
Events are a very important feature of Tuleap Framework and you must familiarize yourself with those concepts in order to do any significant development.

There are two types of events:

  • Regular events (aka hooks)
  • System Events

The former is a open call for extensions. It’s a function call meant to be listened by plugins, while there are some usage of hooks within core itself, 99% of hooks are there for plugins. Hooks are synchronous.

The later is an asynchronous event queue meant for actions that can be delayed or actions that require higher privileges (esp. root).


There are two sides of a hook:

  • the caller code, often in Core. It’s there for a plugin to listen and extend the functionality.

  • the listener code, in a Plugin. React to something that is happening somewhere else.

    +-------+      +-----------+          +---------------+       +---------+ +---------+
    | User  |      | Business  |          | EventManager  |       | Plugin1 | | Plugin2 |
    +-------+      +-----------+          +---------------+       +---------+ +---------+
        |                |                        |                    |           |
        |                |                        |      listen(event) |           |
        |                |                        |<-------------------|           |
        |                |                        |                    |           |
        |                |                        |                  listen(event) |
        |                |                        |<-------------------------------|
        |                |                        |                    |           |
        | doSomething    |                        |                    |           |
        |--------------->|                        |                    |           |
        |                | --------------\        |                    |           |
        |                |-| Doing stuff |        |                    |           |
        |                | |-------------|        |                    |           |
        |                |                        |                    |           |
        |                | processEvent(event)    |                    |           |
        |                |----------------------->|                    |           |
        |                |                        |                    |           |
        |                |                        | event              |           |
        |                |                        |------------------->|           |
        |                |                        |                    |           |
        |                |                        | event              |           |
        |                |                        |------------------------------->|
        |                |                        |                    |           |

In the following sections, we will detail the hook management. To be consistent with the naming in the core we will stick to “event” term for “hook”. We will see how to define an event, how to listen to an event and how to process an event.

How to define an event

Every events are reified as a class with a constant NAME wich implements Tuleap\Event\Dispatchable interface. A minimal event is thus the following:

namespace Tuleap\Stuff;

use Tuleap\Event\Dispatchable;

class MyEvent implements Dispatchable

    const NAME = 'my_event';



Please note that the name used besides the constant must be unique across all events raised by the platform, therefore you must be specific enough to avoid ambiguities.

There is no restrictions about what you can put in an Event class. The event can have a constructor, private members, getters and setters, … This is useful to bring business logic to the event as we will see later.

Now that we have defined our event we can listen to it.

How to listen to an event

In our plugin, we need to declare that we want to listen to the event. This is done via the parent method Plugin::addHook. This method is often called in the constructor of the plugin but the preferred way is to call it in getHooksAndCallback:

public function getHooksAndCallbacks()

    return parent::getHooksAndCallbacks();

The value of NAME constant of the event will be used as the name of the callback, my_event in our example. Therefore we need to declare this method:

public function getHooksAndCallbacks()

    return parent::getHooksAndCallbacks();

public function my_event(\Tuleap\Stuff\MyEvent $event)


The method addHook accepts two additional parameters: function addHook($hook, $callback = null, $recallHook = false).

The $callback parameter is used to define the callback that will be used when we process the event.

The other parameter $recallHook is here for legacy reason and should not be used. If true, the name of the event was given as first parameter of the callback to be able to have only one callback with a big switch to do answer to different events. You don’t need to use it anymore.

How to process an event

When the core or a plugin wants to raise an event, it must use the EventManager:

$my_event = new \Tuleap\Stuff\MyEvent();


You can (should?) add some business logic into your event. This is useful to add some context to the listeners and allow them to give back results if needed. For example we can look at the following usage:

$event = new GetPublicAreas($project);
foreach($event->getAreas() as $area) {

This event is used to display additional information in the widget “Public areas”. For example the tracker plugin wants to list all trackers of the project whereas the docman plugin only displays a link to the service:

$project = $event->getProject();
if ($project->usesService('docman') {
    $event->addArea('<a href=…');

The class GetPublicAreas looks like the following:

namespace Tuleap\Widget\Event;

use Project;
use Tuleap\Event\Dispatchable;

class GetPublicAreas implements Dispatchable
    const NAME = 'service_public_areas';

     * @var string[]
    private $areas;

     * @var Project
    private $project;

    public function __construct(Project $project)
        $this->project = $project;
        $this->areas   = array();

     * @return Project
    public function getProject()
        return $this->project;

     * @return \string[]
    public function getAreas()
        return $this->areas;

     * @param string $html
    public function addArea($html)
        $this->areas[] = $html;

This is of course a simple example, your event may be simpler or more complex accordingly to your business need.

Legacy events


This chapter has only an explanatory purpose, information given should not be used for new code.

If you have already browsed Tuleap source code, you may have encountered an odd way to use processEvent:

EventManager::instance()->processEvent(Event::REGISTER_PROJECT_CREATION, array(
    'ugroupsMapping'        => $ugroup_mapping,
    'group_id'              => $group_id,
    'template_id'           => $template_id,
    'project_creation_data' => $data,

The first parameter is the name of the event Event::REGISTER_PROJECT_CREATION (in Event class you will find the documentation of the hook, esp. the parameters). The second parameter of hook call is an array with values.

On plugin side, to listen to the hook, in plugin constructor, developer would add:


and would implement a public method register_project_creation (from AgileDashboard plugin):

public function register_project_creation($params) {
    if ($params['project_creation_data']->projectShouldInheritFromTemplate()) {

The second parameter of hook call is the one passed as unique parameter of plugin hook method.

Hooks usage and pitfalls


Hooks are simple to use but it’s often hard to get right. When you are only listening to existing hooks, the work is rather easy because people already did the hard work for you once.

The tricky part is when you need to introduce a new hook.

First of all, the name of the hook must be self descriptive and generic. Most of the time, when you need to introduce an hook, it’s for one usecase and one plugin in particular. While the specific behaviour and naming should be placed in the plugin, the hook itself must not enclose anything related to your plugin.

A good way to name your hook is to name it after it’s place in the process execution:

  • PostArtifactCreation
  • PreEmailNotification


One common mistake when designing new hooks is the leak of information. The caller must never depend on a specific behaviour set by a listner.

When the calling code must deal with values modified by a plugin (try to avoid that by all means), the behaviour must be 100% under control of the caller code.

Example of leak:

EventManager::instance()->processEvent(self::ITEM_UPDATED, array(
    'item_metadata' => &$item_metadata,

if (isset($item_metadata['wiki_is_mediawiki'])) {

Here we have a code (maybe from docman) that sends an event after the update of an item with item_metdata passed by reference (for modification).

But the code, in the docman, check a specific value depending on a very specific other plugin (mediawiki). It’s bad because docman should have no knowledge at all that mediawiki even exist.

System Events

System events are meant for running tasks in the background. There is no way to give end user feedback other than email notification about things that are done during system events.

System events are basically a queue (there are several as plugins can manage their own queues). The queues are consumed on regular basis by a backend process. This backend process is a managed by a cron job (see src/utils/cron.d/codendi) that launch every minute the command src/utils/process_system_events.php

In Core, all system events are managed by SystemEventManager (which is, bye the way a good example of Core listening on Core events…). Let’s have a look at how users are renamed.

In site administration usergroup.php there is an event triggered when user name change:

EventManager()::instance()->processEvent(Event::USER_RENAME, array(
    'user_id'  => $user->getId(),
    'new_name' => $request->get('form_loginname'),
    'old_user' => $user)

This event is listened by SystemEventManager that will queue a SystemEvent:

case Event::USER_RENAME:
        $this->concatParameters($params, array('user_id', 'new_name', 'old_user')),

And finaly, there a class that corresponds to the system event type, SystemEvent_USER_RENAME that will hold the user renaming

 public function process() {
    list($user_id, $new_name) = $this->getParametersAsArray();

    $user = $this->getUser($user_id);
    $old_user_name = $user->getUserName();
    if (! $backend_system->renameUserHomeDirectory($user, $new_name)) {
        $this->error("Home directory not renamed");

Wrap-up, to add a new system event, developer should:

  • Create a new event
  • Listen to this event in SystemEventManager to properly queue the SystemEvent
  • Have class named after SystemEvent_EVENT_TYPE with a process method that finish by $this->done() when successful or $this->error() otherwise.

That’s all! All the process of instanciation and queue management is done by Tuleap.