

Tuleap Realtime brings interactivity when users are viewing the same screen at the same time. For example in Kanban, when one user move a card from one column to another, then the card is automatically moved for every users that are on the same Kanban.

This is an optional component, Tuleap will work pretty fine if you don’t use it.

First start of Tuleap Realtime

Clone the “realtime” project on gerrit Projects.

$ git clone ssh://[email protected]:29418/realtime tuleap-realtime

For non-developpers Tuleap Realtime

You can use the following docker image to build a package including code, dependencies, creating configuration file and offering you a tuleap-realtime service.

$ cd tuleap-realtime
$ docker run --rm -e UID=`id -u` -e GID=`id -g` -v $PWD:/realtime enalean/build-tuleap-realtime

And copy the generated rpm in the server that will run realtime server (We will come back later).

For developpers Tuleap Realtime

You can use the docker image enalean/node-dev-simple and run it after having made the installations (We will come back later).

Generate a self signed certificate

Before you start, you need to generate a self signed certificate for Node.js server machine.


These generated files can be where you want. Just after you will need to specify the path of ‘tuleap-realtime-key.pem’ and ‘tuleap-realtime-cert.pem’ files.


When you generate the CSR, only the Common Name is important and it has to be the site name to secure. As this is a dev setup, you can set the name to ‘NodeJS’ (used after).

# For Tuleap Realtime developers
$ cd tuleap-realtime
$ mkdir ssl && cd ssl/

# For Tuleap Realtime non-developers
$ cd /etc/pki/tls/

$ openssl genrsa -out tuleap-realtime-key.pem 2048
$ openssl req -new -key tuleap-realtime-key.pem -out tuleap-realtime-csr.pem
$ openssl x509 -req -days 800 \
    -in tuleap-realtime-csr.pem \
    -signkey tuleap-realtime-key.pem \
    -out tuleap-realtime-cert.pem

Descriptions of commands

  • openssl genrsa ...: Generate an RSA private key with a 2048 module size. ‘key.pem’ is the private key.
  • openssl req ...: Create a certificate signing request with the private key. ‘tuleap-realtime-csr.pem’ file contains the public key.
  • openssl x509 ...: Auto-sign the certificate signing request. ‘tuleap-realtime-cert.pem’ file is the certificate.

Install the certificate on your Tuleap server machine

Add the generated certificate to the trusted certificate lists on your Tuleap server machine.


Please read and follow instructions of Add a new certification authority to the CA bundle before continuing.

Then associate the hostname ‘NodeJS’ to the Node Docker container’s ip in ‘/etc/hosts/ on the Tuleap server.

Install the certificate on the client

Add the certificate on your browser. Then to declare at your browser it uses a correct certificate, associate the hostname ‘NodeJS’ to the Node Docker container’s ip in ‘/etc/hosts’ on your machine.

Create your own config file for Node.js server (if it isn’t already created)

The default config.json file look like:

  "nodejs_server_jwt_private_key": "private_key_to_change",
  "full_path_ssl_cert": "/etc/pki/tls/tuleap-realtime-cert.pem",
  "full_path_ssl_key": "/etc/pki/tls/tuleap-realtime-key.pem",
  "port": 443,
  "process_uid": 1000,
  "process_gid": 1000


If you use the rpm package the file ‘/etc/tuleap-realtime/config.json’ is directly created at package’s installation. You just need to modify it.

If you want your own config file you can create a file in ‘/etc/tuleap-realtime/config.json’. Generate a private key that will be shared between Node.js server machine and Tuleap server machine. You can use the following command. Be careful, Node.js server uses HS512 (HMAC and SHA-512) algorithm to sign tokens. Consequently to have a robust private key you need to generate a random key on 64 bytes (512 bits) or more.

$ head -c 64 /dev/urandom | base64

Set this private key in your ‘config.json’ file at the “nodejs_server_jwt_private_key” property. Add the path of ‘cert.pem’ and ‘key.pem’ files respectively with json keys “full_path_ssl_cert” and “full_path_ssl_key”.


This private key generated is used by JsonWebToken to permit secure communication between servers. Consequently it’s necessary to set the same private key on Node.js server and Tuleap server.

Change configurations on Tuleap server machine

Connect to the Tuleap server machine and change the ‘/etc/tuleap/conf/’ file:

$nodejs_server = 'NodeJS:4443';
$nodejs_server_jwt_private_key = '<your_private_key_generated>';


To connect to the Tuleap server you can follow instructions of Pro-tips.

Run the Node.js server

If you don’t use the rpm package

Install dependencies:

$ cd tuleap-realtime
$ npm install

Run the Node.js server machine:

$ cd tuleap-realtime
$ docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD/":/nodeapp --entrypoint=bash -p 4443:4443 enalean/node-dev-simple

On your server machine bash run the Node.js server with your config file argument:

# node server.js --config='etc/tuleap-realtime/config.json'

If you use the rpm package

You can use your machine as Node.js server machine (with nodejs and supervisor installed) or what you want.

Install package on Node.js server machine:

# yum install <package_name>.rpm

You can modify your config file in “/etc/tuleap-realtime/config.json”. Verify if your image docker is running with the same port written in your config file. Run the Node.js server:

# service tuleap-realtime start