viewer.xsl, version 3.1.01
Author: tomi vanek
Download at http://tomi.vanek.sk/xml/wsdl-viewer.xsl.
The transformation was inspired by the article
Uche Ogbuji: WSDL processing with XSLT
Author: tomi vanek
Download at http://tomi.vanek.sk/xml/wsdl-viewer.xsl.
The transformation was inspired by the article
Uche Ogbuji: WSDL processing with XSLT