Other Services

Shell Account

Important Note: this feature can be deactivated by your Tuleap site administrator and may therefore be unavailable in your organization.

If the Tuleap administrators have enabled this feature, each registered user receives its own Unix shell account on the Tuleap Shell Account server. You can access your Tuleap Shell Account in 2 ways:

  • SSH: the secured remote shell is the preferred way to connect to the Tuleap Shell Account server. SSH clients are available for all platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac) and allows a secure link with your personal directories. It also provides you with a number of other useful utilities like scp for remote file transfer. To access your account type the following command and use your Tuleap login and password to authenticate yourself:

    ssh -l loginname SYS_SHELL_HOST

Whether you use SSH, a welcome banner will be displayed right after you log in. This message tells you what are the directories you are allowed to access. Use the Unix “cd” command to change the current working directory. Once logged in and if you are a member of several projects you must specify for which project you are going to work in this shell session. To this end use the following command:

newgrp projectname

You can use this command as many time as you want during a shell session when you are about to do work for another one of your project.

FTP Anonymous Storage Space

Each project receives its own FTP storage, the Anonymous FTP Space. If you need a controlled access to your files, it is recommended to use the web-based File Release System (Delivery Manager).

The anonymous FTP space can be used by the project members to upload any kind of documents or project data and deliverables they want. This storage will then be visible to any Tuleap users and all files placed in this directory can be freely downloaded. So make sure that you use this storage space for world readable files only.

  • Anonymous Users access: use an ftp client to connect to tuleap.example.com. Use “ftp” as login and your email address as the password. Then cd/pub/projectname to access the FTP Anonymous space.

  • Project Members access: use an ftp client to connect to tuleap.example.com. Use Tuleap login and password and then type cd SYS_DATA_DIR/ftp/pub/projectname to access the FTP Anonymous space. From there project members have both read and write access which means that they can upload files.

    To point to this storage space in your Web pages or your email to other users simply use the following URL:




Deprecation notice

SOAP API is deprected. Only security fix are applied when possible.

We strongly recommend to switch to REST APIs

Tuleap provides a SOAP API to access Tuleap through web-services. At this time, only session (login/logout) and tracker services are available.

A human-friendly description of the services is available at https://tuleap.net/soap/. It is a list of services, with a description of each function, its input, output and documentation

A more detailed description of the services is also available with the more formal WSDL language at https://tuleap.net/soap/?wsdl. The WSDL also includes the types definition.

You can find some examples of SOAP usage in these two sections: Tracker SOAP and Legacy tracker SOAP

Tuleap Command Line Interface (CLI)

Another way to use Tuleap is to use the command line interface (CLI). It’s a client application that use the SOAP API to interact with the Tuleap server. At this time, only session (login/logout) and tracker services are available. The CLI is currently missing a few features of the SOAP API (e.g. it is not possible to attach a file, a CC address or a dependency to an artifact), and the mail notification is not active with the CLI.

The full CLI documentation is available at http://tuleap.net/documentation/cli/html/en_US/