Create a new field¶
Here are important points to be checked while developing a new field. This applies also for new types of bind for list fields. Please note that some points may be irrelevant for some type of fields.
- Setup acceptance criteria in test suite
- Tracker Field Structure
- Specific properties?
- Field can be switch to another type (only sb/msb)
- Shared Fields
- Import/Export XML
- Field is duplicated on tracker inheritance (both tracker and project creation)
- Definition is NOT given through SOAP @deprecated
- Definition is given through REST (representations)
- Migrate field from TV3 (if not done)
- Definition is given through SOAP & REST
- Does new field can be used for burndown? Has it its own calculation mode?
- Artifacts
- Export/import CSV
- What does ‘None’ mean for this field?
- Default value
- Field is involved in notifications
- New value is sent in notifications
- Diff of the field appears in changesets
- Get/create/update NOT through SOAP @deprecated
- New value is Copyed on Artifact copy
- New value can be used in semantic
- New value can be updated on masschanges
- On an artifact with artifact links, on creating directly a child the field can be used
- Reports
- Field is searchable through criteria
- Field is displayed as a column in table
- Field is used to sort
- Field is used for aggregates
- Field is used to build charts
- Field is used to build cardwall
- Angular * Create/ edit modal * Cardwall edit in place * Card field in planning v2 * Card field in kanban + filter + highlight * Does field can be directly updated in Cardwall * Modal edit Release * Modal add a Task
- User documentation is accurate