Web Service: CodendiAPI
Target Namespace:
Port CodendiAPIPort Port typeSource code
Default style:
Transport protocol:
- addArtifactDetailSource code
- addArtifactAttachedFileDetailSource code
- addArtifactCCDetailSource code
- addArtifactDependenciesDetailSource code
- addArtifactFollowupDetailSource code
- addArtifactWithFieldNamesDetailSource code
- addFileDetailSource code
- addFileChunkDetailSource code
- addPackageDetailSource code
- addReleaseDetailSource code
- addUploadedFileDetailSource code
- appendDocmanFileChunkDetailSource code
- checkUsersExistenceDetailSource code
- createDocmanEmbeddedFileDetailSource code
- createDocmanEmbeddedFileVersionDetailSource code
- createDocmanEmptyDocumentDetailSource code
- createDocmanFileDetailSource code
- createDocmanFileVersionDetailSource code
- createDocmanFolderDetailSource code
- createDocmanLinkDetailSource code
- createDocmanWikiPageDetailSource code
- deleteArtifactAttachedFileDetailSource code
- deleteArtifactCCDetailSource code
- deleteArtifactDependencyDetailSource code
- deleteArtifactFollowUpDetailSource code
- deleteDocmanItemDetailSource code
- deleteEmptyPackageDetailSource code
- deleteEmptyReleaseDetailSource code
- deleteFileDetailSource code
- existArtifactSummaryDetailSource code
- getAPIVersionDetailSource code
- getArtifactAttachedFileDetailSource code
- getArtifactAttachedFilesDetailSource code
- getArtifactByIdDetailSource code
- getArtifactCCListDetailSource code
- getArtifactCannedResponsesDetailSource code
- getArtifactDependenciesDetailSource code
- getArtifactFollowupsDetailSource code
- getArtifactHistoryDetailSource code
- getArtifactInverseDependenciesDetailSource code
- getArtifactReportsDetailSource code
- getArtifactTypeDetailSource code
- getArtifactTypesDetailSource code
- getArtifactsDetailSource code
- getArtifactsFromReportDetailSource code
- getDocmanFileAllVersionsMD5sumDetailSource code
- getDocmanFileChunkDetailSource code
- getDocmanFileContentsDetailSource code
- getDocmanFileMD5sumDetailSource code
- getDocmanProjectMetadataDetailSource code
- getDocmanTreeInfoDetailSource code
- getFileDetailSource code
- getFileChunkDetailSource code
- getFileInfoDetailSource code
- getFilesDetailSource code
- getGroupByIdDetailSource code
- getGroupByNameDetailSource code
- getGroupUgroupsDetailSource code
- getMyProjectsDetailSource code
- getPackagesDetailSource code
- getProjectGroupsAndUsersDetailSource code
- getReleasesDetailSource code
- getRootFolderDetailSource code
- getTrackerListDetailSource code
- getUploadedFilesDetailSource code
- getUserInfoDetailSource code
- listFolderDetailSource code
- loginDetailSource code
- loginAsDetailSource code
- logoutDetailSource code
- monitorDocmanItemDetailSource code
- moveDocmanItemDetailSource code
- retrieveSessionDetailSource code
- searchDocmanItemDetailSource code
- updateArtifactDetailSource code
- updateArtifactFollowUpDetailSource code
- updateArtifactWithFieldNamesDetailSource code
- updateDocmanEmbeddedFileDetailSource code
- updateDocmanEmptyDocumentDetailSource code
- updateDocmanFileDetailSource code
- updateDocmanFolderDetailSource code
- updateDocmanLinkDetailSource code
- updateDocmanWikiPageDetailSource code
- updateFileCommentDetailSource code
- updateReleaseDetailSource code
- addArtifactDescription:Add an Artifact in the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id with the values given by status_id, close_date, summary, details, severity and extra_fields for the non-standard fields. Returns the Id of the created artifact if the creation succeed. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the add failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intstatus_id type intclose_date type intsummary type stringdetails type stringseverity type intextra_fields type ArrayOfArtifactFieldValue - array of type ArtifactFieldValue
- field_id type int
- artifact_id type int
- field_value type string
Output:addArtifactResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type int - addArtifactAttachedFileDescription:Add an attached file to the artifact artifact_id of the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id. The attached file is described by the raw encoded_data (encoded in base64), the description of the file, the name of the file and it type (the mimi-type -- plain/text, image/jpeg, etc ...). Returns the ID of the attached file if the attachment succeed. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the attachment failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intencoded_data type stringdescription type stringfilename type stringfiletype type stringOutput:addArtifactAttachedFileResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type int
- addArtifactCCDescription:Add a list of emails or logins in the CC list of a specific artifact, with an optional commentStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intcc_list type stringcc_comment type stringOutput:addArtifactCCResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type boolean
- addArtifactDependenciesDescription:Add the list of dependencies is_dependent_on_artifact_id to the list of dependencies of the artifact artifact_id of the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id. Returns true if the add succeed. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, if the artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the add failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intis_dependent_on_artifact_ids type stringOutput:addArtifactDependenciesResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type boolean
- addArtifactFollowupDescription:Add a follow-up body to the artifact artifact_id of the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id, with optionals comment type and canned response. If canned response is set, it will replace the body. Returns nothing if the add succeed. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, if the artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the add failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intbody type stringcomment_type_id type intformat type intOutput:addArtifactFollowupResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type boolean
- addArtifactWithFieldNamesDescription:Add an Artifact in the tracker tracker_name of the project group_id with the values given by status_id, close_date, summary, details, severity and extra_fields for the non-standard fields. Returns the Id of the created artifact if the creation succeed. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the tracker_name is not a valid one, or if the add failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intstatus_id type intclose_date type intsummary type stringdetails type stringseverity type intextra_fields type ArrayOfArtifactFieldNameValue - array of type ArtifactFieldNameValue
- field_name type string
- field_value type string
Output:addArtifactWithFieldNamesResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type int - addFileDescription:Add a File to the File Release Manager of the project group_id with the values given by package_id, release_id, filename, base64_contents, type_id, processor_id, reference_md5 and comment. The content of the file must be encoded in base64. Returns the ID of the created file if the creation succeed. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the package does not match with the group ID, if the release does not match with the package ID, or if the add failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpackage_id type intrelease_id type intfilename type stringbase64_contents type stringtype_id type intprocessor_id type intreference_md5 type stringcomment type stringOutput:addFileResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddFile type int
- addFileChunkDescription:Add a chunk to a file in the incoming directory to be released later in FRS. The content of the chunk must be encoded in base64. Returns the size of the written chunk if the chunk addition succeed. Returns a soap fault if the session is not valid or if the addition failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringfilename type stringcontents type stringfirst_chunk type booleanOutput:addFileChunkResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddFileChunk type integer
- addPackageDescription:Add a Package to the File Release Manager of the project group_id with the values given by package_name, status_id, rank and approve_license. Returns the ID of the created package if the creation succeed. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, or if the add failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpackage_name type stringstatus_id type intrank type intapprove_license type booleanOutput:addPackageResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddPackageResponse type int
- addReleaseDescription:Add a Release to the File Release Manager of the project group_id with the values given by package_id, name, notes, changes, status_id and release_date. Returns the ID of the created release if the creation succeed. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the package does not match with the group ID, or if the add failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpackage_id type intname type stringnotes type stringchanges type stringstatus_id type intrelease_date type intOutput:addReleaseResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddRelease type int
- addUploadedFileDescription:Add a File to the File Release Manager of the project group_id with the values given by package_id, release_id, filename, type_id, processor_id, reference_md5 and comment. The file must already be present in the incoming directory. Returns the ID of the created file if the creation succeed. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the package does not match with the group ID, if the release does not match with the package ID, or if the add failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpackage_id type intrelease_id type intfilename type stringtype_id type intprocessor_id type intreference_md5 type stringcomment type stringOutput:addUploadedFileResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeaddUploadedFile type int
- appendDocmanFileChunkDescription:Appends a chunk of data to the last version of a file
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item ID
content Content
chunk_offset Chunk offset
chunk_size Chunk sizeStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type intcontent type stringchunk_offset type intchunk_size type intOutput:appendDocmanFileChunkResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeappendDocmanFileChunkResponse type int - checkUsersExistenceDescription:Returns the users that exist with their user nameStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringusers type ArrayOfstring - array of type stringOutput:checkUsersExistenceResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfUserInfo - array of type UserInfo
- identifier type string
- username type string
- id type string
- real_name type string
- email type string
- ldap_id type string
- createDocmanEmbeddedFileDescription:Creates a docman embedded file
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
parent_id Parent ID
title Title
description Description
ordering Ordering (begin, end)
status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)
obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)
content Content
permissions Permissions
metadata Metadata values
author Version author
date Version date (timestamp)
owner Owner of the item
create_date Item creation date (timestamp)
update_date Item update date (timestamp)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intparent_id type inttitle type stringdescription type stringordering type stringstatus type stringobsolescence_date type stringcontent type stringpermissions type ArrayOfPermission - array of type Permission- type type string
- ugroup_id type int
metadata type ArrayOfMetadataValue - array of type MetadataValue- label type string
- value type string
author type stringdate type stringowner type stringcreate_date type stringupdate_date type stringOutput:createDocmanEmbeddedFileResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codecreateDocmanEmbeddedFileResponse type int - createDocmanEmbeddedFileVersionDescription:Creates a docman embedded file version
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item ID
label version label
changelog Version changelog
content Content
author Version author
date Version date (timestamp)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type intlabel type stringchangelog type stringcontent type stringauthor type stringdate type stringOutput:createDocmanEmbeddedFileVersionResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codecreateDocmanEmbeddedFileVersionResponse type int - createDocmanEmptyDocumentDescription:Creates a docman empty document
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
parent_id Parent ID
title Title
description Description
ordering Ordering (begin, end)
status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)
obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)
permissions Permissions
metadata Metadata values
owner Owner of the item
create_date Item creation date (timestamp)
update_date Item update date (timestamp)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intparent_id type inttitle type stringdescription type stringordering type stringstatus type stringobsolescence_date type stringpermissions type ArrayOfPermission - array of type Permission- type type string
- ugroup_id type int
metadata type ArrayOfMetadataValue - array of type MetadataValue- label type string
- value type string
owner type stringcreate_date type stringupdate_date type stringOutput:createDocmanEmptyDocumentResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codecreateDocmanEmptyDocumentResponse type int - createDocmanFileDescription:Creates a docman file
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
parent_id Parent ID
title Title
description Description
ordering Ordering (begin, end)
status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)
obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)
permissions Permissions
metadata Metadata values
file_size File size
file_name File name
mime_type Mime type
content Content
chunk_offset Chunk offset
chunk_size Chunk size
author Version author
date Version date (timestamp)
owner Owner of the item
create_date Item creation date (timestamp)
update_date Item update date (timestamp)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intparent_id type inttitle type stringdescription type stringordering type stringstatus type stringobsolescence_date type stringpermissions type ArrayOfPermission - array of type Permission- type type string
- ugroup_id type int
metadata type ArrayOfMetadataValue - array of type MetadataValue- label type string
- value type string
file_size type intfile_name type stringmime_type type stringcontent type stringchunk_offset type intchunk_size type intauthor type stringdate type stringowner type stringcreate_date type stringupdate_date type stringOutput:createDocmanFileResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codecreateDocmanFileResponse type int - createDocmanFileVersionDescription:Creates a docman file version
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item ID
label version label
changelog Version changelog
file_size File size
file_name File name
mime_type Mime type
content Content
chunk_offset Chunk offset
chunk_size Chunk size
author Version author
date Version date (timestamp)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type intlabel type stringchangelog type stringfile_size type intfile_name type stringmime_type type stringcontent type stringchunk_offset type intchunk_size type intauthor type stringdate type stringOutput:createDocmanFileVersionResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codecreateDocmanFileVersionResponse type int - createDocmanFolderDescription:Create a folder
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
parent_id Parent ID
title Title
description Description
ordering Ordering (begin, end)
status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)
permissions Permissions
metadata Metadata values
owner Owner of the item
create_date Item creation date (timestamp)
update_date Item update date (timestamp)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intparent_id type inttitle type stringdescription type stringordering type stringstatus type stringpermissions type ArrayOfPermission - array of type Permission- type type string
- ugroup_id type int
metadata type ArrayOfMetadataValue - array of type MetadataValue- label type string
- value type string
owner type stringcreate_date type stringupdate_date type stringOutput:createDocmanFolderResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codecreateDocmanFolderResponse type int - createDocmanLinkDescription:Creates a docman link
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
parent_id Parent ID
title Title
description Description
ordering Ordering (begin, end)
status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)
obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)
content Content
permissions Permissions
metadata Metadata values
owner Owner of the item
create_date Item creation date (timestamp)
update_date Item update date (timestamp)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intparent_id type inttitle type stringdescription type stringordering type stringstatus type stringobsolescence_date type stringcontent type stringpermissions type ArrayOfPermission - array of type Permission- type type string
- ugroup_id type int
metadata type ArrayOfMetadataValue - array of type MetadataValue- label type string
- value type string
owner type stringcreate_date type stringupdate_date type stringOutput:createDocmanLinkResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codecreateDocmanLinkResponse type int - createDocmanWikiPageDescription:Creates a docman wiki page
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
parent_id Parent ID
title Title
description Description
ordering Ordering (begin, end)
status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)
obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)
content Content
permissions Permissions
metadata Metadata values
owner Owner of the item
create_date Item creation date (timestamp)
update_date Item update date (timestamp)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intparent_id type inttitle type stringdescription type stringordering type stringstatus type stringobsolescence_date type stringcontent type stringpermissions type ArrayOfPermission - array of type Permission- type type string
- ugroup_id type int
metadata type ArrayOfMetadataValue - array of type MetadataValue- label type string
- value type string
owner type stringcreate_date type stringupdate_date type stringOutput:createDocmanWikiPageResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codecreateDocmanWikiPageResponse type int - deleteArtifactAttachedFileDescription:Delete the attached file file_id from the artifact artifact_id of the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id. Returns the ID of the deleted file if the deletion succeed. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, if the artifact_id is not a valid one, if the file_id is not a valid one or if the deletion failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intfile_id type intOutput:deleteArtifactAttachedFileResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type int
- deleteArtifactCCDescription:Delete a CC to the CC list of the artifactStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intartifact_cc_id type intOutput:deleteArtifactCCResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type boolean
- deleteArtifactDependencyDescription:Delete the dependency between the artifact dependent_on_artifact_id and the artifact artifact_id of the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id. Returns the ID of the deleted dependency if the deletion succeed. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, if the artifact_id is not a valid one, if the dependent_on_artifact_id is not a valid artifact id, or if the deletion failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intdependent_on_artifact_id type intOutput:deleteArtifactDependencyResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type int
- deleteArtifactFollowUpDescription:Delete the follow_up artifact_history_id of the tracker $group_artifact_id in the project group_id for the artifact $artifact_id. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, if the artifart_id is not a valid one, if the artifact_history_id is not a valid one, or if the deletion failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intartifact_history_id type intOutput:deleteArtifactFollowUpResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type boolean
- deleteDocmanItemDescription:Delete an item (document or folder)
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item IDStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type intOutput:deleteDocmanItemResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codedeleteDocmanItemResponse type int - deleteEmptyPackageDescription:Delete a package or all empty packages in project group_id. Returns the list of deleted packages if succeed, or a soap fault if an error occured.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpackage_id type intcleanup_all type booleanOutput:deleteEmptyPackageResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codedeleteEmptyPackageResponse type ArrayOfFRSPackage - array of type FRSPackage
- package_id type int
- group_id type int
- name type string
- status_id type int
- rank type int
- approve_license type boolean
- deleteEmptyReleaseDescription:Delete a release or all empty releases in package package_id. Returns the list of deleted releases if succeed, or a soap fault if an error occured.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpackage_id type intrelease_id type intcleanup_all type booleanOutput:deleteEmptyReleaseResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codedeleteEmptyReleaseResponse type ArrayOfFRSRelease - array of type FRSRelease
- release_id type int
- package_id type int
- name type string
- notes type string
- changes type string
- status_id type string
- release_date type int
- released_by type string
- deleteFileDescription:Delete the file file_id in release release_id in package package_id. Returns true if succeed, or a soap fault if an error occured.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpackage_id type intrelease_id type intfile_id type intOutput:deleteFileResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codedeleteFileResponse type boolean
- existArtifactSummaryDescription:Check if there is an artifact in the tracker group_artifact_id that already have the summary summary (the summary is unique inside a given tracker). Returns the ID of the artifact containing the same summary in the tracker, or -1 if the summary does not exist in this tracker.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_artifact_id type intsummary type stringOutput:existArtifactSummaryResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type int
- getAPIVersionDescription:Returns the current version of this Web Service API.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeOutput:getAPIVersionResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type string
- getArtifactAttachedFileDescription:Returns the attached file (ArtifactFile) with the id file_id attached to the artifact artifact_id in the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, if the artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the file_id doesnt match with the given artifact_id.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intfile_id type intOutput:getArtifactAttachedFileResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArtifactFile
- id type int
- artifact_id type int
- filename type string
- description type string
- bin_data type base64Binary
- filesize type int
- filetype type string
- adddate type int
- submitted_by type string
- getArtifactAttachedFilesDescription:Returns the array of attached files (ArtifactFile) attached to the artifact artifact_id in the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the artifact_id is not a valid one. NOTE : for performance reasons, the result does not contain the content of the file. Please use getArtifactAttachedFile to get the content of a single fileStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intOutput:getArtifactAttachedFilesResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfArtifactFile - array of type ArtifactFile
- id type int
- artifact_id type int
- filename type string
- description type string
- bin_data type base64Binary
- filesize type int
- filetype type string
- adddate type int
- submitted_by type string
- getArtifactByIdDescription:Returns the artifact (Artifact) identified by the id artifact_id in the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the artifact_id is not a valid one.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intOutput:getArtifactByIdResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type Artifact
- artifact_id type int
- group_artifact_id type int
- status_id type int
- submitted_by type int
- open_date type int
- close_date type int
- last_update_date type int
- summary type string
- details type string
- severity type int
- extra_fields type ArrayOfArtifactFieldValue - array of type ArtifactFieldValue
- field_id type int
- artifact_id type int
- field_value type string
- getArtifactCCListDescription:Get the list of emails or logins in the CC list of a specific artifactStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intOutput:getArtifactCCListResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfArtifactCC - array of type ArtifactCC
- artifact_cc_id type int
- artifact_id type int
- email type string
- added_by type int
- added_by_name type string
- comment type string
- date type int
- getArtifactCannedResponsesDescription:Returns the list of canned responses (ArtifactCanned) for the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one or if group_artifact_id is not a valid one.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intOutput:getArtifactCannedResponsesResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfArtifactCanned - array of type ArtifactCanned
- artifact_canned_id type int
- group_artifact_id type int
- title type string
- body type string
- getArtifactDependenciesDescription:Returns the list of the dependencies (ArtifactDependency) for the artifact artifact_id of the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the artifact_id is not a valid one.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intOutput:getArtifactDependenciesResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfArtifactDependency - array of type ArtifactDependency
- artifact_depend_id type int
- artifact_id type int
- is_dependent_on_artifact_id type int
- summary type string
- tracker_id type int
- tracker_name type string
- group_id type int
- group_name type string
- getArtifactFollowupsDescription:Returns the list of follow-ups (ArtifactFollowup) of the artifact artifact_id of the tracker group_artifact_id in the project group_id. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the artifart_id is not a valid one.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intOutput:getArtifactFollowupsResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfArtifactFollowup - array of type ArtifactFollowup
- artifact_id type int
- follow_up_id type int
- comment type string
- date type int
- original_date type int
- by type string
- original_by type string
- comment_type_id type int
- comment_type type string
- field_name type string
- user_can_edit type int
- getArtifactHistoryDescription:Get the history of the artifact (the history of the fields values)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intOutput:getArtifactHistoryResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfArtifactHistory - array of type ArtifactHistory
- field_name type string
- old_value type string
- new_value type string
- modification_by type string
- date type int
- getArtifactInverseDependenciesDescription:Returns the list of the dependencies (ArtifactDependency) that other artifact can have with the artifact artifact_id of the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the artifact_id is not a valid one.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intOutput:getArtifactInverseDependenciesResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfArtifactDependency - array of type ArtifactDependency
- artifact_depend_id type int
- artifact_id type int
- is_dependent_on_artifact_id type int
- summary type string
- tracker_id type int
- tracker_name type string
- group_id type int
- group_name type string
- getArtifactReportsDescription:Returns the list of reports (ArtifactReport) for the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id of the current user. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intOutput:getArtifactReportsResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfArtifactReport - array of type ArtifactReport
- report_id type int
- group_artifact_id type int
- name type string
- description type string
- scope type string
- fields type ArrayOfArtifactReportField - array of type ArtifactReportField
- report_id type int
- field_name type string
- show_on_query type int
- show_on_result type int
- place_query type int
- place_result type int
- col_width type int
- getArtifactTypeDescription:Returns the ArtifactType (tracker) with the ID group_artifact_id that belongs to the group identified by group ID. Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the group_artifact_id is invalid or is not a tracker of the project.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intOutput:getArtifactTypeResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArtifactType
- group_artifact_id type int
- group_id type int
- name type string
- description type string
- item_name type string
- open_count type int
- total_count type int
- total_file_size type float
- field_sets type ArrayOfArtifactFieldSet - array of type ArtifactFieldSet
- field_set_id type int
- group_artifact_id type int
- name type string
- label type string
- description type string
- description_text type string
- rank type int
- fields type ArrayOfArtifactField - array of type ArtifactField
- field_id type int
- group_artifact_id type int
- field_set_id type int
- field_name type string
- data_type type int
- display_type type string
- display_size type string
- label type string
- description type string
- scope type string
- required type int
- empty_ok type int
- keep_history type int
- special type int
- value_function type string
- available_values type ArrayOfArtifactFieldValueList - array of type ArtifactFieldValueList
- field_id type int
- group_artifact_id type int
- value_id type int
- value type string
- description type string
- order_id type int
- status type string
- default_value type string
- user_can_submit type boolean
- user_can_update type boolean
- user_can_read type boolean
- is_standard_field type boolean
- field_dependencies type ArrayOfArtifactRule - array of type ArtifactRule
- rule_id type int
- group_artifact_id type int
- source_field_id type int
- source_value_id type int
- target_field_id type int
- target_value_id type int
- getArtifactTypesDescription:Returns the array of ArtifactType (trackers) that belongs to the group identified by group ID. Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intOutput:getArtifactTypesResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfArtifactType - array of type ArtifactType
- group_artifact_id type int
- group_id type int
- name type string
- description type string
- item_name type string
- open_count type int
- total_count type int
- total_file_size type float
- field_sets type ArrayOfArtifactFieldSet - array of type ArtifactFieldSet
- field_set_id type int
- group_artifact_id type int
- name type string
- label type string
- description type string
- description_text type string
- rank type int
- fields type ArrayOfArtifactField - array of type ArtifactField
- field_id type int
- group_artifact_id type int
- field_set_id type int
- field_name type string
- data_type type int
- display_type type string
- display_size type string
- label type string
- description type string
- scope type string
- required type int
- empty_ok type int
- keep_history type int
- special type int
- value_function type string
- available_values type ArrayOfArtifactFieldValueList - array of type ArtifactFieldValueList
- field_id type int
- group_artifact_id type int
- value_id type int
- value type string
- description type string
- order_id type int
- status type string
- default_value type string
- user_can_submit type boolean
- user_can_update type boolean
- user_can_read type boolean
- is_standard_field type boolean
- field_dependencies type ArrayOfArtifactRule - array of type ArtifactRule
- rule_id type int
- group_artifact_id type int
- source_field_id type int
- source_value_id type int
- target_field_id type int
- target_value_id type int
- getArtifactsDescription:Returns the ArtifactQueryResult of the tracker group_artifact_id in the project group_id that are matching the given criteria. If offset AND max_rows are filled, it returns only max_rows artifacts, skipping the first offset ones. It is not possible to sort artifact with this function (use getArtifactsFromReport if you want to sort). Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one or if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intcriteria type ArrayOfCriteria - array of type Criteria
- field_name type string
- field_value type string
- operator type string
offset type intmax_rows type intOutput:getArtifactsResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArtifactQueryResult- total_artifacts_number type int
- artifacts type ArrayOfArtifact - array of type Artifact
- artifact_id type int
- group_artifact_id type int
- status_id type int
- submitted_by type int
- open_date type int
- close_date type int
- last_update_date type int
- summary type string
- details type string
- severity type int
- extra_fields type ArrayOfArtifactFieldValue - array of type ArtifactFieldValue
- field_id type int
- artifact_id type int
- field_value type string
- getArtifactsFromReportDescription:Returns the ArtifactReportResult of the tracker group_artifact_id in the project group_id with the report report_id that are matching the given criteria. If offset AND max_rows are filled, it returns only max_rows artifacts, skipping the first offset ones. The result will be sorted, as defined in the param sort_criteria. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one or if the report_id is not a valid one.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intreport_id type intcriteria type ArrayOfCriteria - array of type Criteria
- field_name type string
- field_value type string
- operator type string
offset type intmax_rows type intsort_criteria type ArrayOfSortCriteria - array of type SortCriteria- field_name type string
- sort_direction type string
Output:getArtifactsFromReportResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArtifactFromReportResult- total_artifacts_number type int
- artifacts type ArrayOfArtifactFromReport - array of type ArtifactFromReport
- artifact_id type int
- severity type int
- fields type ArrayOfArtifactFieldFromReport - array of type ArtifactFieldFromReport
- field_name type string
- field_value type string
- getDocmanFileAllVersionsMD5sumDescription:Returns the MD5 checksum of the file (all versions) corresponding to the provided item ID
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item IDStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type intOutput:getDocmanFileAllVersionsMD5sumResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetDocmanFileAllVersionsMD5sumResponse type ArrayOfstring - array of type string - getDocmanFileChunkDescription:Returns a part (chunk) of the content, encoded in base64, of the file/embedded file which id item_id of a given version version_number, if the version is not specified it will be the current one, in the project group_id.Returns an error if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the item ID does not match with the right group ID, or if the version number does not match with the item ID.
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item ID
version_number Version number
chunk_offset Chunk offset
chunk_size Chunk sizeStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type intversion_number type intchunk_offset type intchunk_size type intOutput:getDocmanFileChunkResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetDocmanFileChunkResponse type string - getDocmanFileContentsDescription:Returns the content of a file (or embedded file) base64 encoded. (version_number = -1 means last)
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item ID
version_number Version numberStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type intversion_number type intOutput:getDocmanFileContentsResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetDocmanFileContentsResponse type string - getDocmanFileMD5sumDescription:Returns the MD5 checksum of the file (last version) corresponding to the provided item ID
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item ID
version_number Version numberStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type intversion_number type intOutput:getDocmanFileMD5sumResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetDocmanFileMD5sumResponse type string - getDocmanProjectMetadataDescription:Returns the metadata of the given project
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group IDStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intOutput:getDocmanProjectMetadataResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetDocmanProjectMetadataResponse type ArrayOfMetadata - array of type Metadata- label type string
- name type string
- type type string
- isMultipleValuesAllowed type int
- isEmptyAllowed type int
- listOfValues type ArrayOfMetadataListValue - array of type MetadataListValue
- id type int
- name type string
- getDocmanTreeInfoDescription:Returns the tree information of the given project
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
parent_id Parent IDStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intparent_id type intOutput:getDocmanTreeInfoResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetDocmanTreeInfoResponse type ArrayOfItemInfo - array of type ItemInfo- id type int
- parent_id type int
- title type string
- filename type string
- type type string
- nb_versions type int
- getFileDescription:Returns the content (encoded in base64) of the file contained in the release release_id in the package package_id, in the project group_id. Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the package ID does not match with the right group ID, or if the release ID does not match with the right package ID, or if the file ID does not match with the right release ID.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpackage_id type intrelease_id type intfile_id type intOutput:getFileResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetFileResponse type string
- getFileChunkDescription:Returns a part (chunk) of the content, encoded in base64, of the file contained in the release release_id in the package package_id, in the project group_id. You specify the offset where the download should start and the size to transfer. Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the package ID does not match with the right group ID, or if the release ID does not match with the right package ID, or if the file ID does not match with the right release ID.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpackage_id type intrelease_id type intfile_id type intoffset type intsize type intOutput:getFileChunkResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetFileChunkResponse type string
- getFileInfoDescription:Returns the metadata of the file contained in the release release_id in the package package_id, in the project group_id. Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the package ID does not match with the right group ID, or if the release ID does not match with the right package ID, or if the file ID does not match with the right release ID.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpackage_id type intrelease_id type intfile_id type intOutput:getFileInfoResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetFileInfoResponse type FRSFile
- file_id type int
- release_id type int
- file_name type string
- file_size type int
- type_id type int
- processor_id type int
- release_time type int
- post_date type int
- computed_md5 type string
- reference_md5 type string
- user_id type int
- comment type string
- getFilesDescription:Returns the array of FRSFiles that belongs to the group identified by group ID, to the package identified by package_id and to the release identfied by release_id. Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the package ID does not match with the right group ID, or if the release ID does not match with the right package ID.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpackage_id type intrelease_id type intOutput:getFilesResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetFilesResponse type ArrayOfFRSFile - array of type FRSFile
- file_id type int
- release_id type int
- file_name type string
- file_size type int
- type_id type int
- processor_id type int
- release_time type int
- post_date type int
- computed_md5 type string
- reference_md5 type string
- user_id type int
- comment type string
- getGroupByIdDescription:Returns the Group object associated with the given ID, or a soap fault if the ID does not match with a valid project.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intOutput:getGroupByIdResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type Group
- group_id type int
- group_name type string
- unix_group_name type string
- description type string
- getGroupByNameDescription:Returns a Group object matching with the given unix_group_name, or a soap fault if the name does not match with a valid project.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringunix_group_name type stringOutput:getGroupByNameResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type Group
- group_id type int
- group_name type string
- unix_group_name type string
- description type string
- getGroupUgroupsDescription:Returns the Ugroups associated to the given project:
[ ["ugroup_id" => 120, "name" => "my custom group", "members" =>Â [ ["user_id" => 115, "user_name" => "john_doe"], ] ] ]
Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intOutput:getGroupUgroupsResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfUgroup - array of type Ugroup- ugroup_id type int
- name type string
- members type ArrayOfUGroupMember - array of type UGroupMember
- user_id type int
- user_name type string
- getMyProjectsDescription:Returns the list of Groups that the current user belong toStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringOutput:getMyProjectsResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfGroup - array of type Group
- group_id type int
- group_name type string
- unix_group_name type string
- description type string
- getPackagesDescription:Returns the array of FRSPackages that belongs to the group identified by group ID. Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intOutput:getPackagesResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetPackagesResponse type ArrayOfFRSPackage - array of type FRSPackage
- package_id type int
- group_id type int
- name type string
- status_id type int
- rank type int
- approve_license type boolean
- getProjectGroupsAndUsersDescription:Returns all groups defined in project both dynamic and static (aka user group).
[ ["ugroup_id" => 3, "name" => "project_members", "members" =>Â [ ["user_id" => 115, "user_name" => "john_doe"], ["user_id" => 120, "user_name" => "foo_bar"] ] ], ["ugroup_id" => 120, "name" => "my custom group", "members" =>Â [ ["user_id" => 115, "user_name" => "john_doe"], ] ] ]
Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intOutput:getProjectGroupsAndUsersResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfUgroup - array of type Ugroup- ugroup_id type int
- name type string
- members type ArrayOfUGroupMember - array of type UGroupMember
- user_id type int
- user_name type string
- getReleasesDescription:Returns the array of FRSReleases that belongs to the group identified by group ID and to the package identified by package_id. Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the package ID does not match with the right group ID.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpackage_id type intOutput:getReleasesResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetReleasesResponse type ArrayOfFRSRelease - array of type FRSRelease
- release_id type int
- package_id type int
- name type string
- notes type string
- changes type string
- status_id type string
- release_date type int
- released_by type string
- getRootFolderDescription:Returns the document object id that is at the top of the docman given a group object
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group IDStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intOutput:getRootFolderResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetRootFolderResponse type int - getTrackerListDescription:Returns the array of TrackerDesc (light description of trackers) that belongs to the group identified by group ID. Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intOutput:getTrackerListResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type ArrayOfTrackerDesc - array of type TrackerDesc
- group_artifact_id type int
- group_id type int
- name type string
- description type string
- item_name type string
- open_count type int
- total_count type int
- reports_desc type ArrayOfArtifactReportDesc - array of type ArtifactReportDesc
- report_id type int
- group_artifact_id type int
- name type string
- description type string
- scope type string
- getUploadedFilesDescription:Get the file names of the file present in the incoming directory on the server.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intOutput:getUploadedFilesResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codegetUploadedFilesResponse type ArrayOfstring - array of type string
- getUserInfoDescription:Returns the user info matching the given idStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringuser_id type intOutput:getUserInfoResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type UserInfo
- identifier type string
- username type string
- id type string
- real_name type string
- email type string
- ldap_id type string
- listFolderDescription:List folder contents
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item IDStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type intOutput:listFolderResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codelistFolderResponse type ArrayOfDocman_Item - array of type Docman_Item- item_id type int
- parent_id type int
- group_id type int
- title type string
- description type string
- create_date type int
- update_date type int
- delete_date type int
- user_id type int
- status type int
- obsolescence_date type int
- rank type int
- item_type type int
- loginDescription:Login Tuleap Server with given login and password. Returns a soap fault if the login failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeloginname type stringpasswd type stringOutput:loginResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type Session
- user_id type int
- session_hash type string
- loginAsDescription:Login Tuleap Server with given admin_session_name and login. Returns a soap fault if the login failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeadmin_session_hash type stringloginname type stringOutput:loginAsResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type string
- logoutDescription:Logout the session identified by the given sessionKey From Codendi Server. Returns a soap fault if the sessionKey is not a valid session key.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringOutput:logoutResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source code
- monitorDocmanItemDescription:Enables the monitoring of an item by a user
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item IDStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type intOutput:monitorDocmanItemResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codemonitorDocmanItemResponse type boolean - moveDocmanItemDescription:Moves an item in a new folder
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item ID
new_parent New parent IDStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type intnew_parent type intOutput:moveDocmanItemResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codemoveDocmanItemResponse type boolean - retrieveSessionDescription:Retrieve a valid session with a given session_hash and version. Returns a soap fault if the session is not valid.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesession_hash type stringOutput:retrieveSessionResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type Session
- user_id type int
- session_hash type string
- searchDocmanItemDescription:Returns all the items that match given criterias
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item ID
criterias CriteriaStyle:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type intcriterias type ArrayOfCriteria - array of type Criteria- field_name type string
- field_value type string
- operator type string
Output:searchDocmanItemResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesearchDocmanItemResponse type ArrayOfDocman_Item - array of type Docman_Item- item_id type int
- parent_id type int
- group_id type int
- title type string
- description type string
- create_date type int
- update_date type int
- delete_date type int
- user_id type int
- status type int
- obsolescence_date type int
- rank type int
- item_type type int
- updateArtifactDescription:Update the artifact $artifact_id of the tracker $group_artifact_id in the project group_id with the values given by status_id, close_date, summary, details, severity and extra_fields for the non-standard fields. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, if the artifart_id is not a valid one, or if the update failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intstatus_id type intclose_date type intsummary type stringdetails type stringseverity type intextra_fields type ArrayOfArtifactFieldValue - array of type ArtifactFieldValue
- field_id type int
- artifact_id type int
- field_value type string
Output:updateArtifactResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type int - updateArtifactFollowUpDescription:Update the follow_up artifact_history_id of the tracker $group_artifact_id in the project group_id for the artifact $artifact_id with the new comment $comment. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, if the artifart_id is not a valid one, if the artifact_history_id is not a valid one, or if the update failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intartifact_history_id type intcomment type stringOutput:updateArtifactFollowUpResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type boolean
- updateArtifactWithFieldNamesDescription:Update the artifact $artifact_id of the tracker $tracker_name in the project group_id with the values given by status_id, close_date, summary, details, severity and extra_fields for the non-standard fields. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, if the artifart_id is not a valid one, or if the update failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intgroup_artifact_id type intartifact_id type intstatus_id type intclose_date type intsummary type stringdetails type stringseverity type intextra_fields type ArrayOfArtifactFieldNameValue - array of type ArtifactFieldNameValue
- field_name type string
- field_value type string
Output:updateArtifactWithFieldNamesResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codereturn type int - updateDocmanEmbeddedFileDescription:Updates a docman embedded file
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item ID
title Title
description Description
status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)
obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)
permissions Permissions
metadata Metadata values
owner Owner of the item
create_date Item creation date (timestamp)
update_date Item update date (timestamp)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type inttitle type stringdescription type stringstatus type stringobsolescence_date type stringpermissions type ArrayOfPermission - array of type Permission- type type string
- ugroup_id type int
metadata type ArrayOfMetadataValue - array of type MetadataValue- label type string
- value type string
owner type stringcreate_date type stringupdate_date type stringOutput:updateDocmanEmbeddedFileResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeupdateDocmanEmbeddedFileResponse type int - updateDocmanEmptyDocumentDescription:Updates a docman empty document
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item ID
title Title
description Description
status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)
obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)
permissions Permissions
metadata Metadata values
owner Owner of the item
create_date Item creation date (timestamp)
update_date Item update date (timestamp)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type inttitle type stringdescription type stringstatus type stringobsolescence_date type stringpermissions type ArrayOfPermission - array of type Permission- type type string
- ugroup_id type int
metadata type ArrayOfMetadataValue - array of type MetadataValue- label type string
- value type string
owner type stringcreate_date type stringupdate_date type stringOutput:updateDocmanEmptyDocumentResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeupdateDocmanEmptyDocumentResponse type int - updateDocmanFileDescription:Updates a docman file
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item ID
title Title
description Description
status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)
obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)
permissions Permissions
metadata Metadata values
owner Owner of the item
create_date Item creation date (timestamp)
update_date Item update date (timestamp)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type inttitle type stringdescription type stringstatus type stringobsolescence_date type stringpermissions type ArrayOfPermission - array of type Permission- type type string
- ugroup_id type int
metadata type ArrayOfMetadataValue - array of type MetadataValue- label type string
- value type string
owner type stringcreate_date type stringupdate_date type stringOutput:updateDocmanFileResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeupdateDocmanFileResponse type int - updateDocmanFolderDescription:Updates a docman folder
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item ID
title Title
description Description
status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)
permissions Permissions
metadata Metadata values
owner Owner of the item
create_date Item creation date (timestamp)
update_date Item update date (timestamp)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type inttitle type stringdescription type stringstatus type stringpermissions type ArrayOfPermission - array of type Permission- type type string
- ugroup_id type int
metadata type ArrayOfMetadataValue - array of type MetadataValue- label type string
- value type string
owner type stringcreate_date type stringupdate_date type stringOutput:updateDocmanFolderResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeupdateDocmanFolderResponse type int - updateDocmanLinkDescription:Updates a docman link
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item ID
title Title
description Description
status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)
obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)
content Content
permissions Permissions
metadata Metadata values
owner Owner of the item
create_date Item creation date (timestamp)
update_date Item update date (timestamp)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type inttitle type stringdescription type stringstatus type stringobsolescence_date type stringcontent type stringpermissions type ArrayOfPermission - array of type Permission- type type string
- ugroup_id type int
metadata type ArrayOfMetadataValue - array of type MetadataValue- label type string
- value type string
owner type stringcreate_date type stringupdate_date type stringOutput:updateDocmanLinkResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeupdateDocmanLinkResponse type int - updateDocmanWikiPageDescription:Updates a docman wiki page
sessionKey Session key
group_id Group ID
item_id item ID
title Title
description Description
status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)
obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)
content Content
permissions Permissions
metadata Metadata values
owner Owner of the item
create_date Item creation date (timestamp)
update_date Item update date (timestamp)Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intitem_id type inttitle type stringdescription type stringstatus type stringobsolescence_date type stringcontent type stringpermissions type ArrayOfPermission - array of type Permission- type type string
- ugroup_id type int
metadata type ArrayOfMetadataValue - array of type MetadataValue- label type string
- value type string
owner type stringcreate_date type stringupdate_date type stringOutput:updateDocmanWikiPageResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeupdateDocmanWikiPageResponse type int - updateFileCommentDescription:Update the comment of a File in a release with the values given by group_id, package_id, release_id, file_id and comment. Returns boolean if the update succeed. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the package does not match with the group ID, if the release does not match with the package ID, if the file does not match with the file ID, or if the update failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpackage_id type intrelease_id type intfile_id type intcomment type stringOutput:updateFileCommentResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeupdateFileCommentResponse type boolean
- updateReleaseDescription:Updates a Release in the File Release Manager of the project group_id with the values given by package_id, release_id, name, notes, changes and status_id. Returns true if the update succeed. Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the package does not match with the group ID, if the release does not exist or access to it is not permiited or if the update failed.Style:rpcOperation type:Request-response. The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message.SOAP action: (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codesessionKey type stringgroup_id type intpackage_id type intrelease_id type intnotes type stringchanges type stringstatus_id type intOutput:updateReleaseResponse (soap:body, use = encoded)Source codeupdateRelease type boolean
Port type CodendiAPIPortTypeSource code
WSDL source code
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<definitions targetNamespace=""
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</types><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfstring">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfInteger">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOflong">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfint">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="Revision"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfRevision">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="Commiter"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfCommiter">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="SvnPathInfo"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfSvnPathInfo">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="SvnPathDetails"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfSvnPathDetails">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="UserInfo">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfUserInfo">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="DescField"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfDescFields">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="DescFieldValue"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfDescFieldsValues">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ServiceValue"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfServicesValues">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="Session"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="Group"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfGroup">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="UGroupMember"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfUGroupMember">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="Ugroup"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfUgroup">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="TrackerDesc">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfTrackerDesc">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactType">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactType">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactFieldSet">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactFieldSet">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactField">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactField">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactFieldValue"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactFieldValue">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactFieldNameValue"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactFieldNameValue">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactFieldValueList">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactFieldValueList">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactRule">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactRule">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="Artifact">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifact">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="Criteria"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfCriteria">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="SortCriteria"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfSortCriteria">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactQueryResult"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArtifactCanned"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactCanned">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactFollowup">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactFollowup">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactReport">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactReport">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactReportDesc"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactReportDesc">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactFile">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactFile">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactReportField">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactReportField">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactCC">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactCC">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactDependency">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactDependency">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactHistory"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactHistory">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfInt">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactFromReport"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactFromReport">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactFieldFromReport"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfArtifactFieldFromReport">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArtifactFromReportResult"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="FRSPackage">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfFRSPackage">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="FRSRelease">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfFRSRelease">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="FRSFile">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfFRSFile">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="Docman_Item">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfDocman_Item">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="Permission"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfPermission">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="MetadataValue"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfMetadataValue">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="MetadataListValue"></xsd:complexType>
<xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfMetadataListValue">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="Metadata">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfMetadata">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ItemInfo">
</xsd:complexType><xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfItemInfo">
</xsd:complexType><message name="loginRequest"></message>
<message name="loginAsRequest"></message>
<message name="getGroupByNameRequest"></message>
<message name="getGroupByIdRequest"></message>
<message name="getGroupUgroupsRequest"></message>
<message name="getUserInfoRequest"></message>
<message name="getTrackerListRequest"></message>
<message name="getTrackerListResponse"></message>
<message name="getArtifactTypeRequest"></message>
<message name="getArtifactTypesRequest"></message>
<message name="getArtifactsRequest"></message>
<message name="getArtifactsResponse"></message>
<message name="addArtifactRequest"></message>
<message name="updateArtifactRequest"></message>
<message name="getArtifactByIdRequest"></message>
<message name="addArtifactCCRequest"></message>
<message name="deleteArtifactCCRequest"></message>
<message name="getPackagesRequest"></message>
<message name="getPackagesResponse"></message>
<message name="addPackageRequest"></message>
<message name="getReleasesRequest"></message>
<message name="getReleasesResponse"></message>
<message name="updateReleaseRequest"></message>
<message name="addReleaseRequest"></message>
<message name="getFilesRequest"></message>
<message name="getFilesResponse"></message>
<message name="getFileInfoRequest"></message>
<message name="getFileInfoResponse"></message>
<message name="getFileRequest"></message>
<message name="getFileChunkRequest"></message>
<message name="getFileChunkResponse"></message>
<message name="addFileRequest"></message>
<message name="addFileChunkRequest"></message>
<message name="addUploadedFileRequest"></message>
<message name="getUploadedFilesRequest"></message>
<message name="deleteFileRequest"></message>
<message name="getRootFolderRequest"></message>
<message name="getRootFolderResponse"></message>
<message name="listFolderRequest"></message>
<message name="listFolderResponse"></message>
<message name="searchDocmanItemRequest"></message>
<message name="createDocmanFileRequest"></message>
<message name="createDocmanLinkRequest"></message>
<message name="moveDocmanItemRequest"></message>
<message name="moveDocmanItemResponse"></message>
<message name="deleteDocmanItemRequest"></message>
<message name="updateDocmanFileRequest"></message>
<message name="updateDocmanLinkRequest"></message>
<portType name="CodendiAPIPortType">
<operation name="login">
<documentation>Login Tuleap Server with given login and password.
Returns a soap fault if the login failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="loginAs">
<documentation>Login Tuleap Server with given admin_session_name and login.
Returns a soap fault if the login failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="retrieveSession">
<documentation>Retrieve a valid session with a given session_hash and version.
Returns a soap fault if the session is not valid.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getAPIVersion">
<documentation>Returns the current version of this Web Service API.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="logout">
<documentation>Logout the session identified by the given sessionKey From Codendi Server.
Returns a soap fault if the sessionKey is not a valid session key.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getMyProjects">
<documentation>Returns the list of Groups that the current user belong to</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getGroupByName">
<documentation>Returns a Group object matching with the given unix_group_name, or a soap fault if the name does not match with a valid project.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getGroupById">
<documentation>Returns the Group object associated with the given ID, or a soap fault if the ID does not match with a valid project.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getGroupUgroups">
<documentation>Returns the Ugroups associated to the given project:
["ugroup_id" => 120,
"name" => "my custom group",
"members" =>Â [ ["user_id" => 115,
"user_name" => "john_doe"],
</operation><operation name="getProjectGroupsAndUsers">
<documentation>Returns all groups defined in project both dynamic and static (aka user group).
["ugroup_id" => 3,
"name" => "project_members",
"members" =>Â [ ["user_id" => 115,
"user_name" => "john_doe"],
["user_id" => 120,
"user_name" => "foo_bar"]
["ugroup_id" => 120,
"name" => "my custom group",
"members" =>Â [ ["user_id" => 115,
"user_name" => "john_doe"],
</operation><operation name="checkUsersExistence">
<documentation>Returns the users that exist with their user name</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getUserInfo">
<documentation>Returns the user info matching the given id</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getTrackerList">
<documentation>Returns the array of TrackerDesc (light description of trackers) that belongs to the group identified by group ID.
Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactType">
<documentation>Returns the ArtifactType (tracker) with the ID group_artifact_id that belongs to the group identified by group ID.
Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the group_artifact_id is invalid or is not a tracker of the project.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactTypes">
<documentation>Returns the array of ArtifactType (trackers) that belongs to the group identified by group ID.
Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifacts">
<documentation>Returns the ArtifactQueryResult of the tracker group_artifact_id in the project group_id
that are matching the given criteria. If offset AND max_rows are filled, it returns only
max_rows artifacts, skipping the first offset ones.
It is not possible to sort artifact with this function (use getArtifactsFromReport if you want to sort).
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one or if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactsFromReport">
<documentation>Returns the ArtifactReportResult of the tracker group_artifact_id in the project group_id
with the report report_id that are matching the given criteria.
If offset AND max_rows are filled, it returns only max_rows artifacts, skipping the first offset ones.
The result will be sorted, as defined in the param sort_criteria.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one or if the report_id is not a valid one.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="addArtifact">
<documentation>Add an Artifact in the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id with the values given by
status_id, close_date, summary, details, severity and extra_fields for the non-standard fields.
Returns the Id of the created artifact if the creation succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the add failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="addArtifactWithFieldNames">
<documentation>Add an Artifact in the tracker tracker_name of the project group_id with the values given by
status_id, close_date, summary, details, severity and extra_fields for the non-standard fields.
Returns the Id of the created artifact if the creation succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the tracker_name is not a valid one, or if the add failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="updateArtifact">
<documentation>Update the artifact $artifact_id of the tracker $group_artifact_id in the project group_id with the values given by
status_id, close_date, summary, details, severity and extra_fields for the non-standard fields.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one,
if the artifart_id is not a valid one, or if the update failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="updateArtifactWithFieldNames">
<documentation>Update the artifact $artifact_id of the tracker $tracker_name in the project group_id with the values given by
status_id, close_date, summary, details, severity and extra_fields for the non-standard fields.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one,
if the artifart_id is not a valid one, or if the update failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactFollowups">
<documentation>Returns the list of follow-ups (ArtifactFollowup) of the artifact artifact_id of the tracker group_artifact_id in the project group_id.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one,
or if the artifart_id is not a valid one.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactCannedResponses">
<documentation>Returns the list of canned responses (ArtifactCanned) for the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one or if group_artifact_id is not a valid one.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactReports">
<documentation>Returns the list of reports (ArtifactReport) for the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id of the current user.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactAttachedFiles">
<documentation>Returns the array of attached files (ArtifactFile) attached to the artifact artifact_id in the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one,
or if the artifact_id is not a valid one. NOTE : for performance reasons, the result does not contain the content of the file. Please use getArtifactAttachedFile to get the content of a single file</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactAttachedFile">
<documentation>Returns the attached file (ArtifactFile) with the id file_id attached to the artifact artifact_id in the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one,
if the artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the file_id doesnt match with the given artifact_id.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactById">
<documentation>Returns the artifact (Artifact) identified by the id artifact_id in the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one,
or if the artifact_id is not a valid one.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactDependencies">
<documentation>Returns the list of the dependencies (ArtifactDependency) for the artifact artifact_id of the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one,
or if the artifact_id is not a valid one.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactInverseDependencies">
<documentation>Returns the list of the dependencies (ArtifactDependency) that other artifact can have with the artifact artifact_id of the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one,
or if the artifact_id is not a valid one.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="addArtifactAttachedFile">
<documentation>Add an attached file to the artifact artifact_id of the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id.
The attached file is described by the raw encoded_data (encoded in base64), the description of the file,
the name of the file and it type (the mimi-type -- plain/text, image/jpeg, etc ...).
Returns the ID of the attached file if the attachment succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one,
or if the artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the attachment failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="deleteArtifactAttachedFile">
<documentation>Delete the attached file file_id from the artifact artifact_id of the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id.
Returns the ID of the deleted file if the deletion succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one,
if the artifact_id is not a valid one, if the file_id is not a valid one or if the deletion failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="addArtifactDependencies">
<documentation>Add the list of dependencies is_dependent_on_artifact_id to the list of dependencies of the artifact artifact_id
of the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id.
Returns true if the add succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one,
if the artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the add failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="deleteArtifactDependency">
<documentation>Delete the dependency between the artifact dependent_on_artifact_id and the artifact artifact_id of the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id.
Returns the ID of the deleted dependency if the deletion succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one,
if the artifact_id is not a valid one, if the dependent_on_artifact_id is not a valid artifact id, or if the deletion failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="addArtifactFollowup">
<documentation>Add a follow-up body to the artifact artifact_id of the tracker group_artifact_id of the project group_id,
with optionals comment type and canned response. If canned response is set, it will replace the body.
Returns nothing if the add succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one,
if the artifact_id is not a valid one, or if the add failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="updateArtifactFollowUp">
<documentation>Update the follow_up artifact_history_id of the tracker $group_artifact_id in the project group_id for the artifact $artifact_id with the new comment $comment.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one,
if the artifart_id is not a valid one, if the artifact_history_id is not a valid one, or if the update failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="deleteArtifactFollowUp">
<documentation>Delete the follow_up artifact_history_id of the tracker $group_artifact_id in the project group_id for the artifact $artifact_id.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the group_artifact_id is not a valid one,
if the artifart_id is not a valid one, if the artifact_history_id is not a valid one, or if the deletion failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="existArtifactSummary">
<documentation>Check if there is an artifact in the tracker group_artifact_id that already have the summary summary (the summary is unique inside a given tracker).
Returns the ID of the artifact containing the same summary in the tracker, or -1 if the summary does not exist in this tracker.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactCCList">
<documentation>Get the list of emails or logins in the CC list of a specific artifact</documentation>
</operation><operation name="addArtifactCC">
<documentation>Add a list of emails or logins in the CC list of a specific artifact, with an optional comment</documentation>
</operation><operation name="deleteArtifactCC">
<documentation>Delete a CC to the CC list of the artifact</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getArtifactHistory">
<documentation>Get the history of the artifact (the history of the fields values)</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getPackages">
<documentation>Returns the array of FRSPackages that belongs to the group identified by group ID.
Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="addPackage">
<documentation>Add a Package to the File Release Manager of the project group_id with the values given by
package_name, status_id, rank and approve_license.
Returns the ID of the created package if the creation succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, or if the add failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getReleases">
<documentation>Returns the array of FRSReleases that belongs to the group identified by group ID and
to the package identified by package_id.
Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the package ID
does not match with the right group ID.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="updateRelease">
<documentation>Updates a Release in the File Release Manager of the project group_id with
the values given by package_id, release_id, name, notes, changes and status_id.
Returns true if the update succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one, if the package does
not match with the group ID, if the release does not exist or access to it
is not permiited or if the update failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="addRelease">
<documentation>Add a Release to the File Release Manager of the project group_id with the values given by
package_id, name, notes, changes, status_id and release_date.
Returns the ID of the created release if the creation succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one,
if the package does not match with the group ID, or if the add failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getFiles">
<documentation>Returns the array of FRSFiles that belongs to the group identified by group ID,
to the package identified by package_id and to the release identfied by release_id.
Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the package ID
does not match with the right group ID, or if the release ID does not match with the right package ID.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getFileInfo">
<documentation>Returns the metadata of the file contained in
the release release_id in the package package_id, in the project group_id.
Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the package ID
does not match with the right group ID, or if the release ID does not match with the right package ID,
or if the file ID does not match with the right release ID.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getFile">
<documentation>Returns the <strong>content</strong> (encoded in base64) of the file contained in
the release release_id in the package package_id, in the project group_id.
Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the package ID
does not match with the right group ID, or if the release ID does not match with the right package ID,
or if the file ID does not match with the right release ID.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getFileChunk">
<documentation>Returns a part (chunk) of the <strong>content</strong>, encoded in base64, of the file contained in
the release release_id in the package package_id, in the project group_id.
You specify the offset where the download should start and the size to transfer.
Returns a soap fault if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the package ID
does not match with the right group ID, or if the release ID does not match with the right package ID,
or if the file ID does not match with the right release ID.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="addFile">
<documentation>Add a File to the File Release Manager of the project group_id with the values given by
package_id, release_id, filename, base64_contents, type_id, processor_id, reference_md5 and comment.
The content of the file must be encoded in base64.
Returns the ID of the created file if the creation succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one,
if the package does not match with the group ID,
if the release does not match with the package ID,
or if the add failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="addFileChunk">
<documentation>Add a chunk to a file in the incoming directory to be released later in FRS.
The content of the chunk must be encoded in base64.
Returns the size of the written chunk if the chunk addition succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the session is not valid
or if the addition failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="addUploadedFile">
<documentation>Add a File to the File Release Manager of the project group_id with the values given by
package_id, release_id, filename, type_id, processor_id, reference_md5 and comment.
The file must already be present in the incoming directory.
Returns the ID of the created file if the creation succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one,
if the package does not match with the group ID,
if the release does not match with the package ID,
or if the add failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getUploadedFiles">
<documentation>Get the file names of the file present in the incoming directory on the server.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="deleteFile">
<documentation>Delete the file file_id in release release_id in package package_id.
Returns true if succeed, or a soap fault if an error occured.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="deleteEmptyPackage">
<documentation>Delete a package or all empty packages in project group_id.
Returns the list of deleted packages if succeed, or a soap fault if an error occured.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="deleteEmptyRelease">
<documentation>Delete a release or all empty releases in package package_id.
Returns the list of deleted releases if succeed, or a soap fault if an error occured.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="updateFileComment">
<documentation>Update the comment of a File in a release with the values given by
group_id, package_id, release_id, file_id and comment.
Returns boolean if the update succeed.
Returns a soap fault if the group_id is not a valid one,
if the package does not match with the group ID,
if the release does not match with the package ID,
if the file does not match with the file ID,
or if the update failed.</documentation>
</operation><operation name="getRootFolder">
<documentation>Returns the document object id that is at the top of the docman given a group object <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="listFolder">
<documentation>List folder contents <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="searchDocmanItem">
<documentation>Returns all the items that match given criterias <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/>criterias Criteria<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="getDocmanFileContents">
<documentation>Returns the content of a file (or embedded file) base64 encoded. (version_number = -1 means last) <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/>version_number Version number<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="getDocmanFileMD5sum">
<documentation>Returns the MD5 checksum of the file (last version) corresponding to the provided item ID <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/>version_number Version number<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="getDocmanFileAllVersionsMD5sum">
<documentation>Returns the MD5 checksum of the file (all versions) corresponding to the provided item ID <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="getDocmanProjectMetadata">
<documentation>Returns the metadata of the given project <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="getDocmanTreeInfo">
<documentation>Returns the tree information of the given project <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>parent_id Parent ID<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="createDocmanFolder">
<documentation>Create a folder <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>parent_id Parent ID<br/>title Title<br/>description Description<br/>ordering Ordering (begin, end)<br/>status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)<br/>permissions Permissions<br/>metadata Metadata values<br/>owner Owner of the item<br/>create_date Item creation date (timestamp)<br/>update_date Item update date (timestamp)<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="createDocmanFile">
<documentation>Creates a docman file <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>parent_id Parent ID<br/>title Title<br/>description Description<br/>ordering Ordering (begin, end)<br/>status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)<br/>obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)<br/>permissions Permissions<br/>metadata Metadata values<br/>file_size File size<br/>file_name File name<br/>mime_type Mime type<br/>content Content<br/>chunk_offset Chunk offset<br/>chunk_size Chunk size<br/>author Version author<br/>date Version date (timestamp)<br/>owner Owner of the item<br/>create_date Item creation date (timestamp)<br/>update_date Item update date (timestamp)<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="createDocmanEmbeddedFile">
<documentation>Creates a docman embedded file <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>parent_id Parent ID<br/>title Title<br/>description Description<br/>ordering Ordering (begin, end)<br/>status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)<br/>obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)<br/>content Content<br/>permissions Permissions<br/>metadata Metadata values<br/>author Version author<br/>date Version date (timestamp)<br/>owner Owner of the item<br/>create_date Item creation date (timestamp)<br/>update_date Item update date (timestamp)<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="createDocmanWikiPage">
<documentation>Creates a docman wiki page <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>parent_id Parent ID<br/>title Title<br/>description Description<br/>ordering Ordering (begin, end)<br/>status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)<br/>obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)<br/>content Content<br/>permissions Permissions<br/>metadata Metadata values<br/>owner Owner of the item<br/>create_date Item creation date (timestamp)<br/>update_date Item update date (timestamp)<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="createDocmanLink">
<documentation>Creates a docman link <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>parent_id Parent ID<br/>title Title<br/>description Description<br/>ordering Ordering (begin, end)<br/>status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)<br/>obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)<br/>content Content<br/>permissions Permissions<br/>metadata Metadata values<br/>owner Owner of the item<br/>create_date Item creation date (timestamp)<br/>update_date Item update date (timestamp)<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="createDocmanEmptyDocument">
<documentation>Creates a docman empty document <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>parent_id Parent ID<br/>title Title<br/>description Description<br/>ordering Ordering (begin, end)<br/>status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)<br/>obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)<br/>permissions Permissions<br/>metadata Metadata values<br/>owner Owner of the item<br/>create_date Item creation date (timestamp)<br/>update_date Item update date (timestamp)<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="createDocmanFileVersion">
<documentation>Creates a docman file version <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/>label version label<br/>changelog Version changelog<br/>file_size File size<br/>file_name File name<br/>mime_type Mime type<br/>content Content<br/>chunk_offset Chunk offset<br/>chunk_size Chunk size<br/>author Version author<br/>date Version date (timestamp)<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="createDocmanEmbeddedFileVersion">
<documentation>Creates a docman embedded file version <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/>label version label<br/>changelog Version changelog<br/>content Content<br/>author Version author<br/>date Version date (timestamp)<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="appendDocmanFileChunk">
<documentation>Appends a chunk of data to the last version of a file <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/>content Content<br/>chunk_offset Chunk offset<br/>chunk_size Chunk size<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="moveDocmanItem">
<documentation>Moves an item in a new folder <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/>new_parent New parent ID<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="getDocmanFileChunk">
<documentation>Returns a part (chunk) of the content, encoded in base64, of the file/embedded file which id item_id of a given version version_number, if the version is not specified it will be the current one, in the project group_id.Returns an error if the group ID does not match with a valid project, or if the item ID does not match with the right group ID, or if the version number does not match with the item ID. <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/>version_number Version number<br/>chunk_offset Chunk offset<br/>chunk_size Chunk size<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="deleteDocmanItem">
<documentation>Delete an item (document or folder) <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="monitorDocmanItem">
<documentation>Enables the monitoring of an item by a user <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="updateDocmanFolder">
<documentation>Updates a docman folder <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/>title Title<br/>description Description<br/>status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)<br/>permissions Permissions<br/>metadata Metadata values<br/>owner Owner of the item<br/>create_date Item creation date (timestamp)<br/>update_date Item update date (timestamp)<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="updateDocmanFile">
<documentation>Updates a docman file <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/>title Title<br/>description Description<br/>status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)<br/>obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)<br/>permissions Permissions<br/>metadata Metadata values<br/>owner Owner of the item<br/>create_date Item creation date (timestamp)<br/>update_date Item update date (timestamp)<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="updateDocmanEmbeddedFile">
<documentation>Updates a docman embedded file <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/>title Title<br/>description Description<br/>status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)<br/>obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)<br/>permissions Permissions<br/>metadata Metadata values<br/>owner Owner of the item<br/>create_date Item creation date (timestamp)<br/>update_date Item update date (timestamp)<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="updateDocmanWikiPage">
<documentation>Updates a docman wiki page <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/>title Title<br/>description Description<br/>status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)<br/>obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)<br/>content Content<br/>permissions Permissions<br/>metadata Metadata values<br/>owner Owner of the item<br/>create_date Item creation date (timestamp)<br/>update_date Item update date (timestamp)<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="updateDocmanLink">
<documentation>Updates a docman link <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/>title Title<br/>description Description<br/>status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)<br/>obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)<br/>content Content<br/>permissions Permissions<br/>metadata Metadata values<br/>owner Owner of the item<br/>create_date Item creation date (timestamp)<br/>update_date Item update date (timestamp)<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><operation name="updateDocmanEmptyDocument">
</portType><documentation>Updates a docman empty document <pre>sessionKey Session key<br/>group_id Group ID<br/>item_id item ID<br/>title Title<br/>description Description<br/>status Status (none, draft, approved, rejected)<br/>obsolescence_date Obsolescence date (timestamp)<br/>permissions Permissions<br/>metadata Metadata values<br/>owner Owner of the item<br/>create_date Item creation date (timestamp)<br/>update_date Item update date (timestamp)<br/></pre></documentation>
</operation><binding name="CodendiAPIBinding" type="tns:CodendiAPIPortType">
</definitions><operation name="login">
</operation><operation name="loginAs">
</operation><operation name="retrieveSession">
</operation><operation name="getAPIVersion">
</operation><operation name="logout">
</operation><operation name="getMyProjects">
</operation><operation name="getGroupByName">
</operation><operation name="getGroupById">
</operation><operation name="getGroupUgroups">
</operation><operation name="getProjectGroupsAndUsers">
</operation><operation name="checkUsersExistence">
</operation><operation name="getUserInfo">
</operation><operation name="getTrackerList">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactType">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactTypes">
</operation><operation name="getArtifacts">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactsFromReport">
</operation><operation name="addArtifact">
</operation><operation name="addArtifactWithFieldNames">
</operation><operation name="updateArtifact">
</operation><operation name="updateArtifactWithFieldNames">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactFollowups">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactCannedResponses">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactReports">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactAttachedFiles">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactAttachedFile">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactById">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactDependencies">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactInverseDependencies">
</operation><operation name="addArtifactAttachedFile">
</operation><operation name="deleteArtifactAttachedFile">
</operation><operation name="addArtifactDependencies">
</operation><operation name="deleteArtifactDependency">
</operation><operation name="addArtifactFollowup">
</operation><operation name="updateArtifactFollowUp">
</operation><operation name="deleteArtifactFollowUp">
</operation><operation name="existArtifactSummary">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactCCList">
</operation><operation name="addArtifactCC">
</operation><operation name="deleteArtifactCC">
</operation><operation name="getArtifactHistory">
</operation><operation name="getPackages">
</operation><operation name="addPackage">
</operation><operation name="getReleases">
</operation><operation name="updateRelease">
</operation><operation name="addRelease">
</operation><operation name="getFiles">
</operation><operation name="getFileInfo">
</operation><operation name="getFile">
</operation><operation name="getFileChunk">
</operation><operation name="addFile">
</operation><operation name="addFileChunk">
</operation><operation name="addUploadedFile">
</operation><operation name="getUploadedFiles">
</operation><operation name="deleteFile">
</operation><operation name="deleteEmptyPackage">
</operation><operation name="deleteEmptyRelease">
</operation><operation name="updateFileComment">
</operation><operation name="getRootFolder">
</operation><operation name="listFolder">
</operation><operation name="searchDocmanItem">
</operation><operation name="getDocmanFileContents">
</operation><operation name="getDocmanFileMD5sum">
</operation><operation name="getDocmanFileAllVersionsMD5sum">
</operation><operation name="getDocmanProjectMetadata">
</operation><operation name="getDocmanTreeInfo">
</operation><operation name="createDocmanFolder">
</operation><operation name="createDocmanFile">
</operation><operation name="createDocmanEmbeddedFile">
</operation><operation name="createDocmanWikiPage">
</operation><operation name="createDocmanLink">
</operation><operation name="createDocmanEmptyDocument">
</operation><operation name="createDocmanFileVersion">
</operation><operation name="createDocmanEmbeddedFileVersion">
</operation><operation name="appendDocmanFileChunk">
</operation><operation name="moveDocmanItem">
</operation><operation name="getDocmanFileChunk">
</operation><operation name="deleteDocmanItem">
</operation><operation name="monitorDocmanItem">
</operation><operation name="updateDocmanFolder">
</operation><operation name="updateDocmanFile">
</operation><operation name="updateDocmanEmbeddedFile">
</operation><operation name="updateDocmanWikiPage">
</operation><operation name="updateDocmanLink">
</operation><operation name="updateDocmanEmptyDocument">
</operation>About wsdl-viewer.xsl
This document was generated by libxslt XSLT engine.
The engine processed the WSDL in XSLT 1.0 compliant mode.
This page has been generated by wsdl-viewer.xsl, version 3.1.01
Author: tomi vanek
Download at http://tomi.vanek.sk/xml/wsdl-viewer.xsl.
The transformation was inspired by the article
Uche Ogbuji: WSDL processing with XSLT
Author: tomi vanek
Download at http://tomi.vanek.sk/xml/wsdl-viewer.xsl.
The transformation was inspired by the article
Uche Ogbuji: WSDL processing with XSLT