Version Control with Git¶
This chapter is not a Git Tutorial. It focuses on the integration of Git with Tuleap and how to use it in an optimal way in this context. If you are not familiar with Git we warmly advise you to first read some of the documents listed in the references section (see Git References).
Git support has been designed to support multiple repositories for a given project as well as “Personal repositories” for each developer. This is consistent with the Distributed Version Control System philosophy which allows to delegate project features to be developped in separated repositories.
Git access (for both read and write operations) requires a valid SSH key to be configured in user account preference. See Account Maintenance for details.
Two types of repositories are available:
- Project References: the default, aims to catch the official version of project repositories. There might be several repositories and they can be organized into folders for grouping.
- Personal Fork (clone): each project member can clone References in order to publish it’s personal work. It aims to support the publish/integrator development model.
A reference can be created by project admin from the Git service home page, a reference name can be like reference-project_1.
A reference must be initialized:
cd mysources
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'initial commit'
git push<project_shortname>/<repo_name>.git master
If you have an existing repository with branches and tags you want to push, as an alternative you can run:
git push --mirror<project_shortname>/<repo_name>.git
Personal forks allow to support a fully decentralized development model where “References” are maintained by integrators and represent the official repositories of the project.
In this context, developments should happen in developers repositories (on developer’s computer) and are regularly pushed into a public repositories for sharing with other developers.
Tuleap “Personal Fork” are those public repositories.
If you ever need to group the selected repositories into a common namespace, you can give a specific path the repositories will be created in.

Git repositories fork screen
This screen also allows to fork across projects. Given you are administrator of a project with Git service activated, you can choose to create the forks in this project instead of into the personal area of the current project.
In this case, the forked repositories become “References” into the target project.
Repository settings¶
As a project admin, you are allowed to modify the configuration of any project repositories. This includes:
- textual description of the repository,
- access control,
- and “Email notification on push”
Access control¶
Project administrators can control permissions details of each repository. By default a repository is readable by all active users of the platform but only project member can modify it.
In “Git repository management” screen, project administrator can select the User Groups allowed to:
- READ: access the repository
- WRITE: push content into the repository (commits, new branches, deletion of branches, etc)
- REWIND: go behind git barriers and play with repo history. This is highly un-advised to activate it if you don’t know exactly what you are doing, you can erase your whole repository. You are warned!

Control Git repository permissions
Fine grained permissions¶
For a better permissions customization, project administrators can manage permissions branch by branch and tag by tag.
To do it, administrators must enabled fine-grained permissions. If the platform allows it, regexp can be used in pattern.
When regex are enabled, they are kept the way administrators wrote them, it might end up in a non working state, invalids regex are ignored without errors. Please see Gitolite regex documentation:

Control Git repository fined grained permissions
Email notification¶
It’s often a good idea to notify the whole team when someone pushes some new content into a repository. You can configure your repository to send an email a list of addresses (or even better a mailing list) upon pushes.
The content of the mail will depend on the push but you can modify:
- the email subject prefix
- the list of recipients
When you add a new recipient, the autocompletion is done with the list of valid users. You are not mandated to use them, you can force any address, like a mailing list one.
Once configured, any subsequent push will send an email to the selected addresses. Emails will contain:
- the list of commit pushed in the repository,
- the modified files (+diffstats)
- for each commit, the link to the diff in Tuleap gitweb interface
- for each reference (in commit description for instance), the corresponding automagic link
Please note that cross-reference extraction will not work if email notification is not configured.
Repository deletion¶
A repository can be deleted, this will create a backup named after {PROJECT_SHORT_NAME}_{REPOSITORY_NAME}_{DEL_TIMESTAMP}.tar.bz2 and move it into Git Plugin backup directory defined in plugin configuration. See import repository section Importing an existing Git Repository for backup reactivation.
Importing an existing Git Repository¶
There is no automatic procedure to perform repository import. To move one Git repository from one Tuleap project to another, there are two commands to type (after creating the new repository in the destination project):
git clone --mirror<source_project_shortname>/<repo_name>.git
git push --mirror<destination_project_shortname>/<repo_name>.git
You can configure you repository so that each time a push
is made, a webhook endpoint is called. Two categories of
webhooks are available:
- Custom Webhooks
- Jenkins Webhooks
Custom Webhooks¶
Custom webhooks are available for Git. See the Git section in the webhook documentation section.
Jenkins Webhooks¶
The best way to integrate a project with Hudson/Jenkins is to configure a Jenkins Webhook. Only one Jenkins Webhook is needed so you cannot create more than one. Please read Push notification from repository from Jenkins documentation for more information.
You can see the list of triggered jobs in the logs section of the Jenkins Webhook.
The hudson_git
plugin needs to be installed in order to be able to create Jenkins Webhook. Ask to
your site administrator if it is not the case on your Tuleap instance.
Git References¶
- The Official Git Web Site. See
- Pro Git book