Gerrit for Tuleap development¶
This section covers how to setup a local gerrit next to your Tuleap development platform in order to develop or debug.
This guide might lag a bit behind the current developpement. You can find an up to date readme in the sources.
Create a gerrit admin account¶
On Tuleap:
- As site admin create account for gerrit: gerrit-admin-28 with email address (eg.
Setup gerrit admin account¶
you@workstation $> make start-gerrit
- Go on gerrit web interface http://tuleap-gerrit.gerrit-tuleap.docker:8080
- Sign-in with gerrit-admin
- Generate an HTTP password (Settings > HTTP password)
Be careful, generate a password with only with alphanum [A-z0-9]+
Setup gerrit¶
you@workstation $> docker exec -ti tuleap-web bash
root@tuleap-web $> su - codendiadm
codendiadm@tuleap-web $> cd /usr/share/tuleap/tools/utils/gerrit_setup
codendiadm@tuleap-web $> ./ --password=<generated password in gerrit interface> --useremail=<[email protected]>
# password is the HTTP password you generated on gerrit
# you might need to install php-guzzle: yum -y install php-guzzle
Create gerrit reference on Tuleap¶
Go on Tuleap as site admin: Admin > Git > Gerrit
And create a new server with the SSH key you get with:
- Host: tuleap-gerrit.gerrit-tuleap.docker
- HTTP port: 8080
- ssh port: 29418
- login: gerrit-admin
- Identity file: /home/codendiadm/.ssh/id_rsa-gerrit
- Replication ssh key you@workstation $> docker run -ti –rm –volumes-from tuleap_gerrit_data busybox cat /home/gerrit/.ssh/
- Use ssl: no
- Version: 2.8+
- HTTP password: the one generated in interface at step 2
Initialize replication¶
you@workstation $> make start-gerrit
In your gerrit container :
- gerrit@tuleap-gerrit => ssh gitolite@tuleap-web (to add in known hosts)
- edit replication.conf to add the remote tuleap-web
- restart gerrit
Be careful, a repository that does not grant replication ugroup as reader for refs/* will not be able to replicate.