Push your code¶
As a prerequisite, please read Don’t “Push” Your Pull Requests.
The Tuleap project uses Gerrit to ensure a proper review and integration of contributed code. It means that:
- Each and every commits is reviewed individually
- A Tuleap-contributor can vote between -2..+2 on each contribution
- A Tuleap-integrator submit is mandatory

Activity diagram: Tuleap contribution
As a commit is reviewed individually, it must be “autonomous” (corresponding to a task). It’s a small part of a bigger story but it’s fully functional at its level.
Ideally, a commit is the smallest possible part of a feature.
A good commit:
- Doesn’t break existing behaviour (unless it’s intended to, well documented and with an escape path for current users).
- Has tests (automated: unit, REST, SOAP or functional, described in commit message)
- Has security guards (filter inputs, escape outputs, csrf tokens)
- Has I18N code
- Can be “not UI perfect” as long as there is a short term action (commit) to address it validated by the Design team
- Might not have a direct effect on UI (modifications not visible) if it helps to reduce the size of upcoming reviews
A bad commit has:
- Fatal errors, warnings, notices
- Was not refactored
- Cannot work without “the next one”
- A meaningless commit message
As a contributor, it’s your duty to get your commits integrated, it’s useless to sum-up commits that depend of one another if the very first one is not validated.
Development repository is hosted on https://gerrit.tuleap.net
You can checkout https://gerrit.tuleap.net/#/admin/projects/tuleap. You need an account on gerrit in order to do the checkout.
The reference repository, stable, is “the true master” (ie. it’s from this repository that releases are rolled out). There are mirrors of stable repository available on Github or repo.or.cz, that are synchronized on every push on master.
Setting up your environment¶
- configure your local config to rebase when you pull changes locally:
$> git config branch.autosetuprebase always
- install local hooks:
$> curl -o .git/hooks/commit-msg http://gerrit.tuleap.net/tools/hooks/commit-msg $> chmod u+x .git/hooks/commit-msg
Please run make dev-setup
to install needed hooks
- Configure your gerrit environment
Login on https://gerrit.tuleap.net (same account than tuleap.net) and publish your ssh key (not needed if you are using http as transport).
$> git clone ssh://[email protected]:29418/tuleap.git
Push you changes¶
Tuleap follows the “master only” approach: each and every feature (or fix) shall be decomposed in small chunks meant to be included into master.
Most of the time (everything but small bug fix) the development of a feature require several commits. Therefore you should decompose your work so each commit is a small progress toward your goal: the final feature.
Each commit should work but, most important, should not break anything.
Commit message¶
A good contrib has a good commit message. You can look at Tuleap WIP dashboard to see what is expected.
Basically a good commit message has:
- One summary line that starts with the artifact reference (request #123, story #21)
- Summary line ~50 chars
- A description that explains the intent of the change (WHY you made those changes and not WHAT is inside the commit)
Publish workflow¶
The workflow is always the same:
- Create a local branch
- Hack & commit within the branch
- Before publishing, ensure every commit is relevant (history rewrite)
- Push in draft
- Ensure everything is correct gerrit side
- Publish !
Detailed steps:
- Create local branch:
$> git checkout -b my_fix
- Hack & commit
$> $EDITOR ... $> git commit -am "stuff"
- Prepare for publish
Here you look at the history and decide whether all the intermediate steps (commits) are relevant or if you need to clean up a bit
$> git fetch origin $> git rebase origin/master $> git log origin/master...
If there is only one commit, no problem (ensure there is a public reference like request #1234) you can move one.
If there are several small commits (like “Work in progress”, “typo”, …) they should be “squashed” together with git rebase -i. Example:
$> git rebase -i origin/master -> you get an editor with pick c36944f request #123: validate git repository name pick 098369f fix tests pick 3e040e7 typo
Here we have 3 commits but what we want to publish is one commit with the 3 changes. To do that, you can change the commands in the git-rebase-todo file like:
$> git rebase -i origin/master pick c36944f request #123: validate git repository name fixup 098369f fix tests fixup 3e040e7 typo
Save and quit, git will squash the 3 commits in one:
$> git log origin/master... c36944f request #123: validate git repository name
You are ready to publish !
- Send for review
$> git push origin HEAD:refs/drafts/master
- Check result on gerrit
The push command should have an url as output, open it and check that everything is fine.
- Publish
When everything is allright, publish the patch (“Publish” button) and set “tuleap-integrators” as reviewers
Update a contribution¶
You got a review and you need to make a change? There are several ways to do it
- Commit fix and rebase
- Checkout and amend
Commit fix and rebase¶
The basic workflow is:
- checkout your branch
- make the modifications
- commit the fix with commit message like “fix issue” (we will squash it after)
- rebase & fixup
- push draft
- publish
Most of the things were already described in the precedent section, we will focus on the “rebase and fixup”.
Once you made your fix, the result of a git log is something like:
$> git log c36944f request #123: validate git repository name 098369f fix issue from code review
Then, you want to incorporate the fix with the initial commit, so you need to rebase:
$> git rebase -i origin/master pick c36944f request #123: validate git repository name pick 098369f fix issue from code review
Make your changes:
$> git rebase -i origin/master pick c36944f request #123: validate git repository name f 098369f fix issue from code review # save and let rebase do the job
Now you only have one commit and you can push and eventually publish.
This works best when
- You have few commits in your branch
- Those commits are not modifying the same place you have to modify
This doesn’t work when:
- Someone else modified your commit (you will have to follow the “Checkout and amend” way)
Checkout and amend¶
In the gerrit interface for your patchset, you have a “Download” section with a ready to copy/paste git command. Ensure “checkout” is selected and copy/paste into your git repository.
You should get a message like:
$ git fetch ssh://[email protected]:29418/tuleap refs/changes/50/5050/3 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD remote: Counting objects: 13902, done remote: Finding sources: 100% (10/10) remote: Total 10 (delta 9), reused 9 (delta 9) Unpacking objects: 100% (10/10), done. From ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap * branch refs/changes/50/5050/3 -> FETCH_HEAD Warning: you are leaving 1 commit behind, not connected to any of your branches: 457871b request #8804 TV5 : accented letters converted to HTML entities when switching from HTML format to Text format If you want to keep them by creating a new branch, this may be a good time to do so with: git branch new_branch_name 457871b HEAD is now at 7de74b4... request #8840 Remove usage of Bless
You can make your own changes.
Then you should amend the commit with your changes:
$ git commit -a --amend
And finally you can push your changes (git push origin HEAD:refs/drafts/master & publish)
This works best when
- You have only one commit to fix
- You no longer have the commit locally
- Someonelse commited in your patchset (so your local reference is no longer up-to-date)
This far from ideal when
- You have commits with dependencies (the dependent commits will be OUTDATED)