Tuleap Overview

News and activity streams

Tuleap homepage is a sort of a fish-eye view of the global Tuleap activity. Several indicators are available:

  • Statistics: give the total number of hosted projects (excluding those that have a private status, as well as template and test projects), the total number of registered users, the total number of software packages downloaded and the total number of Web pages browsed by Tuleap users since the site opening.
  • Latest News: these are the last news of the hosted projects on the forge. Project members wants to share with you their work and keep you informed. Don’t hesitate to do so!
  • Newest Releases: shows a list of the most recent software releases (also known as new versions) that have been posted on the Tuleap site by the various projects. If you want to keep aware of new incoming releases visit this page on a regular basis. Tuleap also allows you to monitor the new software releases posted by a given project. To do so go to the Project Dashboard of this project by clicking on the project title and then select the monitor icon (image5) next to the release name. Once you monitor a project release, e-mail notification will be sent to you whenever the project team posts a new software release.
  • Newest Projects: the last 10 registered projects. Looking at this part of the dashboard on a regular basis will help you to keep informed on the new projects hosted on Tuleap.

We advise you to visit the Tuleap Home Page on a regular basis for it gives you an excellent idea of what is going on in terms of software development across SYS_ORG_NAME.

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